
  • 网络phase jump
  1. π/4-DQPSK是目前应用广泛的调制方式,其频谱效率高,可以避免QPSK信号的±π的相位跳变,能够方便的采用差分相干解调。

    π / 4-DQPSK is the widely used modulation method . It has high efficient frequency spectrum , and can avoid the ± π phase jump of QPSK signal , and can be expediently demodulated by differential noncoherent method .

  2. 基于修正的Kirchhoff近似公式,本文提出了包括幅度、时延、相位跳变和局部平面波反射系数的非刚性表面声呐目标的修正四参数几何亮点模型。

    Based on the modified Kirchhoff approximation , a modified geometrical highlight model of echoes from nonrigid surface sonar target with four parameters , including the amplitude , the time delay , the phase jump and the local plane wave reflection coefficient , is presented in this paper .

  3. 小波变换提供品质因数Q恒定的滤波器分析,能够精细刻化M电平相移键控(MPSK)信号在码元转换时刻的相位跳变。

    Wavelet transform ( WT ) provides a constant-Q filter analysis that is suitable for transient detection and characterization of M-ary phase shift keying ( MPSK ) signal .

  4. 估计MPSK信号的码速率,利用连续小波变换提取相位跳变位置,之后采用自相关法得到码元速率。

    The wavelet transform can effectively extract the transient characteristics of digital signals to estimate the symbol rate of MPSK signals .

  5. 文章首先研究了如何通过单脉冲相关积累从PSK信号中提取相位跳变规律,在此基础上给出了相位编码序列恢复方法。

    How to get the rules of phase-shifting from the coherent integration of single pulse is first introduced , on the basis of which an approach to restoring PSK sequence is derived .

  6. 对于可有效解决电压骤降问题的动态电压恢复器(DVR)来说,准确检测出电压骤降的三大特征量即骤降幅值、持续时间和可能同时出现的相位跳变是其关键所在。

    The correct detection of the voltage sag characteristics ( its magnitude , duration and phase-angle jump appeared at the same time ) is of great importance for the dynamic voltage restorer ( DVR ) to effectively solve the problem of voltage sag .

  7. 通过构造特殊的数字序列,分析了小波系数过零点分层数与MPSK信号的电平数M的对应关系,详细讨论了MPSK信号不同的相位跳变模式与过零点层次性的内在联系。

    By constructing special digital signal sequences , the relation of the number of levels of zero-crossing points and the M value of MPSK signal was analyzed , and the phenomenon that different phase difference modes correspond to different levels of zero-crossing points was discussed in detail .

  8. 对于电压骤降、骤升、短时间断、脉冲扰动、相位跳变、频率偏移和噪声扰动,主要应用abc-dq变换加以识别;

    Voltage sags , swells , interruptions , impulses , phase steps , frequency deviations and noises are classified by abc-dq transform , and the algorithm based on modulus maxima detection is applied to classify oscillations and harmonics .

  9. 考虑相位跳变的电压凹陷动态补偿控制器研究

    Research on mitigation methods of voltage sag with phase - angle jump

  10. 基于时频分布的信号相位跳变检测与估计方法

    The Detection and Estimation of Phase Discontinuity Using Time-Frequency Distribution

  11. 基于相位跳变区划分的相位展开方法

    Phase-Unwrapping Algorithm Based on Segmenting Regions Containing Phase Jumps

  12. 改进的电压暂降检测方法在对暂降幅值和相位跳变进行检测时扰动很小,实时性高。

    The improved method to detect magnitude and phase-angle jump has less perturbance and better detection accuracy .

  13. 该方法可以实现对单相电压凹陷幅值、起止时刻和相位跳变等特征量的动态检测。

    It could dynamically detect voltage sag characteristics including sag amplitude , sag duration and phase jump .

  14. 实验结果表明该方法能正确地检测电压跌落的幅值、持续时间和相位跳变的信息。

    The simulation result indicates that this method can accurately detect the magnitude , duration and phase jump information of voltage sags .

  15. 并在此基础上考虑电压暂降持续时间、相位跳变等因素,对电压暂降凹陷域进行修正,从而更加精确地确定凹陷域。

    With the consideration of the voltage sag duration and the phase-angle jump , the vulnerable areas of voltage sag are revised more accurately .

