
  • 网络GITIC;Guangdong International Trust
  1. 例另外,据观察人士说,广东国际信托投资公司倒闭案损害了包括日本在内的外国金融机构对中国的信用。

    Some observers say that the bankruptcy of GITIC has actually made the foreign financial institutions , including some Japanese financial institutions , lower their credit rating of China .

  2. 广东国际信托投资公司申请破产这件事情,是中国金融改革过程中的一个个别事件。

    The application bv Gitic for bankruptcv is an individual case in the course of financjal reform in China .

  3. 正是信托投资机构的外部环境与内部管理两方面的原因,导致了信托机构经营中的巨大风险,广东国际信托投资公司的清算就是风险暴露的必然结果。

    Poor outside environments and inside management led to great risk in their operation , of which the bankruptcy of Guangdong International Trust Corporation is an example .

  4. 1999年广东国际信托投资公司破产案震惊世界,涉及全球130多家银行、2万多个人储户和8万多股民。在近期的德隆事件中,德隆集团及其下属子公司总负债高达570亿元。

    In 1999 , the world was shocked by the bankruptcy of Guangdong International Intrust Investment Company in which more than 130 banks , over 20,000 depositors and over 80,000 shareholders were involved .

  5. 但至今只有广东省国际信托投资公司是真正通过司法程序破产退市,仍然没有银行是通过司法途径破产清算的。

    But up to now only Guangdong trust the investment company is the real case which have bankrupted through the judicial process , still have no bank pass the judicial path for bankruptcy .

  6. 上世纪90年代亚洲金融危机期间,尽管拥有广东省政府的隐性担保,广东国际信托投资公司(guangdonginternationaltrust)仍走向了破产。

    During the 1990s Asian financial crisis , the Guangdong International Trust went bust , in spite of an implicit Guangdong state government guarantee .