
  • 网络Barber;barbour;Bob;Haley Barbour;Samuel Barber
  1. 华纳兄弟与米高梅之间存在紧密关系:华纳兄弟董事长凯文?特苏哈拉(KevinTsujihara)是米高梅董事长加里?巴伯(GaryBarber)的亲密朋友。

    There are close ties between Warner Bros and MGM : Kevin Tsujihara , the Warner Bros chairman , is a close friend of Gary Barber , his opposite number at MGM .

  2. 职工大会秘书长布伦丹•巴伯(BrendanBarber)表示:移民工人正在为英国经济做出巨大的贡献,如果他们一夜之间突然离去,一些行业将会崩溃。

    Brendan Barber , general secretary , said : Migrant workers are making a substantial contribution to Britain 's economy , and some sectors would collapse if they were removed overnight .

  3. 如今巴伯考已经66岁,住在加州巴巴拉(SantaBarbara)。她说,现在她穿裙子不会超过略高于膝盖的高度。

    Now 66 years old and living in Santa Barbara , Calif. , Ms. Barbakow says her skirts won 't rise higher than just-above-the-knee this time around .

  4. 故事情节的细节尚未公布,但是CBS已经透露《小谢尔顿》里的三位演员伊恩·阿米蒂奇,兰斯·巴伯以及蒙塔纳·乔丹将会客串即将播出的《生活大爆炸》第12季。

    No storyline details are being shared , but CBS has revealed that Young Sheldon 's Iain Armitage , Lance Barber and Montana Jordan will appear in an upcoming episode of mothership series The Big Bang Theory .

  5. 据CBS报道,阿米蒂奇饰演的谢耳朵、巴伯饰演的乔治以及乔丹饰演的Georgie将会客串一集12月播出的《小谢尔顿》。

    Armitage 's Sheldon , Barber 's George and Jordan 's Georgie will make cameos in an episode that will air in December as their Young Sheldon characters , according to CBS .

  6. 由于其足球方面的知识颇为详尽,现年63岁的巴伯经营着伯明翰一家邮政拍卖公司sportingmemorys,同时还担任许多拍卖行的运动品估值顾问。

    With his detailed knowledge of the game , barber , 63 , runs sporting memorys , a postal auction business in Birmingham , and is a sports valuation consultant to various auction houses .

  7. 在IBM,负责员工项目的副总裁卡里•巴伯(KariBarbar)表示,她和同事注意到,过去几年来,管理人员在涉足包括其他部门人员的项目上通常都需要一些帮助。

    At IBM , Kari Barbar , vice president of work-force programs , says she and peers noticed managers in the past few years needed help with projects that included people outside their division .

  8. “日本的历史告诉我们,当经济萎靡不振并产生危机的时候,政治不作为的后果是十分严重的”,纽约州康宁市资产管理公司WaverlyAdvisors的战略师安德鲁•巴伯说。

    " The history of Japan serves as testament to what can happen when the political response to a malaise or crisis is stalemate , " says Andrew barber , a strategist at investment adviser Waverly advisors in Corning , N.Y.

  9. 巴伯是个观点激烈偏见严重的男子。

    Barber was a man of strong views and strong prejudices .

  10. 巴伯很快发现,战时节目单的吸引力最大。

    Barber soon found that wartime programmes had the greatest appeal .

  11. 巴伯:我还想在这里提一个有关中国外汇储备的问题。

    LB : Just to return to the reserves very quickly .

  12. 他们在所罗巴伯和约书亚的领导下回国。

    Then Joshua returned with all Israel to the camp at Gilgal .

  13. 你想讨论人格,巴伯。

    If you want to talk about character , bob .

  14. 你听到那些人说了巴伯是他们的英雄。

    You heard those guys . babe 's their hero .

  15. 毗大雅的儿子是所罗巴伯,示每。

    The sons of Pedaiah : Zerubbabel and Shimei .

  16. 巴伯有更糟的消息要告诉我。

    Barber had something even worse to tell me .

  17. 论巴伯《小提琴协奏曲》的歌唱风格

    On the Singing Style of Barber 's Violin Concerto

  18. 他叫丹尼。巴伯。是个警察。

    His name was Danny barbero . a cop .

  19. 他对巴伯的回回狂饮烂醉常常熟视无睹。

    He had often turned a blind eye to barber 's drinking sessions .

  20. 守护默顿与超越默顿&伯纳德·巴伯的科学社会学理论评析

    Stick to Merton and Surpass Him & Bernard Barber 's Sociology of Science Theory

  21. “你明明知道我们在此地有活干。”巴伯接着说。

    " You see the job we have on hand here ," added Babet .

  22. 比起他的代理人,我绝对是更喜欢巴伯。

    I infinitely prefer barber to his deputy .

  23. 巴伯有一张这场比赛的节目单。

    Barber has a copy of that programme .

  24. 巴伯还没有全部训练好。

    Barber isn 't fully trained yet .

  25. 童年时,巴伯会写信给足球俱乐部,然后焦急地等待他们的回信。

    As a child barber would write to football clubs and eagerly await their replies .

  26. 在接下来的12年里,巴伯碰到什么节目单就收集什么。

    For the next 12 years , Barber collected programmes if they came his way .

  27. 巴伯本人就独得四分。

    Babe himself drove in four .

  28. 巴伯前一天夜里大大地痛饮了一番,到了中午还宿醉未醒。

    Barber had gone on a monumental binge the night before and was still drunk at midday .

  29. 然而,和布朗与巴伯之间的这些相似之处同样具有启发性的,是他们之间的差异。

    No less illuminating , however , than these similarities between Mr Brown and barber are the differences .

  30. 大希律王拆除由所罗巴伯所建的圣殿,并建立一个更宏伟的。

    Herod the Great tore down the Temple that Zerubbabel had built and put up a grander one .