
zuì jiā nán zhǔ jué
  • the best actor
  1. 2003年汉达公司元旦晚会荣获“最佳男主角奖”;

    Won the Best Actor on new year 's evening party of MPT , 2003 .

  2. 在影片《林肯》中扮演林肯的刘易斯获得最佳男主角奖。

    Daniel Day Lewis won the best actor Oscar for his portrayal of Abraham Lincoln in Lincoln .

  3. 马修•麦康纳的致辞也不错,他因为在《达拉斯买家俱乐部》(DallasBuyersClub)中的表演而获得了剧情类最佳男主角奖。

    Matthew McConaughey also scored , accepting the best actor in a Drama Award for Dallas buyers club .

  4. 最佳男主角奖得主是……LeonardoDiCaprio。

    And the Oscar goes to ... Leonardo DiCaprio .

  5. 另外,在去年8月,Parson获得了艾美奖喜剧类剧集最佳男主角奖。

    He won the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series last August .

  6. 霍夫曼的演艺生涯继续前进,总共赢得了七项奥斯卡最佳男主角提名,最近一次是1998年因为政治讽刺片《摇尾狗》(WagtheDog)。

    Instead , he continued on a career path that has garnered seven best actor Oscar nominations ( most recently for political satire Wag the Dog in 1998 ) .

  7. ScottCooper的疯狂的心为JeffBridges赢得了本年度的最佳男主角,影片讲述的是一个乡村音乐家在大起大落的人生里打拼、赢得人生转折的故事。

    Scott Cooper 's Crazy Heart , which won Jeff Bridges this year 's Best Actor award , shows him playing a down-and-out country music singer attempting to turn his fortunes around .

  8. 2009年,福克斯探照灯影业的主管们准确觉察到好莱坞对杰夫·布里吉斯(JeffBridges)的好感,8月底买下《疯狂的心》(CrazyHeart),12月匆忙发行。布里吉斯后来获得了最佳男主角奖。

    Fox Searchlight bought " Crazy Heart " in late August 2009 and rushed to release it that December after executives accurately gauged warm , fuzzy Hollywood sentiment toward Jeff Bridges , who went on to win best actor .

  9. 在最佳男主角奖项中,迈克尔·基顿(MichaelKeaton)不负众望,因他在《鸟人》中的华丽表现获得提名,他在片中的角色是一个上了年纪的超级影星,在戏剧舞台上寻求拯救。

    Among actors , Michael Keaton received his expected nomination for his bravura turn in " Birdman " as an aging screen superhero seeking salvation on the stage .

  10. 但前提是他能胜过另一位潜在候选人埃迪·雷德梅恩(EddieRedmayne),后者凭借在《万物理论》(TheTheoryofEverything)中饰演天才斯蒂芬·霍金(StephenHawking)获得了金球奖剧情类影片最佳男主角奖。

    But only if he bests the potential nominee Eddie Redmayne , who won the Globe for best actor in a film drama for his portrayal of the genius Stephen Hawking in " The Theory of Everything . "

  11. 主演《模仿游戏》的本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(BenedictCumberbatch)、主演《狐狸猎手》(Foxcatcher)中的史蒂夫·卡瑞尔(SteveCarell),以及主演《美国狙击手》中的布拉德利·库珀(BradleyCooper)也分获最佳男主角提名。

    Benedict Cumberbatch from " The Imitation Game , " Steve Carell from " Foxcatcher , " and Bradley Cooper from " American Sniper " rounded out the best actor field .

  12. 2011年,伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴(他后来在HBO的电视剧《火线》中扮演斯金格·比尔而广为人知)获得了多次艾美奖提名,并获得迷你剧最佳男主角奖。

    In 2011 , Idris Elba ( the actor then best known for portraying Stringer Bell on HBO 's " The Wire " ) earned the first of multiple Emmy nominations as Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries .

