
  • 网络Voltage characteristics;I-V;C-V;Vs. Supply Voltage Variation
  1. MIS隧道器件电流-电压特性的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Current-Voltage Characteristics of MIS Tunnel Devices

  2. MIS太阳电池电流&电压特性的简单表达式

    Simple formula describing current-voltage characteristics of MIS solar cell

  3. 指出大电流时,SIT的电流-电压特性与空间电荷限制效应密切相关。

    The high-current analysis reveals that the unsaturated I-V characteristic is correlated closely to the space-charge limited effect .

  4. TiO2纳米粒子包覆聚苯乙烯球的结晶性能与表面光电压特性

    Crystallization and Surface Photovoltage Properties of Polystyrene Coated by TiO_2 Nanoparticles

  5. 半导体脉冲功率开关RSD的开通电压特性研究

    A Study on Turning-on Voltage Characteristics of RSD 's

  6. SiGeHBT中雪崩击穿效应对电流电压特性的影响

    The Avalanche Effects on Current and Voltage Characteristics in SiGe HBT

  7. 双极晶体管导通状态对功率纵向双扩散MOSFET静态电流-电压特性的影响

    Effect of Bipolar Turn-On on the Static Current-Voltage Characteristics of Power Vertical Double Diffused MOSFET

  8. 利用正向交流(AC)小信号方法对发光二极管(LED)的电容-电压特性进行测量,可以观察到发光二极管中的负电容现象。

    Using the forward alternating current ( ac ) small signal method to measure the capacitance-voltage characteristic of an LED , negative capacitance can be observed .

  9. 利用建立的程序模拟计算了两种不同氧化层厚度的MIS隧道器件的电流-电压特性。

    The current-voltage ( I-V ) characteristics for MIS tunnel diodes with thin and thick oxide are calculated using the prog-ram .

  10. 本征Josephson单结的电流-电压特性

    Voltage - current characteristics of intrinsic Josephson single junction

  11. 窄禁带半导体Hg(1-x)CdxTeP-N结的电容-电压特性曲线

    Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics of P-N Junction of the Narrow Band-Gap Semiconductors Hg_ ( 1-x ) Cd_xTe

  12. 利用热场发射理论和数值计算方法,分析了碲镉汞光伏器件的电流-电压特性,提取了金属-半导体(MS)界面参数,并对这些参数进行了讨论。

    The MS interface parameters are extracted from HgCdTe PV devices ' current voltage characteristic by applying Thermionic Field Emission ( TFE ) theory and numerical analysis .

  13. 实验结果表明,电解液栅型碳纳米管晶体管(FET)呈现出良好的电流-电压特性曲线。

    Experimental results show that the electrolyte-gated carbon nanotube transitors exhibited a good voltage-current characteristic .

  14. 学生可以利用该系统测量不同PN结的温度-电压特性;对测量数据进行线性回归分析;

    Students can use the system to measure the temperature-voltage characteristic of different PN junctions and carry on linear regression analysis of the data measured .

  15. 通过改变甲醇阳极催化层中Nafion与PTFE的含量研究了电池的电流-电压特性。

    I V characteristics of the fuel cell were studied by changing the Nafion and PTFE loadings in methanol anode catalyzed layer .

  16. 用光电导衰退法和MIS器件的电容-电压特性测量研究了紫外辐照对碲镉汞样品的影响。

    In this paper , the effect of the ultraviolet irradiation on the HgCdTe photoconductors is studied using the photoconductive decay method and the M IS capacitance - voltage measurement .

  17. 研究了LDPE/CPE/炭黑三相复合导电体系的导电性能和电流-电压特性。

    In this Paper , the electrical conductivity and current-voltage ( I-U ) characteristics of LDPE / CPE / CB electrical conductive composites were studied .

  18. 本文研究中间退火处理对薄SiO2膜电击穿特性和高频电容-电压特性的影响。

    In this paper the effects of intermediate annealing process on electrical breakdown properties and hight frequency capacitance - voltage characteristics of thin oxide films are studied .

