
  • 网络Thermal damage;thermal destruction;heat damage;thermal runaway
  1. 论述了强激光与材料的相互作用,热破坏因素要求材料具有高的反射率和良好的烧蚀性能,冲量破坏要求材料具有高的断裂强度。

    The interaction of the intense laser and the material is discussed in the paper . The results show that high reflectivity and good ablation-resistance are needed for the anti-laser material because of the heat damage , and high fracture strength is needed because of the impulse damage .

  2. 激光对PIN结光电二极管热破坏机理的研究

    Studies on the Thermal Damage Mechanisms of a PIN Junction Optoelectronic Diode by Laser

  3. 多脉冲激光对胶合透镜热破坏效应研究

    Study on thermal damage to balsaming lens induced by multi-pulse laser

  4. 塑料制品超声波焊接表面热破坏行为研究

    Study on the thermal damage of plastics surface in ultrasonic plastic welding

  5. 提出对露头煤层自燃火灾发展过程的研究中应加强对煤体与岩体的破坏,尤其是热破坏的力学规律的研究。

    It is very important to study coal-rock 's failure and mechanics law of thermal breakage .

  6. 热破坏许多“好的东西”相似的易碎酵素和直接的联邦理事会微生物的。

    Heat destroys a lot of the " good stuff " like fragile enzymes and direct fed microbials .

  7. 论述了煤体与岩体的受热破坏特性,对露头煤层自燃火灾中煤岩体的热破坏机制进行了定性分析。

    This paper introduced the characteristics of thermal breakage of coal and rock , and analyzed its mechanism on coal spontaneous combustion .

  8. 数值模拟的结果表明:合理选择光辐射波长、辐射曝光时间和曝光剂量,可以选择性的热破坏光老化皮肤中的病损组织。

    The results of numerical simulation show the lesion of photoaging skin can be selectively damaged if the wavelength , exposure duration and exposure dose of irradiated ligh are reasonably selected .

  9. 康普顿散射对X射线热激波破坏效应的影响

    The Effects of Compton Scatter on X-Ray Shock Wave and Its Damage Effects

  10. 另一方面,Si、InP等半导体材料对10.6μm波长激光的吸收系数随温度的升高而增大,这导致实验时容易产生热致破坏,损伤基片。

    On the other hand , the 10 . 6 μ m light absorption coefficient of semiconductors such as Si , InP increases with the rising of temperature . The above two factors can easily lead to a thermal runaway phenomenon .

  11. 高压加热器换热管破坏和预防

    Breakage and Protection of Heat Transfer Tube for High Pressure Heater

  12. 10.6μm激光诱导扩散中热致破坏的抑制

    The Elimination of Thermal Runaway in 10.6 μ m Laser-Induced Diffusion

  13. 颗粒分布对金属基复合材料激光热冲击破坏的影响

    The effect of particle distribution on thermal failure in particulate

  14. 细观尺度下岩石热变形破坏的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Rock Thermal Damage Fracture under Meso-size

  15. 石灰岩热损伤破坏机制研究

    Study on mechanism of thermal damage fracture for limestone

  16. 金属基陶瓷复合材料的激光热冲击破坏效应

    Failure Effect of SiC Particulate Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites Induced by Laser Thermal Shocking

  17. 热冲击破坏分析

    Failure Analysis on Thermal Shock

  18. 根据点源模型和固体模型,利用热辐射破坏准则,分别对池火灾环境下储罐事故的安全距离进行了计算和分析。

    The safety distance on pool fire condition are calculated according to the destroy rule of thermal radiation .

  19. 一种铸钢轮材料热疲劳破坏临界循环上限温度的估测

    Estimation of maximum critical cycling temperature of one kind of cast steel wheel material under thermal fatigue damage

  20. 这可能是导致我国某些内燃机排气阀较早发生热腐蚀破坏的原因。

    This is probably the reason why the premature hot corrosion damage has been occurred in some Chinese ICE .

  21. 其热震破坏符合热疲劳损伤机理,裂纹的准静态扩展为其控制因素。

    The thermal shock fracture agrees with the mechanism of thermal fatigue damage , and is controlled by the quasi static propagation of cracks .

  22. 试验还发现表面氧化腐蚀是该铸钢材料热疲劳破坏的一种重要形式。

    In addition , it was also found that surface oxidation corrosion was one of the important forms for the thermal fatigue damage to the material .

  23. CW激光对铝合金薄板的热应力破坏的模拟计算

    Calculation for the thermal stress damage in the thin plate of Al irradiated by CW laser beam

  24. 连续激光引起LY-12铝合金热应力破坏的理论计算

    Theoretical Calculation of the Thermal Stress Damage of LY-12 Aluminum Alloy Caused by Continuous Wave Laser Reams

  25. PBET在剥离破坏时虽为热熔胶内聚破坏,但并非理想的。结果表明,将扫描电镜观察作为一种研究热熔衬粘合与破坏机理的手段,可为服装加工工艺条件的选择提供一定的依据。

    The result shows that SEM is an effective approach for studying adhesion and failure mechanis 'm of melt-bonded fabric , and can provide some basis in choosing technological conditions of the clothing processing .

  26. 强激光对材料的热-力学破坏效应

    Thermal-Mechanical Damage of Material Under Intense Laser

  27. 结果表明,胶料磨耗的破坏过程与其热氧老化破坏过程相似;

    The results show that the abrasion process is similar to its aging by heat and oxygen .

  28. 热-力破坏效应是导致光电器件激光损伤的重要因素。

    Thermal and mechanical breakage is the key factor of laser damage on optical and photoelectric elements .

  29. 研究了一种铸钢车轮材料在450℃~20℃热循环下破坏行为。

    Damage behavior of wheel cast steel was analyzed under thermal fatigue test at 450 ℃~ 20 ℃ .

  30. 对管壳式换热器振动破坏进行了全面分析,结合工厂实例,提出防振改进方案。

    This paper generally analyzed the Vibration damage for shell-and - tube heat exchanger at the factory and the available , methods for preventing the vibration were put .