
  • 网络capacitance;Capacitive element;Capacitor;CAP
  1. 本文在对LTCC多层结构电感和电容元件研究的基础上,结合经典的集总参数元件网络综合法和分布参数传输线理论,给出了新型LTCC多层滤波器的设计方法和原理。

    Combining traditional lumped-element network synthesis method and distributed-element transmission line theory , the thesis present a new type of design procedure and principle for LTCC multi-layer filter based on the study of LTCC multilayer inductor and capacitor .

  2. 本文研究了一个具有非线性电容元件的四阶自治电路中的非线性动力性质。

    This paper discusses the nonlinear dynamical nature in a four order autonomous circuit containing a nonlinear capacitor .

  3. 采用新型CMOS电流反馈运算放大器以及电阻和电容元件模拟无源LC梯型高通滤波器电路,得到了一种高频特性优良的容易全集成的连续时间有源全极点高通滤波器。

    This article adopts new-style CMOS current feedback operational as well as resistance and capacitance element to simulate passive LC ladder mould high pass filter circuit , and got the continuous-time active full-poll high-pass filter which is easy to overall integration and has good high-frequency character .

  4. 从而,滤波系统中电容元件的充放电时间大大缩短。

    Thus , the charge and discharge time of capacitors in the filtering system is significantly reduced .

  5. 通过对各种电容元件进行测试及拆分研究,文章剖析了电容器产生寄生现象的原理,从而提出了减小电容器寄生效应的措施。

    In this paper , auther studied the principle on parasitical phenomenon about capacitor and provided the methods for solving the parasitical effects .

  6. 静止无功补偿器电容元件上工频过电压分析

    Mathematical Analysis on the Behavior of the Capacitors in a Given Static Volt-Ampere Reactive Compensator ( SVARC ) When Over-Voltage at Working Frequency is Applied to Them

  7. 该测试仪采用湿敏电容元件与555构成的振荡电路作为信号转换接口,是集温度补偿电路,湿度报警和显示于一体的智能湿度测试系统。

    A oscillation circuit consisted by humidity sensitive element and 555 time based circuit is used as changeover signal interface , thus this instrument becomes a system with complete function involving measurement , display and humidity warning .

  8. 本文依据电容元件的伏安关系导出了计算全电容回路电容电压初始值的等效电路分析法,并将这种方法推广到由任意多个电容构成的全电容回路的情况。

    This article introduces the equivalent circuit analysis for calculating the initial voltage value of the capacitance in the full capacitance circuit s on the basis of the volt-ampere relationship and generalizing to full capacitance circuit consisting of unlimited numbers of capacitor .

  9. 电力电容器元件的电场数值计算是电容器设计的主要依据。

    Electric field numerical calculation is the main foundation for the design of power capacitor .

  10. 电容器元件的失效分析

    Failure Analysis on Capacitor Component

  11. 收纸装有电容传感器元件,允许印刷中调节收纸堆高低;

    Delivery system installed the capacitive sensor , in the regulation to control the height of paper pile ;

  12. 这一方法同样适用于分析含有随时间、发光强度、温度等物理量连续变化的非线性电容电感元件电路。

    This method is also applicable to analyze circuits containing nonlinear capacitors and inductors that vary continuously with time , temperature and light intensity .

  13. 本文比对分析了极间介质为两层膜和三层膜的模型电容器元件的介电强度、局部放电性能以及耐久性能的试验结果。

    Test result of dielectric strength , partial discharge and endurance property are analyzed and contrasted between solid dielectric is two film and tree film in model capacitor elements .

  14. 随着电容器元件的不断隔离,故障相的健全电容器单元和元件均产生一定的过电压,这也成为电容器组能否继续运行和最大限度的延长其使用寿命的矛盾点和关键点。

    With the isolation of the capacitor elements , it will cause overvoltage on remained healthy capacitor units and elements in the faulty phase . And it becomes the contradiction and key point of that the capacitor bank weather could continue to work and maximum its used time .

  15. SrTiO3片式化压敏-电容双功能元件研究

    Study of Varistor-Capacitor Double Properties Chip Component Based on SrTiO_3

  16. 介绍了化学镀镍和镍/金技术以及镍磷层的电学性能,综述了其在倒装芯片凸焊点的UBM、印刷电路板和电感电容电阻LCR元件生产上的应用。

    The technologies of electroless Ni Ni / Au plating and the electric properties of Ni / P cladding are presented . Their applications for under bump metallurgy ( UBM ) for flip chip bumping , PC boards and LCRs are reviewed .

