
  • 网络phased-array;Phased array;AESA
  1. 在论文中,通过分析相位阵列天线,将粒子群优化算法和遗传算法作了比较。

    In this paper , a particle swarm optimizer is implemented and compared to a genetic algorithm for phased array .

  2. 另外,我们证明了在高信号杂讯比时,多输入多输出技术在增加通道容量的表现上会比相位阵列天线表现的还要好。

    We also demonstrate that MIMO techniques are more effective in increase channel capacity than phased array techniques at high SNR .

  3. 相位阵列线圈高分辨MRI显示肛管和肛周结构及其意义

    The demonstration of the normal anal canal and perianal structures by high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging with a phased-array coil

  4. 结论:体外相位阵列线圈高分辨MRI技术可清楚显示肛管和肛周结构的正常解剖,可为肛管区域病变的正确诊断和治疗提供较精确的解剖信息。

    Conclusions : High-resolution MRI technique with a phased-array coil provides information for the normal anatomy of the anal canal and perianal structures . The results suggest useful applications in the diagnosis and management of anal diseases .

  5. 在此基础上,通过结合组织近红外光谱学技术(NIRS)与现代激光技术,研究了一种用近红外光学相干相位阵列调制法探测生物组织非均匀性(肿瘤)的新方法。

    By combining the near infrared spectroscopy ( NIRS ) and modern laser techniques based on above principle , a new method for detection of inhomogeneity ( tumor ) in tissue is developed by using optical coherent modulated phase array .

  6. 一种采用近红外激光相位阵列检测乳腺癌的新方法(二)

    Phase Array of Near Infrared Laser for Detecting Breast Tumor ( ⅱ)

  7. 虚像相位阵列的研究进展及应用

    Progress and Application of the Virtually Imaged Phase Array

  8. 阐述了鸟笼式谐振器正交工作原理和开鸟笼正交谐振器的可行性,给出了正交相位阵列方案。

    The possibility of constructing open quadrature birdcage as soft coil and quadrature phased array as lumber coil is presented .

  9. 它能够非常容易地与隔离器、相位阵列波导、分插复用器、调制器、光开关等损耗器件集成在同一基片上,从而制成多种光通信集成有源器件。

    It is easy to integrate with isolators , array - waveguide gratings , multiplexers , modulators , switches etc in an optical circuit .

  10. 最后,以光开关和相位阵列波分复用∕解复用器为例,探讨了多模干涉耦合器的应用。

    Finally , taking light switch and phase array wavelength division multiplexing / de-multiplexing as examples , we make further introduction of the applications of multimode optical couplers .

  11. 在论文中用遗传算法优化了一个带远场旁瓣约束条件的相位阵列天线方向图,先采用七个变量进行优化然后采用十四个变量进行优化。

    In this paper , a genetic algorithm is implemented for phased array synthesis with a far-field sidelobe constraint , using seven variables only and fourteen variables then .

  12. 文本研究了一种工作在10GHz的平面微带功分移相器作为四贴片微带天线阵的馈电网络,以实现相位控制阵列。

    To realize a four patches microstrip phased arrays , an array feeder , working at 10 GHz and consisted by phase shifter and power divider , is designed as the four-patch microstrip antenna array feeder .

  13. 高功率天馈系统的设计&可控相位波导阵列天线

    Design of High Power Antenna Feed System-phase-regulated Waveguide Array Antenna

  14. 使用相位型阵列分束器作为互连元件的可编程光学神经网络

    A programmable optical neural network using a phase array beam splitter as the interconnection device

  15. 在获得了八木天线电参数的基础上,又探讨了改变相位对阵列天线辐射性能的影响。

    The paper obtained electrical parameters of a single Yagi antenna through the simulation , discussed the affect of changing the incentive phase of the phase array antenna .

  16. 相对幅度和相位对相位阵列系统的影响及消除

    Effects of Relative Amplitude and Phase on Phased-Array System and Their Elimination

  17. 相位误差对阵列波导光栅传输特性的影响

    Impact of Phase Error on Crosstalk of AWGs

  18. 基于相位干涉仪阵列二次相位差的波达角估计算法研究

    A New Algorithm for Estimation of Direction of Arrival Based on the Second-Or der Difference of Phase of Interferometer Array

  19. 比较线性相位完全重构滤波器阵列在图象编码中的应用

    Comparison of Linear Phase Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks in Image Compression

  20. 基于广义相位平滑的矢量阵列波达方向估计

    Generalized Phase-Smoothing for DOA Estimation By Using Vector-Sensor Array

  21. 天线孔径相位分布对综合阵列方向图和多普勒-时延响应的影响

    Effects of antenna aperture phase distribution on the synthetic array pattern and the doppler-delay response

  22. 研究了超声换能器阵列驱动信号的相位调控精度对阵列聚焦声场的影响。

    The effect of phased accuracy of the driving signals for array transducers on focused ultrasound field was studied .

  23. 比较了两种不同类型的多通道线性相位完全重构滤波器阵列在图象编码中的应用。

    In this paper , we compare the coding performance of two different types of multi channel linear phase perfect-reconstruction filter banks .

  24. 通过采用时间切换相位控制的线性阵列周期性地在扇区内实现空分复用信道,并分析了这种系统下的信道分配方案。

    In the last chapter , we develop an approach that can easily realize SDMA in TDD CDMA system , which uses the phase-controlled - by-time-switching linear array to realize duplicated channel in spatial domain periodically .

  25. 3针对目前微弱正弦信号相位检测方法中存在的不足,提出基于Duffing混沌振子检测微弱正弦信号相位的一种新方法,即相位振子阵列法。

    Because there is some deficiency of the current phase detection methods , this thesis proposes a new method on phase detection of weak sinusoidal signal based on the Duffing chaotic oscillator , namely , the phase oscillator array method .

  26. 最后本文研究了深零点位置变化时各个单元相位的变化规律,其结果已显示了最边侧单元是最关键单元,这一结论可为仅控制部分单元相位生成阵列零点提供单元选择依据。

    It is shown that the last couple elements are the key elements . This conclusion offers reference to element selection in partial adaptive phase nulling arrays .