
rè liú
  • Heat flux;thermal flow;thermal current;warm current;heat transmission
热流 [rè liú]
  • (1) [warm current] 指激动兴奋的感受

  • 我感到一股热流传遍全身

  • (2) 也指引起人们兴趣和关注的趋向

热流[rè liú]
  1. 我握着老师的手,一股热流传遍全身。

    I clasped my teacher 's hand and felt a warm current coursing through my body .

  2. 为了给高原湖泊治理提供依据,从滇池湖区地质背景、浮游藻类、溶解氧、大地热流、水质富营养化等方面研究pH值的时空变化及其影响。

    The paper studies the pH space-time varieties and their influences through the distribution of carbonate rock , planktonic algae , dissolved oxygen , underground warm current , water pollution etc , which may provide a basis for Dianchi restoration .

  3. CD包装盒叠层式热流道模具设计

    Design of Double-level Hot Runner Stack Injection Mold for CD Case

  4. 扇形浇口热流道注射成型PP方椅背靠

    Injection of PP armchair back through fan gate and hot runner

  5. 结果表明:在相同条件下,LowE玻璃与普通透明玻璃所受到的辐射热流通量相差很大。

    The results show that the value of recieved radiative heat flux between Low E glass and clear glass differs a lot under same condition .

  6. 采用BP神经网络与数学模型相结合的方法对热带精轧机组机架间水冷区带钢热流密度进行预测,进而优化了机架间冷却的数学模型。

    The hot strip heat-flow density in interstand water cooling zones of finishing mill was predicted by mathematical model combined with BP neural network for optimization of the model of interstand cooling .

  7. 本文介绍高压自然循环临界热流密度(CHF)实验研究。

    An experimental stuffy on critical heat flux ( CHF ) under natural circulation at high pressures is presented in this paper .

  8. 西沙海槽BSR发育区热流值计算及其特征分析

    Estimation and analysis of the heat flow in the BSR area of Xisha trough

  9. 基于湍流的数学模型,用FVM软件FLUENT计算了高压气体淬火过程金属表面的热流密度。

    Based on turbulence flow mathematical model , heat density of high pressure gas quenching was calculated by FVM software FLUENT .

  10. 海底热流测量、海底岩石取样、水体的CH4、3He和Mn异常观测、硅氧异常观测、多波束测量、OBS观测、深潜调查等都是进行现代海底热液活动调查研究的重要手段。

    O measurement , sea beam ? OBS and submersible measurements are all the survey methods to study the modern hydrothermal activities .

  11. 然而随着发光二极管功率的不断增大,热流密度也不断增大,散热问题已经成为制约其发展和应用的瓶颈,因此必须不断改善LED器件及应用过程的热设计。

    However , with the increase of power and heat flux , high die temperature has become the main bottleneck for its further application . Consequently , thermal design should be indispensable in design and application of LED .

  12. 针对物理域比较复杂,采用了区域重叠的分区算法;热流计算考虑了燃气射流中Al2O3粒子含量在驻点区引起的热增量。

    In calculating the heat flow , the heat increment resulting from the Al 2O 3 particles contained in the combustion gas is considered in the stagnation region .

  13. 应用Duhamel定理确定固体界面上的瞬时热流密度

    Determination of the transient heat flux at a solid interface by use of Duhamel theorem

  14. 本文依泰茨平均热流法,将过程数式化,给出轧钢两段式连续加热炉热工计算BASIC语言程序,包括燃料燃烧计算、炉内传热计算、钢坯加热计算及炉子热平衡计算。

    According to Taits mean heat flux method , this paper turned thermal process into formulation and offers a BASIC language program on thermal calculation of 2-zone reheating furnace , the calculation including fuel combustion , heat transfer in furnace , slab heating and thermal balance of furnace .

  15. 基于Fluent对水平连铸结晶器温度场分布及传热的研究笔者采用专门设计的热流传感器对弧形连铸圆坯结晶器的热流进行在线检测。

    Study of Heat Transfer and Temperature Distribution of Mold Horizontal Continuous Casting Based On Fluent The heat flux of curved mold for round casting was measured by special designed heat flux sensor .

  16. 狄塞尔循环热流和功的Bucher图

    Bucher Graph of Thermal Flux and Work in Diesel Cycle

  17. 计算得到的壁面温度与热流直接加载到CFD模型的能量方程中,从而实现边界条件的精确化。

    The calculating results of wall surface temperature and heat flux could be directly treated as the energy boundary conditions in the CFD model , and thus the accuracy of boundary conditions can be derived .