  19. 本文报道了MIM隧道二极管的发光和负阻现象,用梯形势垒计算了电流-电压特性。

    This paper reports the light emission from MIM tunnel diode and Negative Differential Resistance ( NDR ) in its I-V characteristic curve .

  20. 酞菁锡(SnPc)多晶薄膜的光电压特性研究

    Photovoltaic Effects in Organic Polycrystalline Tin Phthalocyanine ( SnPc ) Film

  21. 本文通过利用matlab编程,完成了一个有机太阳能电池理论模型的数值模拟,它可以清晰的展示出器件的电流电压特性、载流子密度分布等。

    This paper complete a numerical simulation of the theoretical model of an organic solar cell by using matlab , and it can be clearly demonstrated the current-voltage characteristics of the device , the carrier density distribution and so on .

  22. 根据实验数据给出了双向晶闸管(TRIAC)的通态电压特性曲线。

    On-state voltage characteristics curve of TRIAC are given based on the experimental findings , and analysis of the curve .

  23. 在均匀光照条件下,光伏阵列的功率-电压特性曲线有且仅有一个峰值,此时经典的MPPT算法是稳定可靠的。

    Under uniform insolation conditions , there is only one peak value on the Power-Voltage curve of photovoltaic arrays . The classic MPPT algorithms are correct and reliable .

  24. 利用变温霍尔和电流-电压特性(I-V)两种方法分别对半导体和半绝缘的退火非掺磷化铟材料进行了测量。

    The electrical properties of annealed undoped n type InP are studied by temperature dependent Hall effect ( TDH ) and current voltage ( I V ) measurements for semiconducting and semi insulating samples , respectively .

  25. 通过Ⅰ-Ⅴ测试技术,观察到在1MeV的小注量电子辐照后,GaN肖特基二极管的电流&电压特性退化,击穿电压明显减小,反向漏电流逐渐增大。

    The effects on I-V characteristics observed in the Schottky diodes indicated that even a light-dose irradiation would obviously reduce the reverse breakdown voltage but slightly enlarge the reverse leakage current .

  26. 采用电化学工作站(CHI660A)监测p型硅电极在不同浓度HF溶液中的电流-电压特性,记录恒电流情况下硅电极的电压变化。这些曲线可从精确反映多孔硅形成的早期成核过程。

    I-V characteristics of p-type Silicon electrode in HF solutions with different concentrations and electrochemical potential transients under galvanostatic condition , which accurately reflect the early-stage nucleation process of PS , were monitored by the electrochemical workstation ( CHI660A ) .

  27. 由于离散噪声测量可以提供通常电流&电压特性所不能提供的信息,在超越通常的Lacroix近似的基础上,我们研究了三端量子点中的噪声特性。

    Since shot-noise measurements provide information unavailable by the usual transport measurements , we investigated noise characteristics in this system beyond the usual Lacroix approximation .

  28. 在局部遮挡条件下,光伏阵列的功率-电压特性曲线呈现出多峰值的特性,峰值点可能是局部极大值点,而非全局最大值点,此时经典的MPPT算法可能会失效。

    Under partially shaded conditions , there are multiple peak values on the Power-Voltage curve of photovoltaic arrays . The operating point may be located at the local maximum power point rather than the real maximum power point when classic MPPT algorithms are employed .

  29. 由于铁电体具有较强的极化电场和高介电常数,GaN基金属-铁电体-半导体(MFS)结构的电容-电压特性与其他GaN基MIS结构相比较得到了显著的提高。

    Because of the polarization field provided by ferroelectric and the high dielectric constant of ferroelectric insulator , the capacitance voltage ( C V ) characteristics of GaN based metal ferroelectric semiconductor ( MFS ) structures are markedly improved compared with that of the previously studied GaN MIS structures .

  30. 总结了华北电网500kV断路器在10%、30%断流容量情况下的恢复电压特性,井研究了可能出现的60%断流容量下的恢复电压特性。

    The TRV characteristics of 500 kV circuit breakers in Northern China Power System Grid are summarized for 10 % and 30 % , and possibly 60 % , of the interrupting rating short circuit capacities .