
  • 网络radio-frequency weapon
  1. 多发串联超高射频武器系统研究综述

    Summary of Hyper-firing-rate Weapon Researches in Serial Multiple Rounds Pre-loading

  2. 超高射频武器击发控制系统设计分析及实验研究

    Design and Laboratorial Research for the Control System of Hyper Firing-Rate Weapon

  3. 全电子化超高射频武器发射系统研究综述

    Research on the fully - electrical firing system of hyper firing - rate

  4. 超高射频武器系统的内弹道一维两相流数值仿真

    One-dimension Two-phase Flow Numerical Simulation of Interior Ballistics for Hyper Firing-rate Weapon System

  5. 介绍了未来战争中的一种重要武器&定向能武器,包括激光武器、粒子束武器和射频武器。

    Directed energy weapon is one of the most important weapons in future war , which consists of laser weapon , particle beam weapon , and radio frequency weapon .

  6. 本文在充分研究金属风暴武器系统技术原理的基础之上,基于串联预装填发射原理,对某超高射频武器系统进行了结构设计与分析研究。

    Based on the principle of the metal storm weapon system and the shooting principle of in series and beforehand loading , the structure of a super-high firing rate weapon system was designed and analysed in this paper .

  7. 超高射频弹幕武器系统射击效力分析基于全固态调频发射机的调频发射系统

    Fire Efficiency Analysis of Superhigh Firing Rate Projectile-Screen Weapon System

  8. 超高射频弹幕武器弹药系统研究报导

    Study on the technique of ammunition system of weapon with extra-high firing rate projectile screen

  9. 本文的研究成果为十·五国家重点预研项目超高射频弹幕武器关键技术研究打下了良好的基础,并具有重要的指导意义。

    The research results are of great importance for future study on the aforementioned key advanced research project of national defense .

  10. 射频仿真系统是武器系统研制中必不可少的研究手段之一,经过验证的射频仿真系统在武器系统研制定型中发挥着重要的作用。

    Radio Frequency Simulation System ( RFSS ) is an essential research means in the weapon system development .

  11. 宽带射频仿真技术对新型射频制导武器的研制以及电子对抗技术具有十分重要的意义。

    Broadband radio frequency simulation techniques play a very important role in the research of new radio frequency homing weapons and electronic antagonism technique .