
  • 网络Electrodeposition;electrowinning;electroplating;PED
  1. 铁镍钴等元素对金属锰电解沉积的影响

    Influence of elements fe , ni , co etc on metal manganese electrodeposition

  2. 电解沉积压电频移分析的理论与验证

    Theory of the Analytical Method Based on Electrodeposition and Frequency Shift Measurement and its Verification

  3. 在工业纯Al上电解沉积Ce转化膜

    Cerium conversion film deposited on industrial pure aluminum by electrolysis

  4. 观察了实验条件对恒电流密度下二次阳极处理电解沉积MoS2对应的电压时间关系曲线和膜颜色的影响。

    The factors affecting the voltage-time transients of anodic electro-deposition of porous anodic films on aluminium in ( NH4 ) 2MoS4 solution at various constant current densities have been studied .

  5. 铝合金阳极氧化膜上阴极电解沉积的稀土铈转化膜

    Cerium conversion coatings formed on anodized aluminum by cathodic electrolysis

  6. 锰在锌电解沉积过程中的作用

    The role of manganese in the electrolysis of zinc

  7. 电解沉积铝层与黄铜基体力学性能

    The Force Bahavior of the Deposited Aluminium Coating and Brass Substrate in Abrasion

  8. 硫酸铜电解沉积的分形与电导率研究

    Study of fractal dimension and conductance of Cu samples with electrolytic deposition process

  9. 现代绿色工业需要在室温及一般工作条件下电解沉积出纯铝。

    Modern green industry need to electrolyze and deposit purity aluminum at room temperature and general conditions .

  10. 控制电解沉积过程在纯铜的表面制得宏观上致密、光滑的铜镀层,以此镀层来消除叠轧金属层间的复合界面;

    Electrodeposited coating is compact and smooth in general that is maken by controlling the processor of electrolysis on surface of pure copper .

  11. 针对此问题,本文在结合生产实践的基础上,系统分析电解液中锰的含量对其产生的影响。最终提出锌电解沉积过程应控制的适宜电解液含锰量。

    Based on production practice and the systematic investigation it is found that certain manganese content in the electrolyte will prevent the anode from dissolving .

  12. 探讨了用液相电解沉积法在钛合金表面制备类金刚石薄膜的新方法。讨论了不同沉积条件对膜的影响。

    In this paper , Influence of deposition condition on diamond-like carbon ( DLC ) fil ms byliquid deposition onthe surface of Ti alloy was discussed .

  13. 开发了一种新的、从熔盐中获得活性碳原子以制备碳薄膜的电解沉积方法,并在镍衬底上合成了碳薄膜。

    In present work , a new kind of electrolytic deposition method to make carbon atoms activated to obtain carbon film in molten salt was developed .

  14. 从近二维的硫酸锌薄层电解液的电解沉积锌中,发现了在电解液浓度较高时,得到枝晶形态的沉积物。

    The dendritic morphology of electrodeposition was obtained during electrolyzing zinc in the quasi two-dimensional electrochemical cell , if the concentration of the electrolyte was higher .

  15. 电解沉积锌工艺,常因铅基阳极的保护失效溶解,造成析出锌质量下降及技术经济指标恶化。

    During the electrolysis of zinc the lead-based anode sometimes will be dissolved due to the failure of anode protection . It will deteriorate the quality of the cathode zinc and technical and economical results .

  16. 文章叙述了锌空气电池用无汞锌粉制备技术的现状,详细介绍了无汞锌粉制造的喷射雾化和电解沉积工艺。

    The present situation of the technology for preparation of mercury-free zinc powder for Zinc / air battery is described , and the ejection atomizing and electrolytic deposition process for mercury free zinc powder preparation are introduced detailedly .

  17. 在不同的衬底上的试验结果显示,适当的试验条件下碳膜能够在镍、铜、铁和钛衬底上用电解沉积方法获得。

    The experimental results on various ( substrates ) indicated that carbon film can be synthesized on the substrate of nickel , copper , iron and titanium by electrolytic deposition method in molten salt under suitable experimental conditions .

  18. 在电解沉积过程中,阳极是整个电化学反应体系的核心主体,其电解过程稳定性是容易被人忽视的环节,成为降低电积能耗的瓶颈。

    In the electrolytic deposition process , the anode electrochemical reaction system is the core of the whole subject and the stability of the electrolysis process is easy to be overlooked and has become the bottleneck of power consumption reducing .

  19. 论文首先叙述了锌精矿种类,沸腾炉的焙烧过程,常规浸出各种影响因素及电解沉积锌的经济技术指标,为后续章节信息系统的开发奠定了基础。

    The zinc concentrate , the principle of fluidized bed furnace roasting , the factors influencing the general leaching and the economic and technological indexes in the zinc electrolysis process are indicated in this thesis , which lay a foundation for the information systems .

  20. 等离子体电解阴极沉积Y2O3陶瓷涂层

    Y_2O_3 Coatings Deposited by Cathodic Plasma Electrolysis

  21. 结果表明,当体系中硼钛摩尔比B/Ti大于2时,钛与硼可在同一电位下实现电解共沉积并反应生成硼化钛。

    The results show that the electrolytic codeposition of titanium and boron with the formation of TiB_2 can be achieved at molar ratios B / Ti > 2 .

  22. YF3-LiF熔盐体系中氧化物电解共沉积钇镁合金的阴极过程研究

    Cathode Process in Electrolytic Codeposition of Y-Mg Alloy in Molten Fluoride

  23. 采用循环伏安曲线、电子探针、X射线衍射法,研究了尿素-NaCl-NaAc-CoCl2-LaCl3熔体中镧钴电解共沉积。

    The cyclic voltammetry , electron probe and X-ray diffraction analysis were used to study the electrolytic codeposition of lanthanum cobalt in urea-NaCl-NaAc-CoCl_2-LaCl_3 melt .

  24. 探讨了等离子体电解阴极沉积Y2O3涂层的机理。

    Meanwhile , the mechanism on the formation of Y_2O_3 coatings deposited by cathodic plasma electrolysis is discussed .

  25. 尿素熔体中镧钴电解共沉积的研究

    Study on Electrolytic Codeposition of Lanthanum and Cobalt in Urea Melt

  26. 用阴极电解法沉积铝合金铈转化膜

    Investigation of forming cerium conversion coatings on Aluminum Alloys by cathodic electrolysis

  27. 熔盐中用电解方法沉积碳薄膜

    Study on the Deposition of Carbon Films in Molten Salt by Electrolytic Method

  28. 电铸版:是一种复制凸版式。先用蜡在原身版式或字版上套出铸模,把铜用电解法沉积于蜡铸上,然后用铅合金衬背而成。

    Electrotype : A duplicate relief printing plate made electrolytically by depositing copper on a wax mould taken from an original plate or type and backing it with a lead alloy .

  29. 研究工作主要包括以下几个方面:1.研究了碳纤维表面电沉积Ni-B合金工艺,结果表明碳纤维的预处理、镀液组分以及电解参数对沉积速度及镀层质量有明显的影响。

    The main contents are presented as follows : 1 . The process of electroplating Ni-B alloy on the surface of carbon fibers was investigated . The results show that the Ni-B deposits performance and deposition rate were evidently affected by pretreatment , bath composition and electrodeposition parameters .

  30. 钯银膜无电解镀共沉积的探讨

    Preparation of Palladium - Silver Membrane by Electroless Plating