  18. WNS型燃油(气)锅炉炉内热流分布及温度分布的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of heat-flux and temperature distributions in the furnace of an oil / gas-fired WNS boiler

  19. 本文采用实验和数值计算分析相结合的方法,研究了带定位格架棒束通道内过冷流动沸腾工况下临界热流密度(CHF)发生情况。

    This paper deals with experimental and numerical computation analysis of the critical heat flux ( CHF ) occurrence at the conditions of subcooled boiling flow in rod bundles with grid spacers .

  20. 第五章,介绍了基于Pro/E开发的热流道设计原型系统,给出了软件系统的主要功能,并利用开发的系统完成了饮料瓶盖注塑模热流道结构的设计与分析。

    In chapter 5 , the prototype system of hot runner system based on Pro / E is introduced , and chiefly function of hot runner is presented , and hot runner design of injection molding for beverage bottle cap is finished .

  21. 近年来,随着个人电脑CPU工作频率的增加和集成度的不断提高,使得CPU表面的热流密度急剧上升,因而CPU的散热问题已经成为制约其发展的瓶颈。

    In recent years , with the increase in integral density and performance and the decrease in size for CPU of PC , heat flux is critically high . So the heat dissipation has become the bottleneck in development of CPU .

  22. 对背部开有不同深度、不同直径沉孔缺陷的平板表面采用恒定热流加热。使用有限元分析软件Ansys计算得到表面温度分布云图和温升。

    Finite element analysis software Ansys , was used to calculate the temperature field of the plates with back sinking hole defects of different depth and diameter under constant heating condition , and surface temperature cloudy map and temperature rise were obtained .

  23. 基于棒束临界热流密度(CHF)流体模化研究现状,进行了4×4棒束CHF流体模化的实验研究。

    Based on the up-to-date research of the fluid-to-fluid modeling of critical heat flux ( CHF ) in bundle , the experiment on fluid-to-fluid modeling of CHF in 4 × 4 bundle was carried out .

  24. 该法根据试样DSC曲线上热流峰的特征和峰面积大小,以石膏标准试剂的DSC曲线作参比,可确定石膏试样的相态和相组成。

    With this procedure , both states and compositions of crystal species of gypsum can be determined according to characteristics and sizes of heat flow peaks in DSC curves of samples by contrast with that of standard reagents of gypsum .

  25. 脉冲宽度及质量流量对沸腾起始时间与热流密度的关系几乎没有影响,且满足Hsu的经典成核公式。

    Either the pulse width or mass flux has little effects on boiling inception time versus heat flux , which matches well with the classic nucleation formula by Hsu .

  26. Lanzarote火山与地球动力学实验场的地壳变形、地热流动态监测研究

    Dynamic observation and monitoring of crustal deformation and geothermal flow in the volcano and geodynamics Laboratory of Lanzarote

  27. 采用力学试验、动态热流变试验等方法,研究了EPTM/PP共混型TPV的配方组成、熔融共混温度与性能的关系,并探讨了TPV配方设计机理。

    Relationship between the composition of TPV and melt blending temperature and properties was studied by mechanical tests and dynamic rheological tests . Principle of composition design of TPV was probed .

  28. 采用均匀耦合技术并合理设计薄片的散热冷却结构以实现热流近一维分布,用平均功率336W的激光二极管阵列泵浦一块Nd:YAG薄片,获得了平均功率超过120W的准连续激光输出。

    More than 120 W of an average output power is obtained with a 336 W average pump power by using a good design .

  29. 为提高高超声速条件下飞行器表面热环境的计算精度,发展了高精度算法WCNS-E-5,并开展了热流密度分布的数值计算研究。

    The high-order algorithm of WCNS-E-5 is developed in this paper to improve the calculational accuracy when the aerodynamic heating predictions over hypersonic vehicles are needed .

  30. Sn速度变化分布和构造活动、地壳厚度以及大地热流变化有关,分别求得了速度与地壳厚度和大地热流的线性回归方程。

    The Sn velocity variations are related to tectonic activity , crustal thickness and the Earth 's heat flow . We obtain a linear regression relation between the Sn velocity and the crustal thickness and a linear regression relation between the Sn velo - city and heat flow .