
  • 网络harmonic resonance
  1. 谐波谐振在电力系统中经常表现为高电压。

    Harmonic resonance often manifests as high voltages in a power system .

  2. 电网电容器组的谐波谐振和谐波放大的研究

    Studies on harmonic resonance and harmonic enlargement of power network capacitors bank

  3. 但是CVT内部等值电容与电抗串联可能产生次谐波谐振,引起过电压,会使CVT损坏。

    The subharmonic vibration , however , caused by the series connection of equivalent capacity inside CVT with the reactor may lead to over-voltage which might damage CVT .

  4. 液压振动台网管谐振分析及其蓄能器减振研究变电站中电网谐波谐振分析与EMTP建模仿真

    Research on Hydraulic Quiver System and Shock Absorption by Accumulator ; Resonant Analysis and EMTP Model Simulation of Grid Harmonics in Transformer Substation

  5. 基于模态分析的谐波谐振评估方法

    A modal analysis method for harmonic resonance assessment

  6. 电力系统局部电路谐波谐振产生原因分析及对策

    Causal analysis and countermeasure on harmonic resonance in local circuit of electric power systems

  7. 对该混合补偿系统的稳态补偿性能、抑制谐波谐振性能进行了详细分析,并对补偿方案进行了数字仿真。

    Its steady compensation characteristic and resonance damping are analyzed in detail , and the digital simulation is performed .

  8. 微电网技术正受到越来越广泛的关注,为保证微电网的安全稳定运行,采用恰当的谐波谐振检测方法十分重要。

    It is very important that choosing an appropriate survey method of harmonic resonance to guarantee the stabilizing and compatible operation of the micro-grid .

  9. 采用3次谐波谐振方式可以降低启动电流,采用启动电压限幅值控制滑频截止点可以克服元件参数离散性的影响。

    Resonance with third-order harmonic voltage was adopted to reduce starting current . The end of frequency variation was controlled by the limiter of starting voltage to eliminate the influence of component parameter difference .

  10. 本文研究了变电站谐振的原理,以一个实际变电站为基础,全面分析了变电站的谐振及消谐措施,同时分析了短路和谐振的区别,为变电站谐波谐振的综合治理奠定了基础。

    This thesis researches the principle of resonance in substation , analysis resonance and resonnance elimination based on a practical substation . The difference between resonance and short circuit is also analysed . This provides basis for comprehensive treatment of resonance in substation .

  11. 应用该软件的分析结果采取有效防范措施,可以预防或减少谐波源进入公用电网,减少或降低谐波谐振,进而减少电力事故和停电时间,提高电能质量,应用前景十分广阔。

    It can reduce the harmonic or harmonic oscillation in public power net to take some effective measures by making use of this software , and finally reduce the power system accidents and cease time , improve power quality . It is wide application in the future .

  12. 当系统对某几次谐波存在谐振点时,交流母线电压便会产生严重畸变;对直流输电系统的稳定运行造成威胁。

    Distortion of voltage on ac bus presents when resonance on harmonics of certain orders occurs which should be regarded as a severe threat to the stability of HVDC transmission system .

  13. 文章简单的分析了调频式串联谐振耐压试验系统的电路特性,在频率由低到高的调节过程中低次谐波一旦谐振,输出波形就会严重畸变。

    The article simply analyzed the Pressure circuit characteristics of the simple-FM series resonant system . In the process of adjusting the frequency from low to high , once the low harmonic resonance , and the output wave will be seriously distorted .

  14. 谐波分析及谐振评估软件的开发与应用

    Development and application of harmonic resonance analysis and assessment software

  15. 根据交流滤波器定值模型,计算滤波器各个组成元件在滤波器阻抗与一定范围内系统谐波阻抗并联谐振时的电压和电流。

    According to the AC filter steady state rating model , the values of voltage and current of components of AC filter are calculated when resonance occur because the filter impedance is parallel with the AC system harmonic impedance .

  16. 本文叙述了接触网牵引电流谐波的产生及谐振过程,分析了谐波电流的传输方程。

    This paper describes the formation of the harmonic current in trolley wire and the developing process of the harmonic resonance , also the analysis of the transmission equation of the harmonic current .

  17. 这种预留一定裕度的做法不仅会出现无功容量亏损,造成无功补偿的不足,还可能导致某次谐波放大,甚至造成谐波谐振,危及电网的安全、经济、优质运行。

    These actions will not only lead to the loss of reactive compensation , but also magnify some harmonic possibly , even cause harmonic resonance which endangers the normal operation of network .

  18. 由于电容器的阻抗呈容性,易与电力系统中的谐波产生相互影响,发生谐波的并联谐振和电容器对谐波电流的谐波放大,造成电容器和电气设备的损坏。

    As the impedance of a capacitor has its tolerance , it is easy to interact with the harmonics in the power supply system and results in parallel vibration of harmonics and the harmonic amplification of harmonic current by capacitor causing damage to capacitors and electric equipment .

  19. 在电网中安装滤波器来治理谐波污染,可以有效地降低系统网损,能够避免谐波谐振或电流放大。

    Installation filter in power system to control harmonic pollution could effectively reduce the system loss and avoid harmonic resonance or current amplification .

  20. 通过对电力系统谐波电流的计算,判断变电站并补支路在不同参数配置方案下是否发生谐波谐振,从而为合理的参数配置提供理论依据。

    Through calculating the harmonic currents of the compensating condensors branches which are mutual parallel in the substations , we can judge whether the harmonic resonates or not in different cases of parameter configuration , and then the theoretical basis will be provided for the suitable parameter configuration .

  21. 指出了利用该仪器可进一步开发谐波的高级功能,可利用谐波测量数据,建立谐波数据库,进行谐波潮流计算,谐波谐振分析,以及谐波仿真等。

    It is pointed out that the higher functions of harmonics can be further developed using this harmonic meter , such as harmonic data measuring , harmonic database establishment , harmonic power flow calculation , harmonic resonance analysis , harmonic simulation , etc.

  22. 通过谐波分析计算可以确定系统中各部分电压和电流波形的畸变程度、判断系统是否处于谐波谐振状态以及如何采取措施减小系统谐振发生的可能性。

    Harmonic analysis can be used to quantify the distortion in voltage and current waveforms in a power system and to determine the existence and mitigation of resonant conditions .