
  • 网络community neighborhood committee;community committees
  1. 物业服务企业与业主委员会、社区居委会之间到底存在什么样的关系?

    What kind of relationship between property service enterprises and owners committee , community committees ?

  2. 二要划清社区居委会与其他社区组织的职责范围。

    Secondly , we must make clear the scope of responsibilities between the community committees and other community organizations .

  3. 选举行为背后:投机博弈&以武汉市C社区居委会直接选举为例

    Behind the Elective Behavior : Game of Speculation & Take Direct Election of C Community in Wuhan for Example

  4. 社区居委会直选中居民参与行为的调查分析&以H市为例

    A Survey on Resident 's Participation Behaviors in Direct Election of Community Residents ' Committee & Take H City of as an Example

  5. 提高社区居委会干部队伍的整体素质;

    Raise the quality of the whole community neighborhood committee cadres ;

  6. 当代中国城市社区居委会重塑探析

    The Study of Reestablishing Residential Neighborhood Committee in Chinese City Community

  7. 友情操作:某国际化社区居委会的治理策略

    Good-fellowship Work : the Managing Strategy of One Internationalized Community Committee

  8. 社区居委会因服务过失而提供的服务补救对居民满意度有显著影响。

    The service remediation has influence on the denizen satisfaction in evidence .

  9. 在绝大多数基层社区居委会和村委会中都有女性委员。

    There are women in most neighbourhood and village committees .

  10. 社区居委会主任胜任力模型研究

    The Study on Competency Model of Residential Committee Director

  11. 城市社区居委会的功能偏差分析

    Analysis of the Functional Deviation of Urban Neighborhood Committees

  12. 注:居委会个数包含社区居委会数;

    Note : Neighborhood committees includes community neighborhood committees .

  13. 街道办事处和社区居委会关系的现状与展望&以广东汕头市东方街道办事处与其社区居委会关系的调查为个案

    The Situation and Expectation of Relationship between Municipal District Office and Community Residential Committee

  14. 三重角色:转型时期城市社区居委会的角色

    The Ternary Role of Neighborhood Committees of Cities ' Communities in the Period of Transformation

  15. 对于社区居委会选举而言,如果直接选举成本过高,就必然会阻碍选举体制改革的进行。

    But the high costs for election may become the barrier to reform of election system .

  16. 产权视角下城市社区居委会发展路径研究

    Analysis about the Community Resident Committee Development Path in the City under the View of the Property Right

  17. 四是机构层面,社区居委会应该更包容一点,给社会工作者更广阔的空间。

    Forth , the community residents committee should be more inclusive to offer social workers more breathe space .

  18. 第二部分进行了我国城市社区居委会重塑的理论基础和动因分析。

    The second part analyses the theory foundation and the agents of reconstructing residential committee in city community of China .

  19. 建立市、区、街道、社区居委会四级群众体育管理网络。明年要在这个居民区建一家超级市场。

    Establish a mass sports management network at the municipal , district , sub-district and community residents ' committee levels .

  20. 角色冲突与公关体系的建构&以广州市S社区居委会为研究个案

    Role Conflicts and the Building of Public Relation System & On the Study of Cases In S Community Neighborhood Committee in Guangzhou

  21. 该指标的建立对城市社区居委会服务质量的改善和政府相关政策的制定具有重要的参考价值;

    The index will be good for the improvement of the service quality of the city-community-committee and the policy of the government .

  22. 提出村转居跨越居委会直接向社区居委会转变的观点;

    4 , I advise that the changing from village to community should leap neighborhood committee and direct to the community committee ;

  23. 文章在开展实际调查的基础上,从社区居委会角度阐述了对社区建设的若干问题的思考与建议。

    This article , based on practical investigations , expounded some thoughts and advices about community construction from the angle of community committee .

  24. 政府职能的转变在社区居委会行政化倾向治理中,具有关键性作用。

    Transformation of government functions in the community , the tendency of the executive management of the neighborhood , has a crucial role .

  25. 怎样改革社区居委会,恢复其自治属性,就成为社区自治建设的关键。

    Consequently , the key to community autonomy construction is how to reform the Community Residents ' Committee and resume its autonomous function .

  26. 应当充分发挥业主委员会、社区居委会的监督职能作用,强化社区体育组织的管理,完善社区体育组织网络;

    The owners committee and local residents committee shall be employed to enhance community sports management and perfect the network of community sports organizations .

  27. 在城市社区居委会直接选举中,居民参与的参选率统计高而实际低,且多为动员式参与。

    In the direct election of city community residents ' committee , the statistical rate of residents ' participation is high while the practical is low ;

  28. 现目前社区居委会的不作为和物业的无法作为使得小区业主自治十分有必要。

    It is necessary to achieving residential quarters ' autonomy because the omission of the Community Residents ' Committee and the powerless of the Property Management Company .

  29. 活化城市街道办事处、社区居委会的工作考评制度。使工资与所做实际工作的数量、质量挂钩。

    The evaluation system of sub-district and neighborhood offices needs to be more flexible , which connects salary with the practical work they have done . 4 .

  30. 在上海东北部,日新(音)社区居委会已经发起了“远离睡衣”的活动,来抵制白天穿睡衣招摇过市。

    In the northeast of Shanghai , the Rixin neighbourhood committee has begun a " Ban the PJs " campaign to discourage the daytime display of nightwear .