
  1. 因此,本文设计的基于TLS的安全邮件传输系统可以实现信息安全中的保密性、真实性和完整性原则,保护邮件传输不受信息窃听、身份冒充或数据篡改等威胁。

    Therefore , TLS-based secure E-mail transmission system can implement the principles of confidentiality , authentication and integrity of information security and protect the E-mail transmission from information eavesdropping , identity impersonation , data modification or other threats .

  2. 基于指纹密文的数据篡改定位与恢复方法

    A Method of Data Tamper Locating and Recovery by Using Digital Fingerprint and Cryptograph

  3. 当前电子邮件系统面临的主要威胁有信息窃听、身份冒充和数据篡改等。

    At present , the main threats faced by E-mail system are information eavesdropping , identity impersonation , and data modification .

  4. 但是,该权限集可能导致信息泄漏到服务器之外,并可能导致权限提升以及数据篡改攻击。

    However , this permission set may result in information leaking outside the server , and the possibility of an elevation in permission and data tampering attacks .

  5. 但是,它的弊端就在于很难防止恶意用户利用它来达到自己不可告人的目的,比如伪造,数据篡改,窃听。

    However , the dark side of the Force allows a malicious user to install these tools for nefarious purposes such as forgery , data modification and eavesdropping .

  6. IPSec(InternetProtocolSecurity)协议是一种较为成功并且广泛应用的IP安全技术,可以有效地解决Internet通信中诸如IP地址伪造、IP数据报篡改、旧内容重放和数据窥测等等安全问题。

    Internet Protocol Security ( IPSec ) is a kind of network security technologies which is widely used to protect the networks communication security from attacks and intrusions .

  7. 如果一个文件完全丢失了,数据已经篡改而无法修复,或在XML文档中缺少必需元素,这时可以中断用户的工作。

    If a file is completely missing , data is garbled beyond recovery , or an essential element is absent in an XML document , that is when you interrupt your user 's work .

  8. 因此,对这些重要的视频数据的篡改情况进行检测具有相当重大的现实意义。

    Therefore , detecting the circumstance of these essential video data has the considerable practical significance .

  9. 应用这种技术可以保护只允许特定用户执行的特定操作,保护业务规则,应对数据信息篡改泄漏的威胁,并防止恶意行为。

    Using this technique can allow appointed users to perform certain actions , protect business rules , prevent data tampering and information disclosure and avoid malicious acts .

  10. 总结出堆缓冲区溢出是因为攻击者对堆中的关键数据进行篡改,或向堆缓冲区中注入恶意代码,以破坏计算机系统。

    Thus , heap-based buffer overflow is concluded to be caused by tampering of the critical data in the heap or injecting malicious code into the heap-based buffer to destroy computer systems .

  11. 如果缺乏有效的安全措施,一旦数据被篡改,而用户又不能验证查询结果,往往会给用户造成严重的后果。

    If there are no effective security mechanisms provided by server and users can not verify query results , serious consequences are often caused by the results which have been tampered with for the users .

  12. 除了联合国调查之外,英国东安格利亚大学的调查工作也在进行之中。该学校表示,他们将查看,是否有证据表明一些科学数据被篡改或镇压。

    This UN probe is in addition to an investigation under way at the University of East Anglia which says it is looking to see if there is any evidence that scientific data was manipulated or suppressed .

  13. 不幸的是,这些泵输出的数据可以被篡改作假。

    Unfortunately , those pumps can be tampered with to give false readings .

  14. 该算法能够精确地检测和定位出含水印图像遭篡改的区域,并能够区分图像高位和低位数据平面的篡改。

    The proposed scheme can accurately detect and locate the place being tampered in the watermarked image .

  15. 可能是完整性口令不正确,或在指定文件中的数据已被篡改或毁坏。

    Either the integrity password is incorrect or the data in the file specified has been tampered with or corrupted in some manner .

  16. 人们引述了标普雇员的电邮,公司为了保证相对于其他两个竞争对手的市场占有率,而对次贷的数据进行了篡改。

    E-mails from S P employees have been cited discussing massaging subprime statistics in order to preserve S P 's market share relative to their two competitors .

  17. 随着网上报税应用的不断推广,报税系统中存在的安全问题日益突出,如数据截获或篡改、身份假冒、非法访问和抵赖性等。

    With electronic reporting taxation system been widely applied , information security problems such as data interception , data alteration , identity fraud , invalid access , repudiation and so on , spring up .

  18. 同时,数据的盗版、篡改和非法传播问题也日益严重。

    Meanwhile , problems of data piracy , data tampering and illegal dissemination are becoming increasingly serious .

  19. 实验结果表明算法对有损压缩、数据替换等各种篡改操作具有很强的敏感性,通过归一化相关系数等方法可对数据的完整性作出结论。

    The experimental results show that the algorithm is reasonable and sensitive to several operations such as lossy compression , data replacement .

  20. 因此,当真正发生错误时,就表示您可能得到一个不完整的文档或解析文档中的数据可能丢失、篡改或错误。

    So what you really get with an error is indication that you might get an incomplete document or that some data in that parsed document might be lost , garbled , or inaccurate .

  21. 在外包数据库运行模式下,由第三方提供的数据库服务器不处于信任域,存在数据文件盗版、数据内容篡改等安全风险。

    In outsourced database scheme , since the database server , which is provided by the third part , is not in the trust domain , the data files take the risk of being pirated , as well as the data contents being tampered with .

  22. 允许可信第三方对租户的副本数据进行周期性的抽样验证,防止副本数据被恶意的篡改、删除和添加。

    It allows the third party to take periodically sampling for the replicas data of users in order to prevent replicas data to be tampered , deleted , and added .

  23. 它有13个显存的非挥发性快闪记忆体的历史数据存储与一家伐木和归档策略,保护数据免受损失或篡改。

    It has13 Mbyte of non-volatile Flash memory for historical data storage with a loggingarchiving strategy that protects the data from loss or tampering .

  24. 而数据完整性检测方案可以有效的检测出存储在云服务器中数据是否被篡改,当损失的数据量在一定规模以内时,可以通过前期的编码恢复出完整数据。

    Fortunately , the data integrity checking can judge whether the data have been tampered or not . If the lost data do not exceed certain limitation , they can be recovered by the codes technology which has been processed in the data preprocessing before .

  25. 原始的数字化媒体数据不具备任何的安全性,人们可以对其进行任意的修改和变动,尤其对一些隐私数据进行的篡改,给原始的数字化媒体数据带来很多负面影响。

    The original digital media data do not have enough safety protection , people can modify and change it freely , especially for some privacy data , thus it had some negative influences on the original digital media data .