
  • 网络dickinson;Emily Dickinson;Bruce Dickinson
  1. 在最初的几轮中,弗格森和迪金森表现突出。

    In the earlier rounds , Ferguson and Dickinson were the standouts

  2. 诺特和迪金森乘坐热气球上升了55,900英尺,创造了一项新的高度纪录。

    Nott and Dickinson set a new altitude record when they ascended 55,900 feet in their balloon .

  3. 尽管最近世贸组织(WTO)明确规定,中国的电影分销网络必须对本国和外国公司一视同仁,不过一位擅长中国知识产权法的律师史蒂夫•迪金森指出,美国电影业不必对这项规定感到过于兴奋。

    And China shows no signs of changing , despite a high profile recent WTO decision declaring that China must give equal treatment to foreigners as it does to domestic companies in its film distribution network .

  4. 因此,这幅作品被伦敦艺术品交易公司迪金森(Dickinson)标价为一亿英镑,并向高级客户提供这幅作品的出售。

    The work was subsequently valued at 100 million by the London art dealer Dickinson , who offered it for sale to selected clients .

  5. 蒂莫西·克利福德(TimothyClifford)于1984年到2006年担任苏格兰国家艺术馆馆长,2007年出任迪金森的顾问,2009年10月,他在《伦敦泰晤士报》上发表文章,认为这幅画是列奥纳多的真迹。

    Timothy Clifford , a director of the National Galleries of Scotland from 1984 to 2006 who joined Dickinson as an adviser in 2007 , declared the drawing a genuine Leonardo in an article in The Times of London in October 2009 .

  6. 作者认为这些都使迪金森的作品具有现代特色。

    All of these make her innovative works modern .

  7. 国内外学者对迪金森的诗歌进行了广泛而深入的研究,取得了丰硕的研究成果。

    The scholars have done research about Dickinson widely and deeply gaining rich achievements .

  8. 埃米莉?迪金森于1830年12月10日出生在美国马萨诸塞州的阿姆赫斯特。

    Emily Dickinson was born on December 10 , 1830 , in Amherst , Massachusetts .

  9. 给你们介绍一位新英语老师迪金森小姐

    I 'd like to introduce you to our new English teacher . Miss Dickinson .

  10. 和大多数美国主要作家比起来,埃米莉?迪金森花了更长的时间才获得世人的认同。

    It took Emily Dickinson longer to gain widespread recognition than most other major American writers .

  11. 在虚无与永恒的瞬间&试析迪金森的死亡诗歌

    Twinkling Living Experience of Extinction and Eternity & About Dickinson 's Poems on the Subject of Death

  12. 迪金森的团队以果蝇研究了该过程,采用高速数码成像设备和一个假想的拍蝇者。

    Dickinson 's team studied this process in fruit flies using high-speed digital imaging equipment and a fancy fly swatter .

  13. 她和文妮莎以及维奥莱特.迪金森一起,于1906年前往希腊旅行,并将荷马的《奥德赛》带在她的手提包里。

    With Vanessa and Violet Dickinson she traveled in1906 to Greece , where she carried Homer 's Odyssey in her handbag .

  14. 完美的诗作,迪金森短诗中的一首,一种关于死亡期至的惊悚尝试。

    A perfect poem , and one of Dickinson 's most compressed and chilling attempts to come to terms with mortality .

  15. 他向你展示出了迪金森感受到的、再从笔尖流淌而出的美好、雅致与明暗。

    He shows you the beauty , grace , light and shadow that flowed into her and right through her pen .

  16. 它能感觉到你的心跳。迪金森学院的研究人员将模拟心脏植入老鼠尸体,把老鼠放在饥饿的蛇面前。

    It can feel your heart beat.Researchers from Dickinson College stuck simulated hearts into dead rats and gave the rodents to hungry snakes .

