
  • 网络spectrum sensing
  1. 基于SNR比较的软合并合作频谱感知技术

    The soft combination based on SNR comparison in cognitive spectrum sensing

  2. 基于压缩采样技术的认知无线电宽带频谱感知方法应用CS理论实现同步采样压缩成像

    Compressive Wide-Band Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive radio Imaging system of synchronous sample and compression based on CS theory

  3. 因此,本论文针对CR网络中的频谱感知和频谱共享中的干扰管理问题展开研究。

    Therefore , the problems of spectrum sensing in CR network and interference management in spectrum sharing have been studied in this thesis .

  4. 在此基础上,对MAC层频谱感知管理机制进行了讨论,重点分析了感知周期的优化问题。

    Then the mechanisms of MAC-Layer spectrum sensing management , especially on the sensing period optimization problems , are studied .

  5. 认知OFDM系统的关键技术之一是要解决次用户对OFDM信号的频谱感知和信号识别问题。

    The key technologies of cognitive OFDM system is to solve the spectrum sensing and signal recognition problems of OFDM signal for sub-user .

  6. 目前针对OFDM信号的频谱感知算法研究只利用时域分集和频域分集提升检测性能,而没有考虑利用空间分集提升检测性能。

    The research on OFDM spectrum sensing algorithm utilizes only the time diversity and frequency diversity to improve detection performance without utilizing spatial diversity .

  7. 最后,仿真分析了基于D-S证据理论的协作频谱感知方案。

    Finally , this thesis analyze cooperative SS scheme based on D-S evidence theory through the simulation .

  8. 然而,由于宽带频谱感知需要在极短的时间内完成对宽带信号的采样,这要求认知无线电设备的射频前端模拟-数字转换器(ADC)具有很高的采样速率。

    However , capturing wide-band signals requires ultra high sample rate analog-digital converter ( ADC ) in the radio front end .

  9. 频谱感知的主要功能是发现频谱空穴,提供给与PU共存的认知用户使用。

    The main function of the spectrum sensing is to detect the spectrum holes provided to CR users who coexist with the PUs .

  10. 认知无线电网络中MAC层的自适应频谱感知技术指出发展具有自主知识产权的技术是我国乙二醇工业发展的关键。

    Adaptive MAC-layer Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks It was pointed out that the key for development of ethylene glycol industry in China is to develop intellectual property rights owned by itself .

  11. 将认知OFDMA网络中的协作频谱感知和动态频谱接入两个阶段联合进行考虑,提出了一种基于公平性考虑的频谱接入调度方案。

    Based on the joint consideration of collaborate spectrum sensing and dynamic spectrum access in cognitive OFDMA network a fairness scheduling scheme is proposed .

  12. 在产生Chirp脉冲之前,需要首先通过频谱感知技术得到窄带系统的频域参数,从而得到自适应Chirp脉冲的时域波形。

    The adaptive Chirp waveforms generator has to first get the spectra parameters of NBI through spectrum sensing technologies in cognitive radio , so as to get their expression in time domain .

  13. 基于WRAN的频谱感知技术研究

    The technology of cognitive radio based on WRAN

  14. 具体完成如下工作:(1)分别对频谱感知中基于能量检测的协作频谱感知算法和基于熵的频谱感知算法进行了基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的设计。

    The work accomplished specifically is as follows : ( 1 ) The energy detection based cooperative spectrum sensing algorithm and entropy based spectrum sensing algorithm in spectrum sensing are designed based on the Field Programmable Gate Array ( FPGA ), respectively .

  15. CR技术基于频谱感知,频谱共享,频谱切换等技术,打破了以往网络固定用户接入通信频谱的局限性,实现了频谱的动态接入,极大地提高了频谱的利用效率。

    CR technology is based on the spectrum sensing , spectrum sharing spectrum switching technology , to break the limitations of conventional fixed subscriber access communications network spectrum , to achieve a dynamic access of the spectrum , and greatly improve the efficiency of spectrum utilization .

  16. 在合作频谱感知中,2-bit软化硬合并方案可以获得检测性能与复杂性的折中。

    In cooperative spectrum sensing , softened hard combination scheme with two-bit overhead for each cognitive radio ( CR ) user can achieves a good tradeoff between detection performance and complexity .

  17. 协作频谱感知中数据融合与决策算法比较

    Comparison of Data Fusion and Decision Algorithms in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing

  18. 一种多用户协同频谱感知功率控制方案

    A Scheme for Power Control Based on Multi-user Collaborative Spectrum Sensing

  19. 基于三阶累积量的频谱感知技术研究

    Research on Spectrum Sensing Technique Based on the third Order Cumulants

  20. 本文主要分析研究了认知无线电中的频谱感知技术。

    In this paper , spectrum sensing in cognitive radio is studied .

  21. 异构无线网络中基于多用户分集的协作频谱感知算法

    Multi-user diversity for cooperative spectrum sensing in heterogeneous wireless networks

  22. 多信道频谱感知与频谱接入的优化与折衷

    Multi-Channel Spectrum Sensing and Spectrum Access : Optimization and Tradeoffs

  23. 认知无线电中合作频谱感知的性能优化

    Optimization of Cooperation Spectrum Sensing Performance in Cognitive Radio Networks

  24. 一种基于循环谱相关的认知无线电频谱感知

    Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Based on Cyclic Spectral Correlation

  25. 基于小波变换的认知无线电宽带频谱感知方法

    Wideband Spectrum Sensing Based on Wavelet Transform in Cognitive Radio

  26. 论文第二章对频谱感知技术的分类进行了介绍。

    The classification of spectrum sensing technology is introduced in chapter 2 .

  27. 在认知无线电中,频谱感知是认知无线电的首要任务。

    Spectrum sensing is a primary task in cognitive radio .

  28. 针对这个问题,论文接着对合作频谱感知进行了分析和研究。

    Cooperative spectrum sensing is proposed to solve this problem .

  29. 无线认知网络中基于竞争的频谱感知预测算法

    A Competition-Based Spectrum Sensing Prediction Algorithm for Wireless Cognitive Networks

  30. 然而,频谱感知必将引入额外的时延。

    However , spectrum sensing will cause extra delay .