
  1. 属于向社会公开募集的,须经国务院证券管理部门批准。

    Where the new shares are offered to the public , approval by the securities regulatory authority is required .

  2. 第八十六条发起人向社会公开募集股份,必须公告招股说明书,并制作认股书。

    Article 86 When raising shares in the public , the initiators shall publish a prospectus and prepare share subscription forms .

  3. 未经国务院证券管理部门批准,发起人不得向社会公开募集股份。

    The promoters may not offer any shares to the public without prior approval of the securities administration authorities of the State Council .

  4. 上市公司向社会公开募集资金,资本数额庞大,实现资本的社会化,公司规模远远超过传统的公司、企业,具有广泛的社会影响;

    Listed companies have great sum of capital by collecting funds publicly from society , whose capital has been socialized and scale is far lager than traditional companies , thus impact the society widely .

  5. 募集设立,是指由发起人认购公司应发行股份的一部分,其余部分向社会公开募集而设立公司。

    Establishment by the offer method means establishment of a company by the subscription by the promoters of part of the shares to be issued by a company and a public offer of the remaining part of the shares .

  6. 第二十条上市公司发行新股,应当符合公司法有关发行新股的条件,可以向社会公开募集,也可以向原股东配售。

    Article 20 . When a listed company issues new stocks , it shall comply with the conditions required by the Company Law on new stock issue . It may sell the new stocks to the public or to existing stockholders .

  7. 私募证券投资基金是一种相对于公募基金而言的以集合投资形式通过非公开方式面向社会特定投资者募集的资金。

    Sunshine Private Offering Fund , as opposed to mutual funds , is a collective investment funds for specific investors via private way .

  8. 如果总统可为他的社会福利事业募集上不封顶的私人资金,那么任何一位州长或者市长都可以这么做,更不要说下一任总统了。

    If the president can raise unlimited private funds for his social welfare causes so can any governor or mayor , let alone the next president .

  9. 私募证券基金是一种通过非公开方式面向社会特定投资者募集的资金,并以基金方式运作的集合投资制度,是相对公募基金而言。

    Compared with public offering fund , Private Security Fund is the collective funding system in which the capital is raised in a non-republic by particular investors , and then operated as a fund .

  10. 而在投资者方面,私募股权基金可以将大量社会闲散资金募集起来,依靠管理者的经验优选项目,并通过资本的高效操作帮助他们理性、清晰地实现财务增值。

    As for the investor , PE can allocate large random social capitals , relying on the experience of manager to select certain projects to maintain the rational and sufficient way to realize their financial value .

  11. 发达国家社会体育发展经费募集的社会化运作研究

    Study on the Socialization of Fund Collection for Recreation in Developed Country

  12. 首次公开发行股票首次向社会公开发行股票募集资金。

    The offering of a company 's stock to the public for the first time .

  13. 社会募捐中,募集人和捐赠人不是为各自的利益订立募捐合同,而是使处于困境中的第三人也就是受益人获得合同利益,因此,社会募捐是为第三人利益的合同。

    The collect and the donor is not for their own benefit , but to make the third person who in troubles enjoy interests for the contract .