
  • 网络Short circuit between phases;Phase-Phase
  1. PLC控制电机正反切换出现相间短路问题分析

    Analysis of Interphase Short Circuit at Switching Process for PLC Controlling Motor Rotation

  2. 三种用PLC控制的防止相间短路的电动机正反转控制电路

    Three positive and negative rotary-controlling circuits of motors using PLC control to prevent short circuit between phases

  3. 但对相间短路故障,三相式变压器△侧绕组差动保护接套管TA时,接法不同,保护效果则不同。

    But for inter phase short circuit fault , the different TA connection modes have different protection effectiveness when the bushing TA is connected to the differential protection relay at delta side winding of 3 phase transformer .

  4. 多回路分析(MLA)方法应用于同步发电机定子绕组内部匝间短路、相间短路以及定子单相接地故障的分析,可以取得比较准确的仿真结果。

    It is successful to apply Multi-loop Analysis ( MLA ) to the simulations of synchronous generators on stator internal faults and single-phase grounding faults .

  5. 通过分析10kV自闭贯通线路短路和接地故障特征,建立了故障检测模型,对铁路自闭贯通线路发生相间短路故障和单相接地故障进行了仿真。

    The characteristic for short circuit and earth fault of 10 kV railway power transmission lines for automatic block systems was analyzed , and a fault detection model was built .

  6. 通过FTU对采集量的计算和分析实现了单相短路和相间短路故障的判断以及故障定位、故障隔离及接地故障分析和检测等功能。

    It is implemented by the FTUs ' calculating and analyzing for the sampling parameters for the diagnosis of the single phase fault and the phase to phase fault , the fault location , the fault isolation and the analysis and measurement of ground fault .

  7. 通过对10kV铁路自闭、贯通输电线路特点的分析,研究了其相间短路、单相接地等不同故障的特性,并在此基础上设计了故障信息综合处理系统。

    Through the analysis of the traits of 10 kV railway auto-blocking and continuous feed line , the characteristics of different faults such as short circuit between phases and grounding failure of single phase were researched . On this basis , a fault information process system was designed .

  8. 牵引变电所相间短路保护及其分析

    Analysis on Protection against Phase-to-phase Short Circuits in AC Traction Substations

  9. 但实际运用中发现,相间短路后的情况不一定如此。

    However , the actual circumstances after the inter-phase short circuit may differ .

  10. 自并励汽轮发电机相间短路后备保护配置与整定的探讨

    Configuration and setting research on back-up protection of turbine generator with self-shunt excitation

  11. 输电线路相间短路故障点定位的算法

    A Method of Locating Fault Point at Transmission Line with Short-circuited Two Phases

  12. 中小型水电站电气设备相间短路的保护

    Protection of electric equipment 's line-to-line short circuits for medium and small-sized hydroelectrical station

  13. 变压器外部相间短路时继电保护配置方案研究

    A Study on Arrangement of Relay Protections in External Interphase Short Circuit of a Transformer

  14. 树状配电网相间短路的多端激励法故障诊断

    Multi - port Excitation Method Fault Diagnosis for Line-to-Line Fault on the Distribution System with Tree Structure

  15. 改进的配电网相间短路故障定位隔离算法

    An Improved Arithmetic on the Location and Isolation of Interphase short Circuit Fault in Power Distribution Network

  16. 而采用不完全星形接线,在某两相发生相间短路时,保护装置的灵敏度将减小一半,但可采取在其公共线上接入第三个电流断电器的方法提高其灵敏度。

    However , a third circuit relay can be used on common lines in order to improve the sensitivity .

  17. 一种性能完善的发电机相间短路保护的分析

    AnaIysis of one Kind of Excellent Performance of Protective Device for Phase to Phase Short Circuit Fault in Generator

  18. 既是相间短路保护、匝间短路和单相接地保护,也可兼作过电压保护。

    This relay is both an interphase fault , turn-to-turn , single earth fault protection and an overvoltage protection .

  19. 在配电网故障中绝大部分是单相接地故障,该故障发生后若不及时处理,容易扩大为相间短路。

    Most of the faults are the single phase grounding faults , if ignored , will be likely to expand to interphase short circuit .

  20. 纵差保护作为防御发电机定子绕组及其引出线相间短路的主保护,对发电机安全高效运行起着重要作用。

    The Differential operation is a major protector for the stator winding and leading wire of a generator , to ensure the generator operating effectively .

  21. 以A相作为参考相,分三相相间短路、两相相间短路、两相相间短路接地及单相短路接地等4种情况建立变结构支路短路电流复合序网法的数学模型。

    With phase A as reference , its mathematics model is constructed for the three-phase short-circuit , two-phase short-circuit , two-phase grounding , single-phase grounding respectively .

  22. 三相相间短路和三相接地短路行波图法治和德治,是相辅相成、相互促进的。

    Dispersion waveform of travelling wave propagation of three-phase short-circuit and three-phase to earth short-circuit Role of virtue and rule by law supplement and promote each other .

  23. 该文提出利用线路故障产生的暂态行波实现配电架空线、电缆混合线路单相接地及相间短路故障测距,分析了故障初始行波模分量的暂态特征。

    Using transient traveling waves generated by fault to locate single-phase earth fault or short circuit fault in distribution feeders mixed with overhead lines and cables is proposed .

  24. 仿真分析结果表明,利用此模型判断相间短路和单相接地故障类型及所在区间是可行的。

    Simulation results show that it is feasible to detect phase to phase short circuit and single phase earth fault and determine the location of the faults with the proposed model .

  25. 保护相间短路的模拟式功率方向继电器内角α的整定值只有两个(30°、45°),用户只能在这两个值中选其一;

    There are only two set values ( 30 °, 45 °) for interior angle a of the stimulated directional power relay as the protection in phase to phase short circuit fault .

  26. 随后利用电路理论对这种变压器的各种相间短路故障进行了分析,得到了各种故障情况下变压器高低压侧各相电流间的关系。

    The relations between the currents of all phases and at both sides are drawn out by applying circuit theories and analyzing different inter phase short circuit faults of this kind transformer .

  27. 常见的电机故障有定转子绕组匝间短路、相间短路和绕组接地、转子断条和端环断裂、转子偏心等。

    The general faults of electromotor are turn-to-turn short in winding of stator and rotor , earth connection in winding , broken-bar in rotor , collapsing in end ring , and air-gap eccentricity .

  28. 最后通过对独立电力系统中异步电动机相间短路故障的仿真研究,提出了加装功率方向元件的定时限过电流保护的配置方案。

    Finally , with the study on simulation of interphase short circuit fault of induction motor on independent power system , the paper proposes a scheme of time overcurrent protection which has power directional element .

  29. 变压器差动保护电流相位调整通常采用Y→△变换,在单相故障时灵敏度低于相间短路与三相短路灵敏度。

    Y →△ transformation is conventionally used by CT secondary current phase adjusting of transformer differential protection while its sensitivity of single phase to earth fault is lower than that of three phase fault and inter phase fault .

  30. 控制单元根据采样单元得到的电流采样值计算有效值,并与设定的过流门限进行比较,当检测出相间短路大电流时,将故障信息通过通讯模块上传至上位机。

    According to the results from sampling unit , the control unit calculates the effective value , and compares it to the threshold value . When fault current detected , FTU uploads the fault information to the server via communication module .