
  1. 英国央行(bankofengland)最新季度报告中的一篇文章分析了广义货币增长的疲软。

    An article in the latest Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin analyses the weakness in broad money growth .

  2. 广义货币增长快,在金融资产中占比大。

    Rapid increasing of money in broad sense with a dominant share in financial assets .

  3. 通胀、经济和楼市均已放缓,广义货币增长已骤跌至2001年以来的最低水平。

    Inflation , the economy and the housing market have slowed as broad money growth has collapsed to its lowest level since 2001 .

  4. 多数经济学家相信,中国央行要想实现12%的广义货币增长目标,必须采取进一步降准措施。

    Most economists believe that for the PBoC to meet its broad M2 money growth target of 12 per cent , further RRR cuts will be necessary .

  5. 然而目前欧洲央行允许广义货币增长急速下跌(见图表)的做法,违反了从德国央行那里继承来的货币准则。

    Yet the ECB is violating its own monetary principles , inherited from the Bundesbank , by allowing a collapse in the growth of broad money ( see chart ) .

  6. 但是,在与指数挂钩的英国国债实际利率仅为0.6%,短期利率为0.5%,常规10年期国债收益率为4%左右,同时信贷和广义货币增长疲弱的情况下,这简直是天方夜谭。

    But , with real interest rates on index-linked gilts at just 0.6 per cent , short-term interest rates at 0.5 per cent , yields on conventional 10-year gilts at around 4 per cent and weak growth of credit and broad money , this is a fairy story .

  7. 在英国和欧元区,广义货币的增长远大于本国名义gdp。

    In the euro area and Britain , broad money growth is running well ahead of nominal GDP .

  8. 今年广义货币M2增长目标为17%左右,新增人民币贷款7.5万亿元左右。

    This year 's target for expanding the broad money supply ( M2 ) is around 17 % , and we will increase the total quantity of renminbi loans by approximately 7.5 trillion yuan .

  9. 广义货币预期增长14%。

    The broad money supply is projected to increase by 14 percent .

  10. 港元广义货币的增长由二零零一年上半年的5%,下降至十二月时约1%。

    Growth of Hong Kong dollar broad money moderated to around 1 per cent in December 2001 , from around 5 per cent in the first half .

  11. 广义货币M2预期增长目标拟定为13%左右。

    The target for growth of the broad money supply ( M2 ) is about 13 percent .

  12. 广义货币M2的增长已从2009年近30%的高点,降至过去两个月平均16%的水平。

    Growth in the M2 money supply has fallen from a peak of nearly 30 per cent in 2009 to an average of 16 per cent in the last two months .

  13. 广义货币M2预期增长12%左右,在实际执行中,根据经济发展需要,也可以略高些。

    The M2 money supply is forecasted to grow by around 12 % in 2015 , but the actual supply may be slightly higher than this projection depending on the needs of economic development .

  14. 5月份的新增贷款数据证实了总体收紧趋势,尽管这是在令人喘不过气的快速增长之后的收紧:M2广义货币供应量增长15.1%,这是自2008年以来最慢的增速。

    New loan data for the month of May confirmed a general tightening , albeit following breakneck growth : M2 , the broadest measure of money supply , rose by 15.1 per cent , the slowest rate since 2008 .

  15. 此外,尽管各国央行作出了英勇努力,但广义货币总量的增长仍然不大,主要是因为传导机制被破坏:在最近的12个月期间,美国和欧元区的M2仅增长了1.6%。

    Moreover , despite the heroic efforts of central banks , growth of broad monetary aggregates is subdued , mainly because the transmission mechanism is impaired : over the latest 12-month period , US and eurozone M2 grew just 1.6 per cent .

  16. 广义货币供应量增长15.3%,比同期经济增长和零售物价涨幅之和高出10.1个百分点。

    Broad money supply grew by 15.3 % , 10.1 percentage points higher than the corresponding economic growth and retail price index combined .

  17. 虽然货币政策立场已经转向了“稳健”,但广义货币的目标增长率仍为16%。

    Despite shifting to a " prudent " monetary policy stance , the target for broad money growth is still 16 per cent .

  18. 亚洲各国央行资产负债表的扩大,以及许多经济体广义货币供应快速增长,是实施刺激性货币政策的一个更大约束。

    Surely , a bigger constraint to monetary stimulus is the expanded B / S of Asian central banks and rapid monetary growth in many economies .

  19. 6月份M2广义货币供应量同比增长15.9%,相比前一个月的15.1%有所提速。

    The broad M2 measure of money growth was up 15.9 per cent year on year in June , accelerating from 15.1 per cent a month earlier .

  20. 上月,中国M2广义货币供应量同比增长29.3%,而8月份的同比增幅为28.5%。

    The M2 measure of money supply also rose 29.3 per cent over the same month last year , compared to a 28.5 per cent increase in August .

  21. 在截至8月底的3年里,广义货币供给复合年增长率勉强超过2%。

    Broad money grew at a compound annual rate of just over 2 per cent in the three years to the end of August .

  22. 当银行不再借贷,广义货币供应几乎没有增长时,这正是美联储应该做的事情(见图表)。

    When banks will not lend and the broad money supply is barely growing , that is just what it should be doing ( see chart ) .

  23. 准备金增加导致更广义货币总量的加速增长,但由于银行仍持有超额准备金,后者的增长低于比例。

    The growth of reserves has led to an increase in the growth rate of the broader money aggregates , but less than proportionately because banks are still holding excess reserves .

  24. 同时也得出了房地产价格与广义货币供应量互动增长的结论。最后,回顾了近年来我国针对房地产价格过快上涨所采取的政策,并简要的对政策效果进行分析。

    Also come to the conclusion of the real estate prices and the growth of broad money supply interaction . Finally , this paper reviews the policies adopted by China in recent years realestate prices rising too fast , and a brief analysis on the effects of policies .