
  • 网络camera calibration
  1. 基于平面约束的CCD相机标定方法改进

    The Improvement of the CCD Camera Calibration Method Based on the Plane Bound

  2. 基于双LCD的相机标定模型及其精度分析

    Model and Accuracy Analysis of Camera Calibration Based on Double LCDs

  3. 宽覆盖面阵CCD测绘相机标定方法

    Calibration of the frame CCD mapping camera with wide overcast

  4. 大视场多CCD拼接相机标定方法研究

    A Calibration of Multi-CCD Ballistic Camera with Wide Field of View and High Precision

  5. 基于径向约束的CCD相机标定参数的整体优化

    The Integrated Optimization of the CCD Camera Calibration Parameters Based on Radial Alignment Constraint

  6. 基于LCD平面格网和有限元内插模型的相机标定

    Camera Calibration Based on LCD Planar Grid and Interpolation by Finite Elements

  7. TDICCD遥感相机标定技术的研究

    Research on the Calibration Technique of the TDI CCD Remote Sensing Camera

  8. 角点检测在光流计算、运动估计、形状分析、相机标定和3D重建、视觉的定位和测量等方面都有重要的应用;

    Corner detection have been used in optical flow computation , motion estimate , object tracking , shape analysis , camera calibration , 3D reconstruction , location and measure of machine vision .

  9. 相机标定的Tsai两步法是一种理论上的探讨,缺乏方法的完善性和完整的标定程序以及实际验证。

    Tsai method is a method in theory without perfect calibration procedure and validation .

  10. 通过对现有CCD相机标定方法的综合分析,提出利用建筑物立面现成规则图形纹理结构的垂直摄影法来完成CCD相机综合误差的标定。

    This technical route was based on integrated CCD camera calibration and image registration by orthograph . CCD camera calibration was accomplished by vertical photograph on the wall of buildings .

  11. 目前相机标定多采用Tsai和Weng的基于非线性成像模型的分步标定法。

    Tsai 's and Weng 's two-stage methods with distortion model are often used in camera calibration .

  12. 提出了一种全自动、基于纯平液晶显示器(LCD)平面格网、非参数畸变差和有限元内插模型的相机标定方法。

    A new camera calibration method is presented based on completely flat liquid crystal display ( LCD ) and the interpolation model of digital elevation model ( DEM ) by finite elements , which belongs to non-parametric distortion calibration model .

  13. 基于该方法本文系统地提出了无相机标定下极线校正的方案并开发了对应的FCP插件,在实际应用中验证了所提方案的有效性。

    Based on this method , this paper also systematically proposes a epipolar rectification calibration scheme which is feasible in actual application in the case of no stereo calibration and developes the corresponding FCP plug-in .

  14. 单目视图下相机标定和平面测距研究

    Research on camera calibration and plane measurement from a single view

  15. 然后按照相机标定要求,进行了实验操作。

    And then follow the camera calibration requirements for the laboratory .

  16. 一种基于单视图的可变焦相机标定方法

    Calibration method of camera with variable focal length based on single-view

  17. 传统相机标定技术大都利用了射影变换保持点共线和线共点的性质。

    Traditional calibration technology mostly uses these properties in projective transformation .

  18. 基于一维标定物和改进进化策略的相机标定

    Cameras Calibration Based on One-Dimensional Reference Object and Improved Evolutionary Strategy

  19. 空间机器人中相机标定方法探讨

    Research on the methods of camera calibration for space robots

  20. 基于径向畸变的数码相机标定及三维重建

    Digital Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction Based on Nonlinear Model Radial Distortion

  21. 一种新型可见光条纹相机标定系统

    A new type of calibrating system of streak camera

  22. 基于相机标定的交汇测量系统精度分析

    Accuracy analysis of intersection measuring system with camera calibration

  23. 交通事故摄影测量中相机标定的扩展两步法

    Extended-two-step camera calibrated method of traffic accident scene measurement

  24. 基于平面控制格网的相机标定算法研究

    Research on camera calibration algorithm using planar control grid

  25. 提出了一种无需相机标定的立体图像对平面投影变换校正方法。

    A method is present to rectify stereo pairs without calibration for cameras .

  26. 研究了常用的相机标定原理。

    The general principle of camera calibration is studied .

  27. 基于圆形特征点的非线性相机标定方法

    Nonlinear Camera Calibration Method Base on Circular Feature Points

  28. 基于圆形标志点的全自动相机标定方法

    Fully automatic camera calibration method based on circular markers

  29. 交通事故现场相机标定及测距技术研究

    Research on the Technique of Camera Calibration and Measurement of Traffic Accident Scene

  30. 一种新的基于灭点的相机标定方法

    New method of camera calibration with vanishing points