
  • 网络Cinematography;BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY;Best Cinematographer
  1. 最佳摄影:艾曼努尔-卢贝兹基《地心引力》

    Best cinematography : Emmanuel Lubezki , Gravity

  2. 泰国电影《星期五杀手》获得最佳摄影奖和评委会奖。

    And Thailand film Friday Killer received Best Cinematography and the Jury Award .

  3. 目的研究直接数字化X射线摄影照射剂量与成像质量的关系,确定骨盆X射线摄影的最佳摄影条件。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between exposure dose and image quality for a direct digital radiography system and to determine the optimum exposure parameters for pelvic examination .

  4. 据市场研究公司IBISWorld讲,最佳摄影奖获得者在提名之后可以获得票房的22%,在获奖之后可以再获得15%。

    Best Picture winners can expect a 22 percentraise in box office after a nomination and another 15 percent bump if they win , according to IBISWorld .

  5. 乳腺癌显示的最佳摄影位置及质量控制

    Optimal position showing breast cancer and quality control on mammography

  6. 目的研究一种能够显示颈椎上、下关节突及关节突关节的最佳摄影位置。

    Objective To study the best projection position of cervical articular facet .

  7. 此片还获得了奥斯卡最佳摄影、最佳导演以及最佳编剧奖。

    The film also won Academy Awards for best Cinematography , Director , and Screenplay .

  8. 最佳摄影奖得主为中国影片《萧红》的摄影师石栾。

    The other Chinese winner was Shi Luan , who won best cinematography for his work on the film " Falling Flowers . "

  9. 法国的“无福之地”夺得最佳摄影奖,韩国电影“电影就是电影”荣获最佳音乐奖。

    France 's " Nowhere Promised Land " clinched best cinematography and the South Korean drama " Rough Cut " was honored for the best music score .

  10. 由香港导演曾国祥执导的《七月与安生》获得了包括最佳摄影、最佳导演、最佳女主角等奖项的提名,两位女主角分别由周冬雨与马思纯饰演。

    Recognitions for the film by Hong Kong director Derek Tseng include Best Picture , Best Director and two Best Actress nominations for its female leads Zhou Dongyu and Ma Sichun .

  11. 这部影片以20世纪60年代为背景,讲述了爱情和生活,在去年的威尼斯电影节上获得金狮奖提名,在今年亚洲电影大奖上获得最佳摄影奖。

    The 1960s-era drama about love and life was nominated for the Golden Lion at last year 's Venice Film Festival , and won the Best Cinematography at this year 's Asian Film Awards .

  12. 该片获得的其他提名主要集中在技术类,诸如最佳摄影与最佳混音,这表明该片受到各层次投票者的广泛支持(只有一个可能的异议:该片是非常以男性为中心的)。

    Additional nominations came in more technical categories like cinematography and sound mixing , an indication of especially broad support among all classes of voters . ( One possible exception : The movie is very male centric . )

  13. 可喜的是,他拍摄的柠檬鲨照片荣获了2008年度国际最佳自然摄影奖。

    The good news is , he shot photos lemon shark won the2008 annual International Best Nature Photography Award .

  14. 2013《时代》最佳新闻摄影及肖像,《时代》年度最佳通讯摄影师。

    TIME 's best photojournalism and portraiture from 2013 and TIME 's choice for the Wire Photographer of the Year .

  15. Simon的作品包揽了本年度最佳水下摄影照片的前几名。

    Simon 's works has filled out the top ranks of this year 's best underwater photography .

  16. 最佳交向摄影的精度分析

    Accuracy analysis of optimun convergent photography

  17. 由丹麦导演拉斯·冯·特里尔导演、影星妮可·基德曼出演的影片《狗镇》获得了最佳导演和最佳摄影奖。

    " Dogville ," by Danish director Lars von Trier and starring Nicole Kidman , won best director and best cinematography .

