
  • 网络digital community
  1. 为基于GIS的“数字社区”建设提供了有益的借鉴和建议。

    It provided the valuable reference and suggestion on the construction of digital community based on GIS .

  2. 数字社区中的EJB和CORBA应用集成

    Integration application of EJB and CORBA to digital community

  3. NET、SunJ2EE三种分布计算技术组件模型的深入比较,得出了J2EE是建设电子政务系统最佳平台的结论,给出了基于J2EE架构的数字社区系统软件体系结构设计。

    NET , and SUN J2EE , it is concluded that J2EE is the optimal platform for constructing e-government systems .

  4. 目前,对于建立网络3DGIS的数字社区来说,最关键的技术就是社区三维建模方法及由建模方式制约的社区交互发布方式。

    Now , if we want to construct a Web-3D GIS community , the most important technique is the constructing method of 3D model and the release of community .

  5. 本文首先介绍了数字社区系统的研发背景,概述了J2EE体系结构和Web服务的特性。

    Firstly , the R D background of Digital Community System is introduced , and the architecture of J2EE the property of web services are summarized in the thesis .

  6. 在阐述VPN及其关键技术&隧道技术的基础上,重点分析了数字社区网络安全布局结构及其设计技术,提出了实现数字社区VPN的MPLSVPN和嵌入式VPN模型,并分析了两种模型的应用特点。

    On the basis of telling of VPN and its key technique-tunnel , the security framework design of numerical community and the theories were expatiated . And then two kinds of numerical community VPN model-MPLS VPN and embedded VPN were declared , and their application characteristics were elaborated .

  7. 基于工作流技术的数字社区管理系统软件设计

    Design of Digital Community Management System Software Based on Workflow Technique

  8. 无线通信技术在数字社区中的应用

    The Application of the wireless communication technology in the digital community

  9. 本文以“数字社区”为背景,提出了家庭网络的整体建设方案。

    This paper provides the whole constructing solution for Home Network .

  10. 对“数字社区”具体的服务功能做了分析。

    Finally , it analyzed the services function of digital community .

  11. 可以说数字社区是传统社区的扩展和衍生形态。

    We can regard the digital community as the extension of traditional communities .

  12. 数字社区中的信息家电产品设计研究

    Study on Information Appliances Product Design in Digital Community

  13. 对江苏省数字社区发展对策的探讨

    Discussion on the Development of Jiangsu Digital Community

  14. 数字社区数据标准研究

    Study on Data Standards of the Digital Community

  15. 电子地图在数字社区中的应用

    Application of Electronic Map in the Digital Community

  16. 对“数字社区”建设的相关环节和技术问题进行了研究。

    This paper studied the steps and technical problems of the construction of digital community .

  17. 数字社区市场的发展及探索

    Development of Digital Community Marketplace

  18. 在数字社区建设中,需要能够为社区居民提供良好服务的家庭网络。

    In the constructing of Digital Community , we need Home Network that can provide good service for the inhabitant .

  19. 数字社区工程信息表达与交换标准的研究工作是数字社区建设重要工作。

    Researching the standard of data representation and exchange of Digital Community is the most important work of Digital Community developments .

  20. 论述了数字社区的建设目标,分析了数字社区的功能需求,给出了我国数字社区系统的构建方案,对我国的数字社区建设将起到一定的指导作用。

    The construction object of digital community and its functions are discussed with a scheme proposed for digital community system in China .

  21. 数字社区是联通家庭和数字城市的关键节点,是建设“数字中国”的整体工程中不可缺少的环节。

    Digital community is the key node to connect families and digital city , and is an important step of'Digital China ' .

  22. 针对现有标准体系缺乏相关数据标准的现状,提出数字社区系列数据标准,包括数据接口层标准、数据分类编码标准、数据模型、数据字典和元数据标准。

    The series of data standards involve data interface standard , data classification and coding standard , data model , and metadata standard .

  23. 信息交换与共享是对数字社区管理提出的基本要求,而要达到信息交换与共享的目标必须实现规范化和标准化。

    Exchanging and sharing information are the basic request for the Digital Community management . For this purpose , it should realize specification and standardization .

  24. 首先就“数字社区”建设中的应用对象进行了分析.总结出了“数字社区”的5类应用对象。

    Firstly , it analyzed the application objects in the construction of digital community , and summarized the5 types of application objects in digital community .

  25. 当前数字社区建设缺乏统一的智能化综合管理平台以及相应的各项数据标准,使得数字社区难以真正实现统一的数字化管理。

    Unfortunately , now it is devoid of the uniform , intelligent and synthetical management platform and interacted data standards for the construction of digital community .

  26. 提出了在各数字社区之上建立信息共享平台的数字社区集成方法和逻辑集中适度分布的数据组织模式以及数字社区信息共享平台的总体设计框架模型。

    A integration method of digital city , a mode of data organize , and a total design frame model of information sharing platform are proposed .

  27. 实验表明,结合知识库、规则库的应用软件可以极大地提升数字社区管理软件的应用水平。

    The experimentation shows that the application level of the digital community management software would be raised greatly when it combined with knowledge library and rule library .

  28. 最后,将三部分通讯方式集成到家庭控制器中,解决了数字社区数据传输的问题,并做了一个演示系统。

    In the last , I integrated the three communication patterns into the home controller , solved the problem of the data transmission and completed a demonstration system .

  29. 本文研究的街镇网格化管理系统是浦东新区作为全国试点应用单位,在已有的城市网格化管理系统基础之上向街道、乡镇层面延伸,也是未来数字社区信息系统建设的重要载体。

    PuDong district is selected as the national pilot unit by Street-Township Grid Management System . And the System will be an important carrier of " digital community " information system in the future .

  30. 文章通过对收集空间数据,管理空间数据,绘制三维场景三个部分的论述介绍了三位数字社区系统的整个制作流程,并建立了一套灵活的构建三维场景的架构。

    This Article introduce whole process of establish the three-dimensional digital communities system by discuss to gather spatial data , manager spatial data and draw three-dimensional spaces , and created a flexible framework of build three-dimensional spaces .