
  • 网络digital audio
  1. PASC依据数字声频中两个新的原理:与人耳的听觉特性相适应原理和有效的自适原应理。

    PASC achieves highly efficient sound registration by applying two principles absolutely new to digital audio : it is adapted to the natural charateristics of the human ear , and it use a highly intelligent and efficient " adaptive " notation .

  2. 线性相位数字声频均衡器的研制

    REPORTS ON SPECIAL TOPIC Development of Linear Phase Digital Audio Equalizer

  3. 基于心理声学模型和临界频带子波变换的数字声频水印

    Audio watermarking based on psychoacoustic model and critical band wavelet transform

  4. 一种可供家庭使用的数字声频信号处理器

    Theory and Design of a Digital Audio Signal Processor for Home Use

  5. 数字声频混录数模混合电路的工艺开发

    Digital Audie Mixing The Exploitation of Digital - analog Process

  6. 高性能家用数字声频处理芯片DSP56004

    A High Performance Digital Signal Processing Chip for Home-Use ── DSP 56004

  7. 数字声频混录

    Dynamic Audio Frequency Domain Digital Audie Mixing

  8. 影响数字声频质量的主要因素之一是量化噪声。

    The quantizing noise is an important factor which influences the quality of digital audio .

  9. 数字声频接口标准及数字声频设备间的数字信号连接

    Digital Audio Interface Format and The Interconnection Between Equipment of Difference Manufacturers In The Digital Domain

  10. 本文对数字声频设备的编码技术作了专门的讨论,针对数字声频设备产生误码很高的情况,讨论了产生误码的原因及其控制方法。

    This paper deals with the coding technique for the digital audio equipment and discussed some causes of error code and corresponding controll method for the condition that error codes would probably produce .