
  • 网络disney world;Walt Disney World;DisneyWorld
  1. 奇怪的是,我所收到的所有拒信中,最值得注意的一封,来自于迪斯尼世界,一个看起来完全无害的地方。

    And oddly , the most notable letter of rejection I ever received came from Walt Disney World , a seemingly innocuous site .

  2. 在佛罗里达迪斯尼世界(WaltDisneyWorldinFlorida)的四季酒店(与莫斯科酒店于同一个周末开张),450名员工中的一半从该连锁集团的其它91家酒店招募。

    At the Four Seasons at Walt Disney World in Florida , which opened the same weekend , half the 450 staff had been recruited from the brand 's other 91 hotels .

  3. 我们中的一些人在迪斯尼世界玩了一天,而Marian利用她的时间,花在伴娘的职责上。

    Some of us spend a day at Disney World , while Marian uses her time for her bridesmaid duties .

  4. 他和他的妻子孩子在迪斯尼世界。

    He was at Disney World with his wife and kids .

  5. 没拿照相机去了迪斯尼世界?

    On their way to Disney World without any cameras ?

  6. 1971年,华特?迪斯尼世界在佛罗里达的奥兰多开业。

    In 1971 , Walt Disney World opened in Orlando , Florida .

  7. 奥兰多华特?迪斯尼世界是第二个主题乐园在世界上。

    Orlando Walt Disney World is the second theme park in the world .

  8. 迪斯尼世界是个极好的主题乐园。

    Disney World is a wonderful theme park .

  9. 迪斯尼世界乐园什么时候开放的?

    When Disney world was opened ?

  10. 各个年龄段的孩子都会被奥兰多的迪斯尼世界的魅力所折服。

    Kids of all ages will succumb to the magic of Walt Disney world in Orlando .

  11. 游览迪斯尼世界那天,一大早,我和索妮娅就到了门口。

    On the day we visited Disneyworld , Sonia and I arrived at the gate in the early morning .

  12. 主题乐园长盛不衰十大要素论析&以美国迪斯尼世界为案例的实证研究

    An Analysis of Lasting Prosperity of Theme Parks & An Empirical Study on the Case of Disney World , U.S.A

  13. 我已经为新学期准备了一个新故事&它同样来自奇妙的迪斯尼世界。

    I have already prepared another story for the new term , which is also coming from the fairyland of Disney .

  14. 艾斯纳想要核实一下在距离迪斯尼世界4英里远的一片空地上通用公司是否有任何动工迹象。

    Eisner wanted to check if there was any sign of construction on the vacant site , just four miles from Disney World .

  15. 现在我在佛罗里达的迪斯尼世界。是的,就像美国所有的东西一样,这个地方非常大。

    I 'm here in Walt Disney world , florida . yes , like all things in america , this place is pretty big .

  16. 如果你到像迪斯尼世界这样的地方去观赏一下,就会得到一些关于对我们生活的一种大体的预测。

    If you visit displays at places like Disneyworld , you can get a glimpse of what some of the predictions are for our lives .

  17. 鲍克斯利是一位国际知名的艺术家,他雕刻的图腾柱可以在从迪斯尼世界直到日本的公共或私人收藏中见到。

    Boxley is an internationally known artist , whose carved totem poles can be found in public and private collections from Walt Disney World to Japan .

  18. 他的讲述迪斯尼世界中穿米其和米妮服装的人工作条件恶劣的文章,成为他成名的标志。

    He made his mark with his article on the rough working conditions endured by the people inside the Mickey and Minnie costumes at Walt Disney World .

  19. 从哥伦比亚的村庄到佛罗里达迪斯尼世界胜地的主题公园,环境保护主义者正在努力拯救一种面临灭绝的小猴子。

    From Colombian villages to the theme parks at the Walt Disney World Resort , Florida , conservationists are working to save a tiny monkey from extinction .

  20. 在这个迪斯尼世界,有四个迪斯尼主题乐园、三个迪斯尼水公园,体育街市迪斯尼娱乐地区和迪斯尼的宽世界。

    In this Disney World , there are four Disney Theme Parks , three Disney Water Parks , the Downtown Disney Entertainment Area and Disney 's wide world of sports .

  21. 尽管气温只有20多度,数千名跑步者仍然在迪斯尼世界参加马拉松比赛,试图在比赛前寻找任何保暖的方法。

    Despite temperatures in the20s , thousands of runners showed up for a marathon at Disney World , trying to find any way they could to stay warm before the race .

  22. 在佛罗里达的克莱蒙特,周日晚上,迪斯尼世界旁的一个度假区,人们听见爆裂、破裂声,然后看到一座正在崩塌到地里的房子的窗户飞了出来。

    In Clermont , Florida , Sunday night , a vacation resort near Disneyworld , where people heard popping , cracking , then saw windows blow out as part of the building crumbled into the ground .

  23. 他说,自从他在90年代早期游玩了迪斯尼世界后,他就“上钩”了,然后就曾重返奥兰多乐园7次,并且到过位于加利福尼亚州的迪斯尼乐园9次。

    He " got hooked " onto Disney parks ever since he visited Disney World in the early90s , he said , and has since been back to the Orlando park seven times , and to Disneyland in California nine times .

  24. 迪斯尼作为世界动漫帝国之首,在为全世界带来欢声笑语的同时也为美国的动漫产业积聚了巨额的财富。

    Disney is the first entertainment empire in the world ; it brought laughter all over the world as well as a significant amount of wealth accumulation for the United States .

  25. 或迪斯尼乐园被世界上数百万的人所喜欢。

    Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world .

  26. 我最近带我的小孩游玩了美国迪斯尼乐园,世界画室和海底世界。

    I recently took my kids to USA to visit disneyland , Universal Studio and seaworld .

  27. 美国加利福尼亚的迪斯尼乐园是世界上广受欢迎的最早的主题公园之一。

    Disneyland in California was one of the first theme parks to become popular around the world .

  28. 《白雪公主和七个小矮人》让迪斯尼成为“世界之王”,人们对之后的电影期望很高。

    Walt Disney was " king of the world " after Snow White , and expectations were high for his followup .

  29. 它们在迪斯尼乐园和沃尔特?迪斯尼世界出售。

    They were sold at Disneyland and Walt Disney world .

  30. 沃尔特迪斯尼爱好者-对沃尔特迪斯尼世界度假胜地的详细介绍,包括照片、公园和胜地信息、旅行计划消息和迪斯尼新闻。

    The Walt Disney nut-in-depth look at the Walt Disney World Resort area , including photographs , information on parks and resorts , trip planning tips , and Disney news .