  18. 《地心引力》总计获得七个奖项,包括最佳视觉效果和最佳摄影。

    ' Gravity ' won a total of seven awards , including the prizes for best visual effects and cinematography . '

  19. 高群书凭借执导电影《神探亨特张》获得最佳导演奖;最佳摄影奖得主为中国影片《萧红》的摄影师石栾。

    The best director award went to Gao Qunshu for the cop film Detective Hunter Zhang . The other Chinese winner was Shi Luan , who won best cinematography for his work on the film Falling Flowers .

  20. 2000年的电影《卧虎藏龙》将文艺片的风格和功夫动作画面融为一体,由李安(AngLee)执导,赢得了四项奥斯卡奖(AcademyAwards):最佳外语片奖、最佳摄影奖、最佳艺术指导奖和最佳原创音乐奖。

    The original 2000 movie , which blended art-house sensibilities with kung-fu action scenes , was directed by Ang Lee and won four Academy Awards : best foreign-language film , art direction , original score and cinematography .

  21. 这部由陈可辛担任制片人、成本2300万美元的小成本影片还获得了另外五个奖项,包括最佳动作设计奖和最佳摄影奖。

    Producer Peter Chan 's US $ 23 million budget movie also picked up five other awards , including best action choreography and cinematography .

  22. 在美国当地时间星期日,电影《卧虎藏龙》获得了四项“学院奖”,其中包括最佳外语影片奖、最佳摄影奖、最佳艺术指导奖和最佳配乐奖。

    Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon won four Academy Awards on Sunday ( local time ), including best foreign-language film , best cinematography , best art direction and best score .

  23. 这部电影荣获第68届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳摄影、最佳音乐、最佳化装五项大奖。

    It won five 68-second Oscar awards for best picture , best director , best cinematography , best music , best make up .

  24. 2002年《生活秀》独揽第六届上海国际电影节最佳影片、最佳女演员和最佳摄影三项大奖。

    His film LIVE SHOW in2002 won awards for Best Film , Best Actress and Best Photography at the6th Shanghai International Film Festival .

  25. 史蒂文斯获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖,电影同时还获最佳改编剧本,最佳摄影,最佳剪辑,最佳配乐,最佳服装设计等多项奖项。

    Stevens rightly won an Oscar for Best Direction and Oscars also went to Best Screenplay , Best Cinematography , Best Editing , Best Musical Score , and Best Costume Design .

  26. 电影获得了7项奥斯卡提名,包括最佳电影、最佳男主角、最佳最佳改编剧本奖、最佳摄影奖。很遗憾,最终没有获奖。

    The movie was nominated for seven Academy Awards , including Best Picture , Best Actor , Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Cinematography . Unfortunately , it failed to win a single Oscar .

  27. 电影获得了奥斯卡最佳视觉效果奖、最佳音效编辑奖、最佳混音奖、最佳摄影奖。

    It won Academy Awards for Best Visual Effects , Best Sound Editing , Best Sound Mixing , and Best Cinematography .

  28. 该片一举拿下了最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳原创剧本、最佳原创音乐、最佳摄影、最佳服装设计等奖项。同时,主演让-杜雅尔丹获得了最佳男主角奖。

    It won awards for best film , best director , best original screenplay , best original music , best cinematography , best costume design as well as a performance award for leading actor Jean Dujardin .

  29. 巴西影片《上帝之城》获得最佳外语片奖。这部电影荣获第68届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳摄影、最佳音乐、最佳化装五项大奖。

    The Brazilian movie " City of God " was named best foreign film . It won five 68-second Oscar awards for best picture , best director , best cinematography , best music , best make up .

  30. 这部影片获得了奥斯卡最佳影片奖、最佳导演奖、最佳男演员奖(给予史派西)、最佳原创剧本奖以及最佳摄影奖。

    It won Oscars for Best Picture , Best Director , Best Actor ( for Spacey ) , Best Original Screenplay and Best Cinematography .