
pín yí
  • frequency shift;radio-frequency shift
频移[pín yí]
  1. 推导了Doppler频移的基本公式,并对一些模拟血流的实验结果进行了讨论。

    The basic formula of Doppler frequency shift is derived . The experimental results are discussed .

  2. 在FSK(频移键控)数字接收机中,信号的解调主要以鉴频为主。

    On the FSK ( Frequency Shift Keying ) digital receiver , the signal is demodulated mainly by frequency discrimination .

  3. 基于多普勒频移的k跳分簇算法设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of Doppler Value-based K Hop Clustering Algorithm

  4. 载体的动态性所引入的多普勒频移给GPS接收机的载波跟踪带来了很大的困难。

    It is difficult for GPS receivers in dynamic environments to realize carrier tracking .

  5. HF信道的OFDM系统联合定时和频移估计技术

    Joint Estimation of Time and Frequency Offset of OFDM in HF Channel

  6. MIMO系统中基于野值剔除的最大多普勒频移估计

    Maximum Doppler Shift Estimation Based on Illegal Data Elimination in MIMO Systems

  7. 宽带CDMA系统中最大多普勒频移估计方法的研究

    Study on the estimation methods of maximum doppler frequency in wideband CDMA system

  8. 色散缓变光纤能有效抑制超短光脉冲的Raman孤子自频移吗?(英文)

    Can Raman soliton self-frequency shift of ultrashort pulses be suppressed in the dispersion-decreasing fiber ?

  9. 用基于FFT的数字多波束测向算法来估计多谱勒频移;

    Doppler shift is estimated by using multi-beam direction-finding algorithm based on FFT .

  10. 第二部分分析多普勒频移对GPRS的影响。

    The second part analysed the effect to GPRS by doppler - shift .

  11. 研究了多普勒频移以及GPRS本身的抗误码性能;

    Research the doppler-shift and the performance of GPRS anti - harm code ;

  12. 1.54μmRaman频移器件

    1.54 μ m Raman Frequency-Shift Device

  13. 提出了基于MatchingPursuit分解的超声多普勒血流信号平均频移估计方法。

    A Doppler blood flow analysis method based on matching pursuit is proposed for extracting intensity-weighted mean frequency ( IWMF ) waveform .

  14. 仿真结果表明,这种方法可以有效地消除大Doppler频移的影响,迅速完成扩频码的捕获。

    Simulation results show that the new method eliminates the influence of large Doppler shifts effectively , with fast acquisition time .

  15. WCDMA系统中基于多普勒频移估计的信道估计方法

    Channel estimation based on Doppler frequency estimation for WCDMA systems

  16. 线性调频信号(ChirpSignal)长期以来被用于雷达系统中,它以其抗干扰、抗多普勒频移、抗多径衰落、低功耗和系统结构简单等优势,越来越受到人们的重视。

    The chirp signal has been used in RADAR system with its resistance of interference , Doppler Effect and multi-path fading .

  17. GPS高精度定位结果、原始多普勒频移观测量,以及由载波相位中心差分而获得的多普勒频移观测值,它们都可以用来获得高精度的速度测量结果。

    The precise velocity can be derived respectively with precise positioning results , receiver raw Doppler measurements and carrier phase derived Doppler measurements .

  18. 高动态环境会造成较大的多普勒频移,这使得一般的GPS接收机在没有外界辅助的情况下难以可靠工作。

    High dynamic environment may cause a large Doppler shift , thus the general GPS receiver is difficult to work reliably without outside assistance .

  19. 氩对甲烷喇曼频移器中SBS及SRS的影响

    Effects of argon on the SBS & SRS in a methane Raman laser

  20. 为了有效的联合估计在脉冲噪声存在时的时延和多普勒频移,给出了一种基于p阶循环模糊函数的方法。

    For jointly estimating time delays and Doppler shifts in the presence of impulse noise , a new algorithm is proposed , which utilizes the p th order cyclic ambiguity function .

  21. 高速移动环境下WiMAX系统多普勒频移估计技术研究

    Study on Doppler shift estimation Technologies of WiMAX in High-Speed Mobile Communications

  22. 本论文依据衰减理论建立了层状地层纵波、转换波的衰减模型,利用谱比法、叠前CMP道集法、质心频移法对纵波和转换波的Q值进行反演。

    The attenuation models for P-wave and converted wave are based on attenuation theories of media in the paper .

  23. 研究了色散缓变光纤中超短光脉冲的Raman孤子自频移现象。

    Raman soliton self-frequency shift ( SSFS ) of ultrashort pulses propagating in a dispersion-decreasing fiber ( DDF ) is studied in this paper .

  24. 基于方位和线谱频移的TMA方法

    Research of TMA based on Bearings and Line Doppler Shift

  25. DFB半导体激光器的频移和色散脉冲崎变

    Modeling of Dynamic Frequency Shift and Pulse Distortion of Integrated DFB Semiconductor Laser

  26. 基于频移的DPCA机载雷达杂波抑制技术

    Ground clutter suppression for airborne radar using frequency shift based DPCA

  27. 数字调制信号分三种基本类型:多进制幅度键控MASK、多进制相移键控MPSK和多进制频移键控MFSK。

    There are three basic types of digitally modulated signal : MASK , MPSK and MFSK .

  28. 一种含多普勒频移BPSK信号的解调方法

    Demodulate Method of BPSK Signal With Doppler Shift

  29. 尤其在高速移动环境下,多普勒频移和多普勒扩展明显,频率偏差使OFDM系统子载波间的正交性遭到破坏,产生子载波间干扰(ICI),这将大大降低系统性能。

    Frequency offset destroys the orthogonality between OFDM sub-carriers , which brings about inter-carrier interference ( ICI ), resulting in performance degradation .

  30. 文中提出将Raman频移、线宽、积分和峰值Raman散射截面、Raman增益系数作为评价材料的参数。

    Raman frequency shift , line width , integral and peak Raman scattering cross section and Raman gain coefficient are proposed as the parameters to evaluate Raman materials .