
  • 网络MAD MEN;AMC;madman;Mad Men AMC;Mad Man
  1. 马修·威纳:《广告狂人》制作人

    Matthew Weiner : Mad Men creator

  2. 沉浸在《广告狂人》(MadMen)被下线的落寞中的观众们能否从16世纪的中国传说中找到慰藉呢?

    Can viewers suffering from ' Mad Men ' withdrawal seek solace in a 16th-century Chinese fable ?

  3. AMC频道的《广告狂人》(MadMen)也是如此。

    That was true , too , of " Mad Men " on AMC .

  4. 公司最近在上海开设了第一家店铺,它的正装男鞋【想想电视剧《广告狂人》(MadeMen)】售价在175美元至695美元之间。

    The company , whose dress shoes ( think mad men ) sell for $ 175 to $ 695 , opened its first store recently in Shanghai .

  5. 之后它得到了《广告狂人》(“MadMen”)这部剧本来先投给了HBO但是被拒了。

    Then it acquired " Mad Men " & a show that had been pitched to HBO and turned down .

  6. 他留着一个美剧《广告狂人》(MadMen)式的发型,穿着修身西装,看起来就像摩洛哥的赌场管理员。

    And not just because , with his mad men hair cut and sharp suits , he looks the part of a Monaco croupier .

  7. 因此,这笔交易或许只是《广告狂人》(MadMen)所引发波本威士忌热潮的一次性反应(主角唐•德雷柏在剧中常饮波本威士忌)。

    So perhaps this is just a one-off , reflective of a Bourbon bubble that began inflating when don Draper started to sip on mad men .

  8. 在系扣式服装(即《广告狂人》(MadMen)中的装束)多年占据主导地位后,男装开始转向休闲风格。

    After a number of years in which a buttoned-up aesthetic held sway - the Mad Men look - men 's tailoring has taken a more relaxed turn .

  9. 大多数人表示他们知道应该避免《广告狂人》(MadMen)第三季里那位被解雇的广告管理人士的暴怒情绪。

    Most people say they know to avoid the sort of bridge-burning tantrum thrown by the ad exec who was fired on the season premier of'Mad Men'this week .

  10. 娱乐时间(Showtime)等付费有线电视频道、以及播放《广告狂人》(MadMen)的AMC等免费有线电视频道,也在追随HBO的脚步。

    Subscription channels including Showtime and free ones such as AMC , which broadcast Mad Men , followed its lead .

  11. 这位《广告狂人》(MadMen)时代的广告专家引起了我的好奇心:几十年后,当桑德伯格开始写回忆录的时候,会有多少女性会坐上了企业高管的宝座呢?

    The ad Maven from the mad men era got me wondering : how many women will we see at the top decades from now , when Sandberg delivers her memoirs ?

  12. 别了,《广告狂人》(MadMen)。别了,那些追踪每集情节(更重要的是,每集服装)的博客和粉丝网站。

    And so , farewell to " Mad Men . " Farewell to the blogs and fan sites that tracked the story line ( and more important , the outfits ) of each episode .

  13. 在我们急切地等待《广告狂人》回归的时候,我们至少知道最近在哪里能看到《广告狂人》的RichSommer了。

    While we await word of a return date for Mad Men , we at least know when we 'll next see Rich Sommer .

  14. 一些主要刊物(包括请了一名法学教授兼最高法院律师在网上引导对《广告狂人》(MadMen)的讨论的这本刊物)重述每一个情节,甚至也讨论收视率不佳的剧集。

    Major publications ( including this one , which has a law professor and Supreme Court advocate leading a ' Mad Men ' discussion online ) recap every plot development , even of ratings-challenged shows .

  15. 笨拙的人可以从温文尔雅、长得像《广告狂人》(MadMen)里乔恩·哈姆(JonHamm)的教练那里得到隐秘的实时的把妹及约会建议。

    and where the maladroit can receive stealthy , real-time pickup and dating advice from debonair coaches resembling the " Mad Men " star Jon Hamm .