  17. 电容式传感元件测量导电液体的液面高度

    Using capacitance sensor to measure the height of conductive liquid

  18. 高分子电容湿敏元件失效模式研究

    Research on Failure Model of High-Polymer Capacitance Humidity Sensor

  19. 该电路非线性器件的选取不同于以往只局限于分段线性电阻的框框,而是采用分段线性负电容作为非线性元件。

    Choice for nonlinear elements in the circuit differs from that of the conventional circuit which considers only piece-wise linear resistors .

  20. 异步电机阻容制动中电容和电阻元件的选择三相异步电动机阻容制动瞬态过程仿真研究

    Selection of the Resistor and Capacitor for Dynamic Braking of Asychronous Machines Transient Simulation of Induction Motors Under Resistance-Capacitance Braking State

  21. 以电容为敏感元件,利用电磁谐振技术研制了石油产品水分测定仪。

    Using electric capacity as the sensitive piece and making use of the electromagnetism oscillation technique , the new instrument for petroleum products humidity was researched .

  22. 且由于敏感的寄生电容效应、元件的不匹配、制程变动与梯度效应都将导致布局结果可能是一个不好的布局,也造成了产品的不准确性与良率的降低。

    Poor layout due to its sensitivity to parasitic capacitance , device mismatching , process variations and gradient errors will result in both the product inaccuracy and yield loss .

  23. 本文针对特殊王况下的测量要求,提出一种以差动电容为敏感元件的光推动油罐液位测量系统的设计方案。

    Considering the requirements of the measurement site under specific working condition , this paper presents a scheme of oil tank liquid level measurement system based on differential capacitance sensing .

  24. 电动机分布电容在逆变器元件开关瞬间产生很大的尖峰电流,可造成变频器损坏和电动机转矩下降,这是变频调速系统设计和应用中应重视的问题。

    Because of distributed capacitance , a shock current will be produced in the switching moment of the inverters , it may damage the inverters , or decrease torque of AC motor , this must pay an attention in design and applications of variable frequency speed control system .

  25. 本文讨论了并联电容器内部元件的连接方式,以降低通过故障元件的电流,防止电容器箱壳爆裂,以及如何选择外接熔断器来配合电容器组的继电保护。

    This paper discusses the shunt capacitor with sufficient parallel rolls that can be sectionalized to reduce the current through a failed roll , so as to prevent capacitor tank rupture , and with an external fuse that must be selcted in concordance with the capacitor bank relay protection .

  26. 本文选择ZnO和Pb(Mg13Nb23)O3为基体材料,利用轧膜技术制备了多层片式结构的压敏电容双功能陶瓷元件。

    A Novel Varistor-Capacitor Multilayer Ceramic Device was fabricated using rolling techniques . The ZnO-based materials and Pb ( Mg_ ( 1 / 3 ) Nb_ ( 2 / 3 )) O_3-based materials were chosen as the respective varistor and capacitor components .

  27. 高分子薄膜电容式湿敏元件是一种能在±40℃温度环境内(可扩展到80℃),在0&100%(RH)范围中工作的湿度敏感元件。

    Polymer layer capacitor humidity sensor is a sort of hew humidity detecting element of thin film capacitor pattern with high accuracy and rapid responce , which can be worked in all range of humidity and in the temperature range of + 40 ℃ to-40 ℃ .

  28. 本文用HEMT小信号等效电路模型,考虑到HEMT与MESFET结构上的不同点,具体分析了HEMT小信号等效电路中串联电阻、寄生电感、寄生电容和本征元件参数的提取方法。

    A HEMT small-signal equivalent-circuit model is introduced in this paper . Considering the difference between HEMT and MESFET , a method of extracting series-resistance , parasitic inductance , parasitic capacitance and intrinsic element parameters for HEMT small-signal equivalent-circuit is described .

  29. 复数电压法电容式湿敏元件性能测试数学模型

    Measuring Mathematics Model of Complex Number Voltage to Capacitive Humidity Component

  30. 高分子电容式湿敏元件自动测量电路研究

    Research into automatically measuring electric circuit with highpolymer condenser humidity sensor