
  • 网络DDN;Digital data network;ddn digital data network;CHINADDN
  1. 湖北省已开通运行的数据及多媒体通信网有:分组交换网、数字数据网、CHINANET及中国公众多媒体通信网等。

    The data and multimedia communication networks in service in Hubei province includes PSPDN , DDN , CHINANET and the public multimedia network .

  2. 某数字数据网设备的专用帧技术探讨

    Discussion for the Private Framing Techniques of the Some DDN Equipment

  3. 在数字数据网(DDN)上开放帧中继业务,可更有效地利用带宽,实现LAN的互连。

    Operating frame relay service on DON can make effective use of bandwidth and implement LAN interconnection .

  4. 数字数据网(DDN)

    The Digital Data Network ( DDN )

  5. 数字数据网(DDN)是采用数字信道来传输数据信号的数据传输网。数据通信技术中,一种宽频带的信道。

    A digital data network ( DDN ) is a data transmission network within which digital channels are utilized for data signal transmission .

  6. 数字数据网(DDN)是基于光纤数字电路,通过引入复用、交叉连接节点构成的,主要为满足非话音业务需要的传输网络。

    DON is the transmission network comprising digital multiplexing and cross-connect nodes based on digital optical fiber cables , with the aim to meet the demands on ever-increasing non-voice services .

  7. 通过对国家电力公司系统数字数据网运行几年来所发生故障的处理分析,介绍了DDN设备的维护经验。

    Through the medium of versus State Electric Power Corporation digital data network function several in the few years station occur defective get analyses done , introduces DDN equipment maintenance experience .

  8. 数字数据网(DDN)是利用数字信道(光缆或数字微波)及数字交叉连接(DXC)设备来传送数据信号的数据传输网。

    Digital data network ( DDN ) is contrived to transmit data signals with digital channels ( optical cable or digital microwave ) and digital cross connect ( DXC ) equipment .

  9. 数字数据网在山东数字遥测地震台网中的应用

    An application for digital data network in Shandong Digital Telemetry Seismic Network

  10. 铁路发展数字数据网的可行性分析

    An Feasibility Analysis of the Development of Railway DDN

  11. 发展我国数字数据网的总体技术设想

    Overall Consideration for the Development of DDN in China

  12. 分组交换数字数据网

    Packet switched digital data network

  13. 即使你有一个变量的数字数据网的功能提到,这将是仍然只对整数有用。

    Even if you had a variable that an addn function referred to , it would be still only useful for integers .

  14. 基于深圳市数字数据通信网(DDN)的设计经验,讨论了设计DDN网的一般方法和关键问题。

    Based on the experiences of designing Shenzhen Digital Data Network ( DDN ), the general design method of DDN and some important issues concerned with it are discussed .

  15. 目前,CDPD(蜂窝数字分组数据网)被公认为最佳无线数据格式。它是基于现有蜂窝电话网,以数字分组数据技术为基础、以蜂窝移动通信为组网方式的移动无线数据通信技术。

    CDPD is currently considered as the best wireless data format : It 's a mobile wireless data communication technology based on digital packet theory and used in existing cellular telephone networks .

  16. 中国城市高速数字数据通信网的设计

    The Design of High Speed Digital Data Communication Networks in the Cities of China

  17. 蜂房数字包数据(网)归来的密峰在蜂窝的垂直表面上跳8字舞。

    The returning bee dances in a figure-of-eight on the vertical surface of the comb .

  18. 数字数据传输与DDN网

    Digital Data Transmission and DDN Data Network