  13. 剧情类最佳男主角:史蒂夫·卡瑞尔(SteveCarell),《狐狸猎手》;本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(BenedictCumberbatch),《模仿游戏》;杰克·吉伦哈尔,《夜行者》;大卫·奥伊罗(DavidOyelowo),《塞尔玛》;埃迪·雷德梅恩(EddieRedmayne),《万物理论》

    Best Actor , DramaSteve Carell , " Foxcatcher " Benedict Cumberbatch , " The Imitation Game " Jake Gyllenhaal , " Nightcrawler " David Oyelowo , " Selma " Eddie Redmayne , " The Theory of Everything "

  14. 8日,抖森凭借BBC电视剧《夜班经理》中的角色收获首个金球奖——迷你剧/电视电影最佳男主角,该剧改编自约翰·勒·卡雷的小说,讲述了一个参与军火走私的酒店经理的故事。

    Hiddleston won his first Golden Globe on Sunday - for best performance by an actor in a mini-series or TV movie - for his role in the BBC 's adaptation of John le Carre 's novel about a hotel manager involved in arms smuggling .

  15. 音乐与喜剧类最佳男主角:拉尔夫·费因斯(RalphFiennes),《布达佩斯大饭店》;迈克尔·基顿,《鸟人》;比尔·默瑞,《圣人文森特》;杰昆·菲尼克斯(JoaquinPhoenix),《性本恶》(InherentVice);克里斯托弗·华尔兹(ChristophWaltz),《大眼睛》

    Best Actor , Musical or Comedy : Ralph Fiennes , " The Grand Budapest Hotel " Michael Keaton , " Birdman " Bill Murray , " St. Vincent " Joaquin Phoenix , " Inherent Vice " Christoph Waltz , " Big Eyes "

  16. 迈克尔·基顿(MichaelKeaton)不负众望,凭借《鸟人》(Birdman)获得了喜剧/音乐剧类影片最佳男主角奖。他似乎很有希望进而获得奥斯卡奖。他在片中饰演一位跟自己的潜力做生死斗争的舞台演员,表演十分大胆。

    Michael Keaton , in a widely expected win , was named best actor in a film comedy or musical for " Birdman . " With the award , he seemed well on the way toward an Oscar for a bravura performance as a stage actor locked in a life-or-death struggle with his own potential .

  17. 剧情类影片最佳男主角

    Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama

  18. 剧情类剧集最佳男主角

    Best Performance by an Actor In A Television Series - Drama

  19. 我的最佳男主角中有一些是狗和马。

    Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses .

  20. 并获得了当年的奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角奖。

    And won that year 's Oscar for Best Actor .

  21. 最佳男主角:丹尼尔-戴-刘易斯《林肯》

    Best leading actor : Daniel Day-Lewis in " Lincoln "

  22. 由此,他第一次获得了奥斯卡最佳男主角提名奖。

    For which he got his first Oscar nomination .

  23. 汤姆.汉克斯获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。

    Tom Hanks won the Oscar for Best Actor .

  24. 难怪《浩劫重生》这部影片又一次使他获得了最佳男主角提名奖。

    It is no wonder that Cast Away earned him nominations once again .

  25. 海伦.迈伦宣布了最佳男主角获奖者:

    Helen Mirren announced the winner for best actor .

  26. 汤姆·希德勒斯顿在金球奖上荣获了迷你剧类最佳男主角。

    Tom Hiddleston takes best actor in a Mini-Series at the Golden Globes .

  27. 他拿了最佳男主角的奖。

    He won a prize as best actor .

  28. 曾凭借《重庆森林》与《春光乍泄》两度获金像奖最佳男主角。

    The last two won him Best Actor prizes at the Hongkong Film Awards .

  29. 里奇.格威斯:喜剧类最佳男主角之《临时演员》(2007年)

    Ricky Gervais : Lead Actor in a Comedy for ' Extras ' ( 2007 )

  30. 杰夫·布里奇斯因在电影《疯狂的心》中的上佳表现,摘得奥斯卡最佳男主角桂冠。

    Jeff Bridges won the best actor Oscar for his role in the film Crazy Heart .