
  • 网络Mathematics Teaching Method;teaching method of mathematics
  1. 试论中学数学教学法的性质、任务和体系

    On the Property , Task and System of the Teaching Method of Mathematics for Middle School

  2. 启发&探究式数学教学法的实践与反思

    Practice and Rethinking of " Heuristic-research " Mathematics Teaching Method

  3. 试论中学数学教学法的课程设置与教学

    The Program and Teaching of Middle School Maths Teaching Method

  4. 工科数学教学法小学数学教学法课程教学改革初探

    Early visit of reform in education of grade school mathematics teaching method course

  5. 我国近现代数学教学法发展研究

    The research on mathematics teaching methods in modern China

  6. 谈数学教学法中的哲学观点与方法

    About the Philosophical Ideas and Methods in Mathematics Methodology

  7. 英国最近已经开始转变本国的数学教学法,向中式教学法靠拢。

    The UK has recently begun to shift toward teaching math in a way that is more like the Chinese way .

  8. 该校十分推崇著名的“上海数学教学法”,并将结合英国教育所看重的创造力和批判性思维的培养。

    It touts the renowned " Shanghai model " of maths with the creativity and critical thinking prized in a British education .

  9. 英国政府的一项新举措将在半数英国小学课堂上推行中国传统数学教学法,以防止英国青少年在数学上落后于亚洲同龄人。

    Half of primary schools will adopt the traditional Chinese method of maths teaching in a Governmentdrive to stop British youngsters falling behind their Asian counterparts .

  10. 今年七月份,英国政府宣称,将在未来四年拨款4100万英镑,资助8000所小学推广采用中式数学教学法。

    In July , the UK government announced it would spend 41 million pounds during the next four years on supporting 8000 primary schools in adopting " mastery " techniques .

  11. 另外,论文还对数学教学法本土化进行思考,总结了民国小学数学教学法的经验与启示,为我国小学数学教学法研究提供借鉴。

    In addition , the papers reflect on the pedagogy localization , sum up the Republican primary school mathematics teaching experience and enlightenment for our breakthroughs in mathematics and reform of teaching methods , provide a reference .

  12. 民国时期小学数学教学法以传统的注入式教学法为最先改造对象,在适应新的形势要求下经历了草创期、探索期和成熟期三个发展阶段。

    Republican Primary Mathematics Teaching in the traditional teaching method for the first transformation into the object , in adapting to the new situation , the request went through the embryonic period , to explore the three stages of development and maturity .

  13. 对当前中学数学教学法教学现状的调查作了介绍与分析,在此基础上,对中学数学教学法的课程设置与教学问题,作了较为深入的探讨。

    This paper gives an account and analysis of the investigation into the present teaching situation of the course " Middle School Math Teaching Methods " on such basic , a relatively deep-going inquiring as made into the program and teaching methods of the course .

  14. 英国最新研究首次证实:采用中式教学法教出来的孩子,其表现远远优于同龄人。这一由牛津大学负责进行的独立研究表明,接受传统亚洲数学教学法的学生表现“明显更好”。

    New British research confirms for the first time that children taught math through Chinese-style teaching methods are far ahead of their peers . The independent study by the University of Oxford says students taught the traditional Asian " mastery " methods do " significantly better . "

  15. 谈医学院校高等数学实例教学法的应用

    The Application of Teaching Examples in Advanced Mathematics in Medical Colleges

  16. 数学兴趣教学法浅谈

    My Superficial View on Teaching Methods of Developing Students Interest in Mathematics

  17. 案例&参与数学学科教学法的有效模式

    Case Teaching & ParticipationAn Effective Model for Mathematic Subject Methodology

  18. 数学学科教学法实施案例-参与-探究教学模式的必要性

    The Necessity for Conducting the Teaching Method of Case-Participation-Enquiry in Mathematics Subject

  19. 归纳数学的教学法价值

    On the Value of Induced Mathematics to Teaching Method

  20. 数学发现教学法初探

    The Exploring on Mathematics Discovery 's Method

  21. 数学发现教学法就是通过模拟数学发现的真实过程,使学生获得相应的知识的一种教学方法,本文探讨了数学发现教学法的作用、步骤。

    In this paper , authors explore functions , process of mathematics discovery 's method .

  22. 高等数学的整体教学法

    The Whole Teaching Method of Advanced Mathematics

  23. 医药类院校数学建模案例教学法的实践与探索

    The Practice and Exploration of the Case Teaching Method in Mathematical Modeling for Medicine Specialty Schools

  24. 高中数学主体性教学法的模式构建与实践探索

    The Mode Constructing and Practice Exploring on the Self-determinative Mathematic Teaching Approach of the Senior Middle School

  25. 新课程标准下的初中数学分层次教学法初探

    The research for the teaching method according to different level simply under the standard for new junior high school mathematics

  26. 但是,课堂录像分析显示,上海数学教师的教学法明显优于马来西亚数学教师。

    As to teaching methods , however , the video analysis has indicated that Shanghai teachers do much better than Malaysia teachers .

  27. 数学教学中辩证法教育的基本任务是引导学生运用辩证观点,激发学生的创造性,培养学生解决实际问题的能力。

    The basic task of dialectics in mathematics teaching is to guide students to apply dialectical ideas , to stimulate their creativity and to train their ability to solve practical problems .

  28. 在这个实践探索、发展改善的过程中,我把课题定为&高中数学主体性教学法的模式构建和实践探索。

    During the exploration of practising , developing and improving , I made my project as The Mode Constructing and Practice Exploring on the Self-determinative Mathematic Teaching Approach of the Senior Middle School .

  29. 刍议数学教学中的学法指导

    Guidance of Studying Methods in Mathematics Teaching

  30. 最后,得出四段式课堂教学法是较适合高中数学课堂授课的教学法的结论。

    Finally , I acquires concludes : " Four-section " classroom teaching is the better pedagogy for high school mathematics classroom teaching .