  16. 《广告狂人》(MadMen)的创作者马修•韦纳(MatthewWeiner)在一堆DVD旁坐下,里面有他自己的热门电视剧中的好几季。

    Matthew Weiner , the Mad Men creator , took a seat by a stack of DVDs , which included multiple seasons of his own hit TV show .

  17. 假如你和我一样看“MadMen广告狂人”--

    Now , if you watch " Mad Men , " like I do --

  18. 还有人认为是詹妮·布赖恩特(JanieBryant)的问题。她是电视剧集《广告狂人》(MadMen)的服装设计师,这部剧抓住了人们对上世纪中叶现代风格日益迷恋的情愫。

    Others pointed the finger at Janie Bryant , costume designer of the television show ' Mad Men , ' which capitalized on a growing national obsession with midcentury modern style .

  19. 阿里巴巴与狮门娱乐联合提供的流媒体服务将让用户欣赏到这家电影公司的影视内容,包括《暮光之城》(Twilight)、《饥饿游戏》及电视剧《广告狂人》(MadMen)。

    The streaming service offered jointly with Lions Gate will give users access to the film studio 's content , including several titles from the Twilight and Hunger Games franchises as well as the TV series Mad Men .

  20. 我见过许多身处“广告狂人/MadMen(知名的美剧)”时代的创意名人,他们在日常交谈中极其不擅言辞,这让我十分惊讶。尤其是大卫·奥格威/DavidOgilvy。

    Having met many of the creative luminaries of the " Mad Men " era , I was amazed at the time how conspicuously " nonverbal " most of them were in ordinary conversation & David Ogilvy in particular .

  21. 这也是该奖项被第一次授予基本频道(广告狂人是在AMC频道播放,区别于HBO等金牌频道)的电视节目。

    It was the first time the award had gone to a show on basic cable ( it is shown on the AMC channel ) as opposed to a premium network , such as HBO .

  22. AMC推出的热门电视剧《广告狂人》(MadMen)刚刚结束。这部剧情类电视剧描写了发生在上世纪五十年代一家广告公司雇员身上的各种故事。AMC表示,希望《Badlands》能够复制《广告狂人》的成功。

    AMC , fresh off its smash hit ' Mad Men , ' a drama chronicling the lives of employees at a 1950s ad agency , said it hopes ' Badlands ' can replicate that show 's success . '

  23. 从该剧2007年首播至今,我们似乎患上了哈德利·弗里曼(HadleyFreeman)在《卫报》(TheGuardian)上所称的“广告狂人狂热症”(madmenalaria)。

    For as long as the show has been running - ever since its debut in 2007 - we have been , it seems , suffering from what Hadley Freeman in The Guardian newspaper dubbed " madmenalaria . "

  24. 马克尔就是饰演《广告狂人》中的PaulKinsey而被粉丝熟知,他们两人婚礼的摄影师是法国的摄影爱好者SylvieGil,她还把作品放上了Ins.

    Beth and Michael - whom Mad Men fans will recognize as Paul Kinsey - had their wedding photographed by French shutterbug Sylvie Gil , who posted a bit of her work to Instagram .

  25. 知道这对夫妇的消息人士说:你看过《广告狂人》吗?

    Says a source who knows the couple : Have you ever seen Mad Men ?

  26. 在《广告狂人》的世界里,欲望和酒精扭曲了人们的判断。

    In the world of mad men , judgment was warped by lust and alcohol .

  27. 《广告狂人》是由马修维纳制作的一部历史剧。

    Mad Men is an American television period drama series created and produced by Matthew Weiner .

  28. “广告狂人永远不会成为封面,”闵打趣道。

    Hardly Us Weekly fodder . " 'Mad Men'will never make the cover ," Min quips .

  29. 是时候远离类似《广告狂人》某一集里的工作场所政策了。

    It 's time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a Mad Men episode .

  30. 杰克装扮成了《广告狂人》中的乔•汉姆,还配备了香烟和一杯威士忌。

    Jack dresses as Don Draper from Mad Men , complete with cigarette and glass of whisky .