
xiānɡ ɡān jiē shōu
  • coherent reception
  1. 信道估计对于相干接收的OFDM系统至关重要,其性能的优劣将直接影响整个系统的性能。

    To the OFDM system using coherent reception is very important for estimation of channel . And good or bad of the performance can directly affect the performance of whole system .

  2. 本文介绍采用相干接收方法的高密集度频分复用光纤通信的基本原理及实现这种接收方法的技术难点。

    This paper introduces the fundamental principle of the high density FDM fiber optic communications with coherent reception and key points for its realization .

  3. 相干接收随机访问多码CDMA在多径衰落信道中的容量性能研究

    Capacity of Coherent Random Access Multi Code CDMA in Multipath Fading Channels

  4. 非相干接收对CDMA闭环功率控制影响的研究

    Non-coherent Reciever and Closed-loop Power Control Of CDMA

  5. WCDMA系统的导频信号辅助相干接收技术

    The Research of Pilot Signal Aided Correlating Receiver in WCDMA System

  6. 全响应CPM信号的一种非相干接收技术

    A Noncoherent Receiver of Uncoded Full Response Continuous Phase Modulation Signal

  7. M序列编码的MSK信号的非相干接收的错误概率

    Noncoherent reception error probability for m-sequence coded MSK signals

  8. 本文研究DS-CDMA系统在Nakagami衰落信道下,应用相干接收时的误码性能基础上,对多径衰落信道中误码率算法作了改进。

    In this paper , the BER for DS CDMA system in Nakagami channel by coherent receiver has been derived .

  9. 并对相干接收与自相关接收进行了简要说明后,然后概述了全数字接收机情况。(3)对基于OOK调制和PPM调制的能量检测接收机性能进行了分析。

    After simple introducing coherent and autocorrelation receiver , give an overview of all digital receiver situation . ( 3 ) PPM modulation and OOK modulation of the energy detection receiver performance is analyzed .

  10. 二进制启闭键控(OOK)调制是所有调制方式中最简单的一种,最大的优点在于能够采用结构简单的非相干接收方式,可以实现低功耗。

    OOK modulation is the simplest of all modulation schemes , and the most significant advantage is that it can use the non-coherent receiver with simple structure , so it can achieve low power consumption .

  11. 一种双载频差侧音相干接收解调方法

    A Method of Bi carrier Frequency Difference Sidetone for Coherent Demodulation

  12. 与寻常相干接收方案相比,省去了中频跟踪电子系统;

    Compared with the conventional heterodyne scheme , it avoids the complicated intermediate-frequency tracking system .

  13. 本文也对最近提出的用于改进相干接收光电前端性能和发射机端的信号波型整形和预补偿的最新算法进行了讨论。

    Recent technology advance on transmitter-side DSP such as digital pulse-shaping , pre-equalization and digital nonlinear compensation has also been discussed .

  14. 无论是相干接收还是直接接收,都无法消除或减弱非线性相位噪声对系统的影响。

    Either coherent receiver or the direct receiver can they not eliminate or reduce the impact of nonlinear phase noise on the system .

  15. 超宽带差分非相干接收方式能够很好的解决上述问题,但是此接收方式会因为缺乏同步信息而导致性能下降。

    The UWB differential scheme with a non-coherent receiver offers a way to solve these problems , but may lead to performance degradation due to inadequate synchronization knowledge .

  16. 为完善圆偏振通信系统系统,分析了光学元件对通信性能的影响,并提出采用相干接收技术等措施来提高系统的接收灵敏度、误码性能以及抗大气扰动的能力。

    To improve the performance of the communication systems , the impact on the communication performance of optical components is analyzed in the paper , and the technology of coherent detection is adopted , which effectively can improve the receiving sensitivity , BER performance and the ability of anti-atmospheric disturbance .

  17. 本文针对WCDMA这一最新改变,给出了利用公共导频信道进行信道估计,实现相干RAKE接收的模型算法、性能分析及仿真结果。

    A RAKE receiver for WCDMA downlink physical channel with the channel estmation by the CPICH is presented .

  18. 在此基础上,深入研究了导频辅助的相干Rake接收和M元正交调制的非相干Rake接收技术。

    Based on the foundation , this paper go deep into researching the technology of pilot-aided coherent Rake reception and orthogonal M-ary non coherent Rake reception .

  19. 信道估计技术是WCDMA移动通信中非常重要的一项技术,它是相干RAKE接收的关键部分。

    Channel estimation is one of the most important techniques in WCDMA mobile communication systems . The channel estimation is the key part of coherent demodulation of RAKE receiver .

  20. 但是利用扩频信号的自相关特性,可分辨多径可以被有效分离,最优接收机等效为对多个具有独立平坦衰落信道(或频率非选择性信道)特性的多径信号进行最大比合并,即相干RAKE接收。

    However , multipath components can be resolvable due to the autocorrelation of the spread spectrum signal , thus the optimal receiver equals coherent RAKE reception , i.e. maximum ratio combining the independent components which endure flat fading or frequency non-selective fading .

  21. 一种新颖的水声相干通信接收算法

    A novel receiver algorithm for underwater acoustic coherent communications

  22. 具体是采用波分复用来隔离传感光信号与通信光信号,同时应用光相干外差接收来分离传感与通信之间的电信号频谱。

    Wavelength division multiplexing was adopted to isolate the sensing light and the communication light . The optical heterodyne detecting was used to vary the spectrum of sensing signal from the communication signal .

  23. 采用多量子阱光折变器件的新型相干光通信接收方案探索

    New Coherent Reception Optical Communication Utilizing Photorefractive Multiple Quantum Well Device

  24. 由于WCDMA系统上行链路采用的是基于相干解调的RAKE接收方案,故要求对信号在多径衰落信道中所经历的衰落作出准确实时的估计,以便在RAKE接收机中实现相位纠偏和相干接收。

    Since WCDMA up-link adopt the RAKE receiver using coherent detection system , the exact and Real-time channel fading estimation of the transmitted signal is needed to realize the phase correction and coherent reception .

  25. 空间相干光通信中接收天线像差会使光外差效率下降。

    Heterodyne efficiency is reduced by aberration of receiving antenna for space coherent optical communication .

  26. 与偏振无关的相干光外差平衡接收技术研究

    Study on Polarization Independent Heterodyne Balanced Receiver

  27. 本文提出采用时间分集技术减轻大气湍流的影响。时间分集系统是根据大气传输的时间相干特性来改善接收效果。

    Statistically , laser propagation along an atmospheric path is uncorrelated with an earlier-time path for a time interval greater than the atmospheric turbulence correlation time .

  28. 在干扰相干背景下,接收信号协方差矩阵中信号空间的一些向量收敛到噪声空间中,仅利用二阶信息不能准确地得到干扰的方向信息,因而干扰抑制效果较差。

    In the coherent interference environment , the jammer 's information can not be completely obtained only by the second order covariance information because the vector of signal subspace will converge into noise subspace , and it is difficult to get a good result of interference suppression .