
  • 网络electromagnetic field tensor
  1. 电场和磁场合并为电磁场张量。

    The electric and magnetic fields have been amalgamated into electromagnetic field tensor .

  2. 广义相对论中双荷场源的电磁场张量

    The electromagnetic field tensor for the source of field possessing both electric and magnetic charges in general relativity

  3. 双四维矢势及用其构造的电磁场张量

    Two Four-vector Potential and Electromagnetic Field Strength Tensor Constructed by Them

  4. 基于电磁场张力张量的电磁力分析

    Analysis Electromagnetic Force by Electromagnetic Tensor

  5. 对Melvin磁宇宙中球对称质量外部区域的电磁场能量动量张量进行了研究,给出电磁场能量的分布规律;

    Electromagnetic ( EM ) energy-momentum tensor in external region of spherical symmetric mass in Melvin 's magnetic universe is discussed , and distributional disciplinarian of electromagnetic energy is obtained .

  6. 荷磁矩中子星外部的电磁场能量动量张量

    Energy-momentum Tensor of Electromagnetic Field Outside Neutron Star With Magnetic Moment

  7. 电磁场能量动量张量的双矢势对偶理论

    Two potential dual theory of EM field energy-momentum tensor

  8. 讨论了具有对偶对称性的电磁场能量动量密度张量以及它们的特性;

    Then the energy-momentum tensor and its properties of sources are discussed .