
  • 网络Electronic defects
  1. 该跃迁的某些性质类似于含少量氮搀杂的III-V族半导体材料,因此它有可能同样起源于等电子缺陷。

    Some aspects of the transition are analogous to III-V semiconductors with dilute nitrogen doping , which suggests that the origin could be related to an isoelectronic defect .

  2. 高阻NTD-FZ-Si-P~+n结电子辐照缺陷能级N2气氛的退火特性

    The Annealing Characteristics of the Defect Levels in High resistivity NTD FZ Si P + n after Electron Irradiation under a Nitrogen Atmosphere

  3. n型LPEGa(1-x)AlxAs层中电子辐照缺陷的研究

    A study of electron irradiation-induced defects in n-type LPE ga_ ( 1-x ) ai_xas layers

  4. 高温退火后非掺杂磷化铟材料的电子辐照缺陷

    Electron irradiation induced defects in high temperature annealed InP single crystal

  5. 超晶格电子辐照缺陷的亚稳态特性

    Metastable characteristics of electron irradiation-induced defects in superlattices

  6. 氢离子注入对硅单晶电子辐照缺陷和氢泡形成的影响

    The effect of hydrogen implantation on Electron Irradiated defects and blister formation in silicon single crystal

  7. 500℃下中国低活化马氏体钢电子辐照缺陷行为的研究

    Study on the defect evolution of China low martensitic steel during electron irradiation at 500 ℃

  8. 针对常规扫描电子显微镜缺陷而开发的新型探头不仅改善了仪器成像质量,也极大地扩展了仪器的使用范围,简化了样品的准备工作过程。

    The newly developed detector not only improves the imaging quality , but also simplifies the operation and extends the use of the instruments greatly .

  9. 探讨了孤对电子对于缺陷态化学键的影响,证实了孤对电子在硫属玻璃中的重要作用。

    The effect of lone-pair electrons on bonding in defect states is also discussed and it is shown that they play a significant role in chalcogenide glasses .

  10. 本文调查了电场、注量和注量率对硅电子辐照缺陷形成的影响。

    In this paper , the influence of electric field , flux and flux rate on the forma - tion of electron radiation defects in silicon have been investigated .

  11. 第四部分在分析WTO协定对电子商务规制缺陷的基础上,提出了针对其规制缺陷的解决方法。

    The fourth part , on the basis of the analysis of deficiencies of EC that regulated by the WTO protocol , proposes the solutions to these specifications and regulations .

  12. 电子设备工艺缺陷与可靠性、维修性分析

    Process Defects of Electronic Equipment and Analysis of their Reliability and Maintainability

  13. 基于图像处理的电子元器件表面缺陷检测技术

    Electronic components surface defects detecting technology based on image processing

  14. 无钴马氏体时效钢电子束焊接缺陷的微观研究

    Microstructure of Co-free maraging steel and defect analysis of electron beam weld joints

  15. 护理电子病历的缺陷与干预对策

    The Research and Practice of Nursing Electronic Clinical Record

  16. 基于微扰理论的静电电子透镜的缺陷电场计算

    The Calculation of Defect Fields of Electrostatic Lenses Based on the Perturbation Theory

  17. 而引起电子产品质量缺陷的一个重要原因就是贴片安装时锡膏印刷的缺陷。

    An important reason of Electronic product quality defects is the solder paste printing defects when Surface Mounted .

  18. 电子跃迁从缺陷能级到费米能级可以解释实验上观测到可见光吸收峰。

    The electron transitions from the impurity levels to the levels above the Fermi level may be responsible for the small visible light absorption peak observed in experiment .

  19. 替代元素进入固体物质后,都会占据特定的位置,对固体物质的结构、电子行为、缺陷等产生影响。

    When the alternative elements rip into solid material , it will take up the specific position , and influence the material structure , electronic behavior and defects .

  20. 在论述了荷电效应、损伤、边缘效应这三种常见的扫描电子显微镜图像缺陷的基础上,分析了其产生的原因及解决方法,并展示了其结果。

    We discuss the defeds of the images of the Scanning Electronic Microscope , including electric charge effect , damage , edge effect , analyze the reasons for the defects and suggest some solutions .

  21. 正电子湮灭技术是固体材料电子结构和缺陷的敏感探针,在凝聚态物理、材料科学等领域有着特殊的作用。

    Positron Annihilation Technique is a sensitive probe to the electronic structure and defects of the solid materials , and it plays a special role in condensed matter physics , materials science and other fields .

  22. 分析了电子海图的缺陷,提出了用海图绘图仪实现船舶数据航行系统的方案,推导了海图坐标与绘图仪坐标的关系。

    The limitations of electronic chart are analysed , and a data sailing system based on paper chart is presented . A mathematical model is established for relationship between chart coord and graph plotter coord .

  23. 应用正电子湮没技术,对掺杂Y2O3的ZnO导电陶瓷烧结过程进行了研究,给出了烧结温度对导电特性、局域电子密度、结构缺陷的影响特征。

    This paper studied process of sintering in doped Y_2O_3 ZnO conductive ceramics by means of positron annihilation technique . It has been discussed that effect of sintering temperature on conductive characteristics , local electronic density and structrual defects .

  24. 高温电子辐照硅中缺陷的研究

    Study of the defects in silicon produced by high temperature electron irradiation

  25. 手术护理电子记录单质量缺陷及改进对策

    Quality Defects of Electronic Surgical Nursing Records and Countermeasures

  26. 电子辐照硅的缺陷退火特性及少子寿命控制

    The annealing behavior of the defects and the lifetime control in Electron Irradiated silicon

  27. 第三部分主要考察了我国法律法规中有关电子证据立法的缺陷。

    The third part examines the provisions and regulations related to electronic evidence in Chinese laws .

  28. 如果您有听说过任何有关缺陷固件或其它可能导致丰田汽车电子节气门控制缺陷的原因,请移步我们的论坛。

    Please log on to our forum if you 've heard anything about troubled firmware or any other possible causes for faulty Toyota electronic throttles .

  29. 而基于光学双稳器件的光学计算机利用的是光的基本特性,不存在电子计算机那样的缺陷,并且还具有电子计算机无可比拟的优良性能。

    And electronics computer based on optical bistability devices , making use of the fundamental characteristics of light , without the shortcomings and disadvantages of electronics computer , has the excellent performance that electronic computer can 't surpass .

  30. 在电子装配领域中,自动光学检测系统因其能够胜任多种电子装配质量缺陷的检测而得到了广泛的应用。

    Since AOI automatic optical inspection systems has strong capable of detecting different defects in electronic assembly and manufacturing , it has wide applications in varieties of electronic manufacturing field .