  17. “幸运不是偶然的;它是一种苦力;命运女神高贵的微笑就是它的薪酬。”(艾米丽•迪金森,诗人)

    " Luck is not chance , it 's toil ; fortune 's expensive smile is earned . "– Emily Dickinson ( poet )

  18. 迪金森完全沉浸在自己的世界里,而希金森则作为一个激进的废奴主义者,竭尽全力要实现他的理想。但他们两人都是性格复杂矛盾的人。

    Where Dickinson withdrew into the self , Higginson , a passionate abolitionist , tried to realise his ideals , but both were paradoxical individuals .

  19. 迪金森的健康状况在她生命的最后几年里急剧恶化,到最后她卧床不起,只能写些简短的笔记。

    Dickinson 's health declined sharply over the last years of her life , until she finally became confined to her bed and was only able to write brief notes .

  20. 迪金森说:“这就说明苍蝇的大脑能够非常迅速地将感官信息转化为相应的动作反应指令。”该研究报告在《当代生物学》期刊上发表。

    " This illustrates how rapidly the fly 's brain can process sensory information into an appropriate motor response ," said Dickinson , whose research appears in the journal Current Biology .

  21. 可能瓜迪奥拉不知道艾米丽。迪金森的名言:“成功被那些没办法成功的人看上去会觉得更加甜蜜”,但是瓜迪奥拉却实实在在的体会了成功。

    Maybe Pep doesn 't know the wise verses of Emily Dickinson : " Success seems more sweet to those that were unable to reach it ," but he has lived it .

  22. 我想这就是迪金森梦寐以求的理想爱情,能拥有这样美好而浪漫的相遇,死亡都是一件快活的事务。

    I suppose this was the ideal love Dickinson had been coveting for , who believed that if she had so exquisite and so romantic love , it was happy for her to die .

  23. 迪金森和艾米丽勃朗特很相似,她也自认为她们俩是同道中人。迪金森很避世,一有人来访,她那标志性的穿着白色长裙的身影就会急急地逃开。

    Rather like Emily Bront ë, with whom she identified , Dickinson shrank from contact with the world , scuttling off in her signature white dress as soon as a visitor appeared at the door .

  24. 文章通过对迪金森诗歌的韵律结构、形态结构、句法结构和词汇结构的分析,论述了语言符号所附加的情感意义在迪金森诗歌创作中的表现手法。

    This article explores the emotional connotation added to the linguistic signs by Emily Dickinson in her poetry through the analysis of the metric structure , morphological structure , syntactical structure and lexical structure applied in it .

  25. 特伦斯·戴维斯的这部非传统传记片轻松愉快,以诗意的凝练和音乐般的优雅回顾了迪金森的一生,展示了她的性格特质以及19世纪新英格兰严肃、知性的环境,那个环境既孕育也限制了她的天赋。

    Terence Davies 's blithely unconventional biopic glides through Dickinson 's life with poetic compression and musical grace , illuminating both her temperament and the austere , intellectually intense 19th-century New England environment that nurtured and constrained her gifts .

  26. 也有媒体将她比作中国的艾米莉•迪金森(著名的美国女诗人)。余秀华在高中时辍学,此后一直过着农民的生活,并遭受脑瘫之苦。

    The woman described by some media outlets as China ` s Emily Dickinson , the famous American poet , dropped out of senior high school , has lived the life of a farmer since and does suffer from cerebral palsy .

  27. 续集的副标题暗示,这一次玛琳菲森会真的变得邪恶起来,她的内心转变可能是由爱洛公主和英俊王子(哈里斯·迪金森饰演)的订婚引发的。王子有一位鬼鬼祟祟的母亲(米歇尔·菲佛饰演)。

    The sequel 's subtitle promises that Maleficent will actually be malevolent this time around , her change of heart prompted by Aurora 's engagement to a handsome prince ( Harris Dickinson ) with a sneaky mother ( Michelle Pfeiffer ) .

  28. 也有媒体将她比作“中国的艾米莉•迪金森”(著名的美国女诗人)。余秀华在高中时辍学,此后一直过着农民的生活,并遭受脑瘫之苦。

    The woman described by some media outlets as " China 's Emily Dickinson , " the famous American poet , dropped out of senior high school , has lived the life of a farmer since and does suffer from cerebral palsy .