
  1. 13.7m抛物面天线增益测量和太阳射电流量密度定标

    Gain Measurement of a 13.7m Paraboloid Antenna and the Calibration of Solar Radio Flux Density

  2. 检波采用平方律检波器,只有在采用平方律检波器的前提下,接收记录与射电流量密度之间的线性关系才存在。

    The square-law detector is used for detection , because only when the square-law detector is used , the linear relationship between the received record and the radio flow density exists .

  3. 主要结果如下:对于最小值而言,γ射线辐射与射电辐射流量密度之间没有相关性存在;

    Our results are as follows . For minimum γ - ray data , there is no correlation between the γ - ray and radio flux density ;