
  1. X波段光控相控阵雷达技术

    X-band optically controlled phased array radar technology

  2. 多输入多输出(MIMO)雷达作为近些年发展起来的一种新型体制雷达,它是传统相控阵雷达技术的进一步发展。

    As a new type radar system emerging in recent years , multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) radar is indeed the developing product of traditional phased-array radar .

  3. 相控阵雷达技术及其在防空系统中的应用

    Phased Array Radar Technology and Its Application in Air Defense Systems

  4. 宽带宽角扫描相控阵雷达技术研究

    Research of wideband and wide scan phased radar technology

  5. 随着相控阵雷达技术的发展,对波控系统的要求越来越高,特别是大尺寸天线阵面波束的快速扫描问题。

    With the rapid development of phased array radar technology , a high requirement is given to the radar beam steering system , particularly to fast beam scan steering for a large aperture antenna array .

  6. 固态有源相控阵雷达冷却技术探讨

    The Discussion of Cooling Techniques in Solid State Active Phased Array Radar

  7. 毫米波相控阵雷达关键技术结构设计研究

    A Study on Structural Design of Millimeter-Wave Phased Array Radar

  8. 收发全数字波束形成相控阵雷达关键技术研究

    Research on Key Technology of DBF Phased Array Radar

  9. 讨论了相控阵雷达的技术特点及微波技术在先进相控阵雷达中的应用。

    The technical features of phased array radar and the application of microwave technology in advanced phased array radar are discussed in this paper .

  10. 现代卫星通信、空间通信、相控阵雷达等技术的发展又从小型化、高寿命、高可靠性等方面对行波管提出了更高的要求。

    The higher requirement for TWT is also being promoted by modern satellite communication , space communication , phase array radar and etc. , from the aspect of smaller size , longer age , higher reliability and so on .

  11. 基于自适应高斯混合体模型的相控阵雷达TWS跟踪技术

    TWS Tracking Techniques Based on Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model in Phased Array Radar

  12. 某舰载相控阵雷达热设计技术研究

    A Study on Thermal Design Technique for a Ship-based Phased Array Radar

  13. 基于脉幅信息的相控阵体制雷达识别技术

    Phased-Array Radar Recognition Technology Based on Pulse Amplitude

  14. 论证了用于光控相控阵雷达的光电子技术,并给出了光子器件的选择依据。

    Demonstrate the photonic technology applied to OCPAA system and offer reasons for choice in photonic apparatuses .

  15. 最后,本文研究了相控阵雷达数字仿真技术,并结合跟踪资源管理以及任务调度管理的相关研究成果,编写了一套相控阵雷达数字仿真软件,验证了相关算法的有效性。

    Finally , this paper describes digital simulation methods of phased array radar , and designs digital simulation software with the existing research results of resource management and task scheduling to verify the validity of the relevant algorithms .

  16. 机械扫描雷达和相控阵雷达中的TWS技术

    TWS Technique in the Mechanical Scan Radar and Phased Array Radar

  17. 介绍了直接数字式频率合成技术(DDS)在分布式相控阵雷达幅相校正技术中的应用,并给出了两种DDS幅相校正的设计方案。

    This paper introduces the application of direct digital synthesis ( DDS ) in calibration of amplitude and phase of the distributed phased array radar , two DDS calibration of amplitude and phase design methods are also given .

  18. 相控阵雷达波控系统技术研究

    A Study on Technology of Phased Array Radar Beam Steering System

  19. 相控阵雷达多目标模拟器技术研究

    Study on Multi-target Simulator Technology of Phased - array Radar

  20. 相控阵雷达的计算机控制技术

    Computer Control Techniques of Phased Array Radars

  21. 着重介绍了利用光纤的延迟特性实现光控相控阵雷达的实时延迟技术。

    The true time delay technology for optically phased array radar using the delay characteristics of optical fiber is presented .

  22. 毫米波单刀多掷开关是毫米波多信道转换的重要部件,广泛应用于多波束雷达、相控阵雷达、电子对抗技术等方面。

    Millimeter wave single pole multiple throw switch is one of the most important device in multi-channel system , widely applied to multi-beam radar , phase array radar system , Electronic warfare system , and so on .

  23. 光控相控阵是近年来雷达技术中的研究热点,它通过光学延时的方法来抵消孔径渡越时间,可以应用在宽带甚至超宽带的雷达波束成形与处理中。

    In recent years optically controlled phased array becomes a hot spot in the research of radar technology . It uses the method of optical time-delay to offset the aperture fill time , so that it can be used in wide-band even ultra-wide-band radar beam forming and processing .

  24. 指出固态有源相控阵是今后相控阵雷达发展的方向,随着相控阵雷达技术的不断完善,它必将在防空系统中获得更广泛的应用。

    It is pointed that solid state and active phased array radar is the most important technology in the future .