
  • 网络disney store
  1. 之后,纳努拉曾负责迪士尼商店(DisneyStores),在公司的12年间可谓平步青云,直到他在哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)时最好的朋友巴里•斯坦里克将他挖走,前去运营喜达屋酒店及度假村集团。

    Nanula went on to head Disney Stores and was on the company 's fast track for 12 years before his best friend from Harvard Business School , Barry Sternlicht , wooed him away to run Starwood Hotels and Resorts .

  2. 比如迪士尼五月在中国开设了第一家迪士尼商店。

    Disney , for instance , in May opened its first Disney Store in China .