
  • 【铁道】telegraph network
  1. 全国电报网局名资料管理系统的设计

    The Design of Management System for Data of Office Names of National Telegram Network

  2. 欧洲国际气象电传打字电报网

    International Meteorological Teleprinter Network in Europe

  3. 北方的电报网延伸发展到四面八方从各处采集的信息反馈到了林肯和他在华盛顿的指挥官们手中

    The North 's telegraph network spreads its tentacles far and wide , sucking information back to Lincoln and his commanders in Washington .

  4. 使用流水号实现报文的丢失检测和重发功能是电报网中广泛使用的一种方法。

    Sequence id is one of the most popular method in telecom network which is used to check and resend the lost message and packages .

  5. 曾经传令员需要花费数日快马加鞭数百英里跋山涉水才可以将信息送达现在全国50000英里的电报网意味着通讯几乎是在瞬间完成

    Where messengers previously took days on horse back , over hundreds of miles and across every kind of terrain , now the country 's 50000 mile telegraph network means communication is almost instantaneous .

  6. CS码应用于电报通信网时的系统设计

    Application of CS Codes to Telegram Communication System Design

  7. 民航分组电报交换网的卫星传输试验

    Satellite Transmission Test of CAAC Group Message Exchange Network

  8. 介绍了铁路电报自动交换网的功能特点,电报网的流量控制,网络运行保障及效果。

    It introduces the functions and characteristics of railways telex automatic switch network , the volume control of telex network , operation guarantee of network and effects of network operation .

  9. 电报线像蜘蛛网似地由主楼向四面八方伸展。

    Telegraph wires radiate like cobwebs from the main building .