
  • 网络Pakistan Television;PTV
  1. 巴基斯坦电视台公布的闭路电视画面录下了袭击者是如何攻击这座白沙瓦五星级酒店的。

    Closed-circuit footage aired on Pakistani television stations shows how easy it was for the attackers to hit the five-star star hotel in Peshawar .

  2. 事件的起因是,一张队员犯禁的照片在巴基斯坦电视台和国际互联网上传播开来,从照片中可以明显的看出一名队员不但拥抱了女性,并且还开怀畅饮。

    Pictures run by a Pakistani television channel and posted on the Internet showed one of the men hugging a woman and another apparently drinking a beer .

  3. 一天,希达亚图拉招生回来,发现父亲正在与巴基斯坦电视台驻本地的台长讨论刊登广告的问题。

    One day Hidayatullah came back from trying to enrol pupils to find my father sitting in the office talking about advertising with the local head of Pakistan TV .

  4. 巴基斯坦电视台播放了一段戏剧性的场面,巴基斯坦前军政府统治者佩尔韦兹·穆沙拉夫叛国案的保释被取消,之后他在伊斯兰堡逃脱了逮捕。

    In a dramatic scene captured on Pakistani television , the nation 's former military ruler Pervez Musharraf escaped arrest in Islamabad after his bail was revoked in a treason case .

  5. 她在巴基斯坦Geo电视台发表讲话。

    She spoke on Pakistan 's Geo TV .

  6. 录像在巴基斯坦当地电视台播放后引发了全国各地的抗议风暴。

    The video caused a storm of protest across Pakistan after it was shown on a local TV station .

  7. 这段录像原来由巴基斯坦一个电视台一刀未剪播出,手无寸铁的沙阿在录像中被射杀,倒在街上哀嚎,最后失血过多致死。

    What video showed The video originally aired uncut on Pakistani TV showing an unarmed Shah being shot and falling down in the street bleeding to death and screaming .