
  • 网络digital beijing
  1. 本文主要介绍了遥感等空间信息资源在数字北京总体框架中的地位,以及整合并开发北京市空间信息资源达到信息共享、服务首都信息化的基本情况net应用程序中嵌入标准的日志和规范功能。

    The article primarily describes the overall architecture of Digital Beijing . Meanwhile , it explains the construction of Information Resource Net and Spatial Information in Electronic Government .

  2. 基于USDI的数字北京区域建设及相关问题研究

    Research on USDI-based Digital Beijing Region Construction

  3. 在建立数字北京时,为了利用现有的北京市西城区VRML格式的三维模型数据,分析了VRML的文件格式,并将该格式的数据转入到OpenGL编程易于实现的格式中。

    In construction of Digital Beijing , for making the best of the current 3D model data of the VRML format , we analyze this format , and translate the format into the new one which is easy to be programed by OpenGL .

  4. 为了加快数字北京建设的步伐,更好的满足社会、政府部门的应用需求,北京市测绘设计研究院建立了覆盖全北京市域的1:1万DLG空间数据库。

    In order to quickly increase the step of developments of digital Beijing , and also better to content with the application need of the government and society , Our academe has already set up 1 / 10000 DLG spatial database which covered with all district of Beijing .

  5. 在USDI(城市空间数据基础设施)的基础框架之上,提出了一套切实可行的数字北京区域建设的解决方案,真正意义上实现了空间信息的集成、管理、共享与互操作服务。

    Based on the basic theory framework of USDI ( urban spatial data infrastructure ), the paper presents a suit of practicable solutions for the construction of Digital Beijing , which can achieve the integration , management , sharing and inter-operation of spatial information .

  6. 基于数字北京的空间信息工程的建设与实践

    The spatial information engineering construction and practice of based on digital Beijing

  7. 小卫星在数字北京中的应用前景

    The application prospect of small satellites in cyber Beijing

  8. 数字北京市建筑机械租金

    Rental rates of construction equipments in Beijing

  9. 2008奥运与数字北京

    2008 Olympic Games and Digital Beijing

  10. 《北京城市总体规划(2004年-2020年)》明确要求加快首都信息社会建设,全面建设‘数字北京’。

    The overall plan of Beijing ( 2004 - 2020 ) requires clearly to accelerate the construction of information-intensive society in capital and comprehensive construction ' digital Beijing ' .

  11. 北京奥运官方网站是北京奥运行动规划文化环境建设专项规划的内容之一,也是数字北京的重要组成部分。

    Beijing Olympic Official Website is the most important component of digital Beijing as well as one of contents of Beijing Olympic Action Plan : Development of the Cultural Environment .

  12. 结合数字北京区域重点示范应用工程数字绿化带的具体实践,对于城市信息化建设中存在的问题做了相关的分析与研究,并提出了一些参考意见。

    Giving the practice of the Beijing region emphasis demonstration application project & " Digital Green Zone ", the paper analyses the problems on the construction of urban informationization and puts forward some suggestions .

  13. 奥运会后,可作为国家和北京市重大活动的指挥中心和“数字北京”的信息化管理中心等继续使用。

    After the Olympic Games , this hub can be used again as a commanding center for major activities in China and Beijing , and the control center of informatization for " Digital Beijing " .

  14. 本文第三部分以数字北京为实证研究,选取数字北京在城市建设领域有代表性的电子政务、电子商务、数字社区这三个方面进行深入细致的现状、问题研究。

    The third part of this article take digital Beijing as real diagnosis research , researching into the representative of electronic government affairs , the electronic commerce , the digital community on the Digital Beijing Construction .

  15. 本文主要采用社会调查方法获取宜居北京生活便利性的主观数据;同时利用数字北京数据库、北京市遥感影像图、相关地图资料和相关统计数据等获取宜居北京生活便利性的客观数据。

    The subjective data of Beijing life convenience are mainly derived from a field survey . The objective data are from Digital Beijing Database remote sensing data sources , and other related map and statistics data .

  16. 经过近八年的建设,数字北京建设的具体情况如何,取得什么样的成果,还存在些什么问题,这些都必须通过大量具体情况的考察分析才能发现。

    After near eight year constructions , how about the details of Digital Beijing constructs , how about the achievement , and how about the problem . These all must have to be able to discover through the massive concrete inspection analysis .

  17. 结果表明:(1)上海的中学生中确实有一部分人存在着网络成瘾的问题,发生率为13.02%,这个数字与北京等地的研究比较接近。

    The result shows : ( 1 ) The problem of internet addiction disorder do exit in shanghai high school and the incidence is 13.02 % , which close to the research of other cities such as beijing .

  18. 在改革开拓中求生存、求发展&北京大学信息管理系数字图书馆及北京大学在图书馆自动化方面的实践

    Seeking for Survival and Development in the Reform and Opening up to Outside World-Introduction to the Department of Information Management , Peking University Digital Library and the Automation System at Peking University Library

  19. 7.5%之类相对不高的数字意味着北京愿意容忍短期内更慢的增长来调整经济结构,为未来的增长奠定更扎实的基础。

    A relatively modest number , like 7.5 % , suggests that Beijing is willing to swallow slower growth in the short term to revamp the economy so it has a stronger foundation for growth in the coming years .

  20. 数字重建:点击北京城记忆

    Virtually Reconstruct : Click on the Memory of Beijing

  21. 5月21日,国际数字地球协会在北京成立,它旨在通过多维的“数字地球”技术以研究全球面临的环境及资源问题,比如气候变化。

    An international organisation that launched on Sunday ( 21 May ) in China will create a multi-dimensional'Digital Earth'to aid research into global issues such as climate change .

  22. 抓住数字奥运机遇,建设数字北京

    Seizing the Digital Olympic Opportunity and Building A Digital Beijing