
  • 网络social management
  1. 实施社会化管理后,车辆管理的所有程序都安排得井井有条,用车成本也都笔笔清楚。

    After the implementation of social management , vehicle management arrangements for all the procedures are in good order , car costs are clear-point pen .

  2. 聘请职业经理人,实现职业化管理与社会化管理,从封闭式的家庭管理经营逐步走向社会化经营,是实现家族企业的永续经营的正确选择。

    It is a right choice which engages professional manager , carrys on professional management and social management from conservative family management to social management , at the end , realizes agelong operating .

  3. 中外高校后勤社会化管理模式比较研究

    A Contrastive Study of University Logistics Socialization in China and Abroad

  4. 浅议网络与离退休人员的社会化管理

    Discussion on the Network and the Socialized Management of the Retirees

  5. 龙岗区妇幼保健院后勤服务社会化管理模式分析

    Analysis of Hospital Logistics to Serve the Community Management Model

  6. 高校公寓社会化管理中的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Socialized Apartment Building Management of Colleges and Universities

  7. 医院后勤服务社会化管理现行模式的探讨

    Study on the current schema of the socialization of hospital logistic administration

  8. 国有企业退休人员社会化管理问题研究

    The Study of Realizing the Socialization Management Policy on National Enterprise 's Retirees

  9. 合作共赢:非体育系统体育场地社会化管理研究&以宁波市为例

    Cooperation and Mutual Benefits Study on Socialized Management of the Non-athletic Gymnastic Facilities

  10. 论高职院校的后勤社会化管理略论烹调师的社会化管理

    A Brief Discussion on the Socialization Management of Cooks

  11. 谈高校学生公寓社会化管理

    Talking about the socialized management of the student apartment in Colleges and Universities

  12. 专职陪护员社会化管理方法探讨

    The specialty accompanies a sick person to provide nursing care the socialization management discussion

  13. 试论高校后勤社会化管理体制及模式

    The Management System and Mode of Socializing Universities'Rear-service

  14. 生育保险社会化管理服务探索

    Exploration into Socialized Management Service of Birth Insurance

  15. 图书馆物业社会化管理初探

    Studies on Socialized Estate Management in Modern Libraries

  16. 学生公寓社会化管理与高校素质教育

    Socialized Management of Students ' Flats and Quality Education in Institutions of Higher Learning

  17. 环保设施社会化管理在珠钢的应用

    The Application of Socialized Management of Environmental Protection Equipment in Zhujiang Iron and Steel Company

  18. 加快社会化管理服务进程,立足社区,建立社会化服务网络。

    Based on community , speed to build the system of social management and service .

  19. 社会化管理式医疗是中国医疗服务治理机制的目标范式。

    The socialized management type medical service is the Chinese medical service government mechanism goal model .

  20. 新的医疗保障制度的主要特点是低水平、广覆盖、共同负担、统账结合、坚持属地化与社会化管理,实行多层次保障。

    The new system is chiefly characterized by low level , wide coverage , multi-level insurance .

  21. 高校学生公寓社会化管理过程中法律关系初探

    The Primary Research on the Legal Relationship in the Process of Socialized Management of College Students ' Apartments

  22. 治安环境由单纯化转向复杂化,工作方式由过去内部管理转为社会化管理。

    Complex environment of the peace replaces the simple one ; the working way of internal management has changed into socialized one .

  23. 本文分析了后勤社会化管理在高职院校的必然性及可借鉴的模式、管理的机制问题。

    This paper discusses the necessity , the referential model and the administrative mechanism of rear-service socialization management in higher professional colleges .

  24. 但是,在实际的推进过程中却遇到很多亟待解决的问题,制约了退休人员社会化管理的进程和发展。

    However , in the actual the process have met many problems to be solved , and restricted retiree socialization management process and development .

  25. 提出了发挥优势,共享体育资源,树立社会化管理的观点。

    The article puts forward the point of view of giving play to their superiority , sharing the sports resources , and establishing socialized management .

  26. 但传统的社会化管理流动人口模式存在着不足,必须制定全国统一的专门化流动人口管理法规体系。

    As disadvantages exist in the old ` socialization ' administration pattern , a national ` specialization ' administrative law system have to be drew up .

  27. 文章通过分析生育保险社会化管理现状,针对生育保险社会化管理模式、服务手段和运行机制等方面的问题进行了探索。

    After analyzing the current situation of the socialized management of birth insurance , this article has probed into its mode , service and operating mechanism .

  28. 转变方法,探索新的管理模式,实行人才社会化管理、动态化管理、人性化管理、科学化管理、资本化管理;

    Change method , explore new management mode , implement talent socialized management , is it manage to take dynamically , humanized management , scientific process manage , capitalize managing ;

  29. 对就业与失业进行社会化管理,对用人单位和劳动者提供基本人力资源社会保障事务代理,让企业安心经营。

    On the employment and unemployment of social management , the employing units and workers to provide basic human resources and social security services agent , let an enterprise secure operation .

  30. 对于如何建立社区老年人口社会化管理服务体系至今仍没有一个系统的论述。

    At present , it has still not have a integrated discuss on how to establish a system of management and service socialization of security for old people of town in community .