
  • 网络Maximum Flow;maximum flow problem;maximal flow problem
  1. 由于改进算法涉及到了最大流问题方面的内容,本文也对社区发现中基于最大流的社区发现方法及标号算法进行了讨论。

    Because the improved algorithm involves the knowledge of the maximal flow problem , this paper also addressed discovering community method based on maximal flow and the symbol algorithm .

  2. 网络最大流问题的一种新的符号ADD求解算法

    A novel symbolic ADD algorithm for maximum flow in networks

  3. 网络最大流问题求解的代数决策图(ADD)技术

    An ADD based Technique for the Maximum Flow in Networks

  4. 最大流问题的DNA计算两阶段法

    DNA algorithm with two phases for maximum flow

  5. 为解决大多数的流量工程问题和网络传输中的最大流问题,该文提出了基于多协议标签交换(MPLS)解决方案;

    A solution to the maximum flow problem of network transmission via MPLS is proposed in this paper .

  6. 而使用新方法可以得到NC算法,且可以证明节点和边都有容量的有向平面网络中的最小截、最大流问题都是属于NC的。

    It is proved that the minimum cut and maximum flow problems in directed planar networks with both node and edge capacities are both in NC .

  7. 文中利用ADD存储表示网络及描述网络最大流问题,给出一种求解网络最大流问题的符号ADD技术新思路。

    In this paper , the authors use ADD to represent networks and the maximum flow problems , and give a new idea of solving the maximum flow in general networks .

  8. 最后利用LKYY解决了实际GIS系统中交通规划的最小费用最大流问题。

    Last , making use of LK_YY , we solve the maximum cost minimum flow problem in traffic program of GIS .

  9. 用Excel提供的“规划求解”功能解决网络规划问题中的主要问题:最大流问题、最小代价流问题、最短路问题和网络计划关键路径问题。

    It is the main objective of using Excel to provide " programming for resolution " to such topology network programming problems : Maximum flux problem , Minimum price flux problem , the shortest path and key path problem .

  10. 该方法充分考虑了网络化作战探测信息共享以及指控命令协同,并将网络化作战C2组织的最优设计问题转化为C2组织网络中探测信息和指控命令的最小费用最大流问题。

    The methodologies considers the shared information and Cooperation of Command which is important factor in NCW , and Convert the design of C2 organization into the Minimum Cost Maximum Flow Problem .

  11. 该算法比通用的算法快.它已经突破了最大流问题的O(mn)时间障碍,具有较强的理论意义,也为解决许多实际应用问题提供了更有效的算法。

    The algorithm is faster than algorithms for general maximum flow problems and it has broken the O ( mn ) time barrier of the maximum flow problem , so it is of much importance in theory and constitutes a more efficient algorithm for solving many real application problems .

  12. 简述了网络最大流问题并给出相应的数学模型,在此基础上详细解析了网络最大流问题中的两个典型阻塞流算法:Dinic阻塞流算法、Goldberg和Rao的二分长度阻塞流算法。

    The condition of the maximum flow problem was proposed and a mathematical model was set up . Two typical algorithms , i.e. , Dinic flow decomposition barrier Algorithms and Goldberg Rao flow decomposition barrier Algorithms to tackle with the maximum-flow problem of networks were elaborated in details .

  13. 纵观全文,主要工作如下:1.介绍了最大流问题研究的背景、意义以及研究现状。

    Introduce the research background and significance of maximum flow problem .

  14. 网络最大流问题典型组合算法研究

    Research on the Typical Algorithms for the Maximum-flow Problem of Networks

  15. 网络最大流问题和典型阻塞流算法研究

    Maximum-flow Problem of Networks and Algorithms of Typical Flow Decomposition Barrier

  16. 一类有损耗网络最大流问题的模型与算法

    Model and Algorithm for the Maximun Flow on a Loss Network

  17. 考虑路损的最大流问题及其基本特征

    The Maximum Flow Problem of Considering Flow Lossing and Its Basic Features

  18. 求解网络最大流问题的一个算法

    An Algorithm for Solving the Problem of MaximumFlow in the Transportation Network

  19. 特殊网络结构上的最大流问题研究

    Research on the Maximum-flow Problem of Networks Based on Special Networks Structure

  20. 求解最小费用最大流问题的一种方法

    A Simple Solution to Maximal Flows at Lowest Cost

  21. 消耗性网络最大流问题研究

    The Research of Maximum Flow Problem of Consuming Network

  22. 二商品流最大流问题的合成流算法

    A Synthesizing Flow Algorithm of Two-commodity Max-flow Problem

  23. 基于路径的多源多汇最大流问题研究

    Research on Path-based Solution to Multi-commodity Maximum-flow

  24. 带模糊约束的最大流问题

    The Maximum Flow Problem with Fuzzy Constraints

  25. 本文研究了广义上界问题的反问题及广义最大流问题的反问题。

    This article discusses the inverse generalized upper bounding problem and generalized maximum flow problems .

  26. 求解最大流问题的构造式算法

    Structural Algorithm for Maximal Flow Through Network

  27. 广义最大流问题

    The Generalized Problem of Maximum Flow

  28. 网络流与最大流问题

    Network Flow and Maximum Flow

  29. 最大流问题的逆问题

    The Inverse Maximum Flow Problem

  30. 对网络最大流问题的深入研究具有重要意义和实用价值。

    It has an important significance and useful worthy for further research on the maximum-flow problem of networks .