  16. 近年来,人们已认识到电压凹陷所伴随的相位跳变对凹陷补偿的影响,并将其作为衡量电压凹陷的特征量之一。

    The influence of phase angle jumps associated with voltage sags on the sag mitigation has received a lot of attention in recent years .

  17. 新算法的计算量比传统的最大干涉频谱法要小而且更稳定,与平均波动函数法相比则计算量相当但不受相位跳变的影响。

    The computation of the new algorithm is almost the same as the average fluctuation function algorithm but the new algorithm is not influenced by the phase leap .

  18. 同时,伪随机的相位跳变大大增强了系统的保密性及干扰对抗性,提高了系统抗突发错误和深度衰落的能力。

    Moreover , the random phase hopping greatly enhances the security and anti-jamming of the system , improves the ability of resisting the burst error and deep fading .

  19. 本文提出了利用时频分布的信号相位跳变检测方法,对由相位跳变而引起的时频分布峰值的变化规律进行了讨论。

    This paper introduces the method of detecting discontinuity of phase in signal using time-frequency representation , and discusses the magnitude variation of time-frequency distribution caused by the jump of phase .

  20. 对于电压凹陷的三大特征量幅值、持续时间和相位跳变的准确检测是电压质量评估与抑制干扰首先要解决的重要课题。

    The correct detection of the voltage sag characteristics ( its magnitude , duration and phase angle jump ) is of great importance for the power quality evaluation and its mitigation .

  21. 利用激光外差及矢量分析理论,深入研究了频率混叠误差和相位跳变误差的成因、变化规律,并讨论了提高测量系统精度的有效措施。

    Based on heterodyne and vector analysis theories , origins and modes of the frequency mixing error and phase jump error were analyzed . On the above basis , procedures to improve the accuracy of the measurement system were suggested .

  22. 所以着重分析了影响激光外差计量精度的4个关键因素,即频率混叠、不同被测金属的相位跳变、被测表面的倾斜及物镜的数值孔径;

    Four factors which can lead to such non linear errors were identified , they are the frequency mixing , the phase jump of different metals to be measured , the tilt of the measured surface and NA of the aperture .

  23. 通过构造新的变换矩阵,减小了传统方法构造虚拟三相系统的延时,可对单相电压暂降幅值、持续时间和相位跳变等特征参数进行近乎瞬时的估计。

    A new matrix , which is designed to decrease the phase delay that is unavoidable in traditional fictitious three phase systems , is constructed . The improved algorithm can almost instantaneously quantify the magnitude , duration and angel jump for voltage sag in single phase systems .

  24. 为了解决相位区间跳变问题,从而扩大估计范围,提出了一种新的相位展开方法。

    In order to solve the problem of phase wrapping and extend the estimation range , a new phase unwrapping algorithm is proposed .

  25. 该仿真模型能在保持其它参数不变的条件下,通过仿真模型相位的跳变来模拟物理信道频率的跳变。

    It is shown that a frequency hop in the physical channel model corresponds to phase hops in the simulation model , while maintaining all other parameters unchanged .

  26. 由于三角函数在主值区间内及边界处都是连续的,因此该方法解决了相位差在主值区间边界处的跳变问题,从而完全消除了相位差跳变引起的数据拟合错误。

    Since trigonometric functions are continuous at all points including the boundary of the principal value region , this technique naturally solves the problem of the break of phase differences and eliminates the data match error .

  27. 计算结果表明,非共轴偏移和紧束段倾斜将使输出光场的相位分布呈现剪切、扭曲现象,并且沿偏移方向出现相位跳变;

    The rear cone decentration and compact leg tilt can both result in a phase shear and twist on the optical field , and lead to phase jump and tilt along the misalignment direction .

  28. 此方法对主值相位图采用局部平面近似,用模拟退火算法求出最优化平面参量,从而得到去除噪声和2π相位跳变的真实相位图。

    The local behavior of the unwrapped phase is approximated by a plane . The parameters of the plane are optimized by simulated annealing .