
  • 网络GLEASON;Domhnall Gleeson
  1. 采用电动调节阀和PID调节仪控制格里森淬火压床的淬火油温,使压床内淬火油温度控制在±3℃范围内。

    Adopt electric governing valve and PID governor to control GLEASON quenching press oil temperature under ± 3 ℃ range .

  2. 格里森专家制造系统(GEMS)开创弧齿锥齿轮及双曲面齿轮数字化制造新纪元

    Gleason Expert Manufacturing System ( GEMS ) Opens a New Era for Digitized Manufacturing of Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Gears

  3. IHSTechnology公司的高级分析师丹尼尔o格里森认为,谷歌的“捆绑销售”并不会影响到三星。

    Daniel Gleeson , senior analyst with IHS Technology , believes Google 's bundling is not really harming Samsung .

  4. 介绍了美国格里森公司CNC弧齿锥齿轮磨齿机及磨齿技术的发展。

    This article introduces the development of Gleason spiral bevel gear grinding technology and its CNC spiral bevel gear-grinding machine .

  5. 介绍了格里森PHOENIXⅡ数控螺旋锥齿轮磨齿机的主要特点,对其B轴运动进行建模及运动分析,为该类机床的结构设计提供了理论依据。

    The paper presents the leading characteristic of CNC Hypoid Gear Grinding Machine PHOENIX ⅱ of Gleason , and describes the modelling and kinematical analysis of axis B , which sets a theoretical foundation for the design of this kind of machines .

  6. 针对格里森609准双曲面齿轮精切机的数控改造,介绍了利用西门子802D数控系统CNC与PLC公共存储器设计其工件箱数控分度台的方法。

    A method for designing CNC index table using common memory of CNC and PLC is introduced in this paper . It is successfully applied in the retrofit of GLEASON 609 hypoid gear finisher .

  7. 纽约调查公司On-Ramps的萨拉•格里森(SarahGrayson)说,为了提高你的生存几率,自问一下:目前对你的公司来说什么是最重要的?你如何确保为此贡献力量?如何确保你的成就被老板看到了?

    To improve your survival chances , ask yourself , ' What 's most important to my company right now , and how do I make sure I 'm contributing to that , and that my achievement is visible to my boss ? ' says Sarah Grayson , a partner in On-Ramps , a New York search firm .

  8. 格里森弧齿锥齿轮设计方法研究

    Study on the Design Method of Gleason Arc Taper Gear

  9. 有了格里森干地检,就不用怕了。

    They won 't be scared when you get Grissom in that courthouse .

  10. 而格里森电话都不打一个来。

    And I haven 't even heard from grissom .

  11. 我国对螺旋锥齿轮加工的研究仍集中在“格里森”机床方面。

    Researchers still put their emphasis on studying Gleason machine tools in our country .

  12. 格里森正一路小跑进来投新一轮的第一个球。

    Gleeson is now trotting in to bowl the first ball of a new over .

  13. 格里森弧齿锥齿轮磨齿技术的发展

    Development of Gleason Spiral Gear Grinding Technology

  14. 格里森把所有事业都交给你了?

    Grissom gave you all his businesses ?

  15. 美国格里森公司及其新产品

    Gleason Corporation and Its New Products

  16. 格里森螺旋伞齿轮铣刀

    Gleason spiral bevel gear cutter

  17. 通过分析格里森求解方法的计算过程,建立了几何参数的迭代方程。

    The iterative equations for geometrical parameter is established through analyzing calculating process of gleason 's getting method .

  18. 最近,在美国访问期间,特鲁多还特意参观了纽约布鲁克林标志性的格里森健身馆。

    More recently , Trudeau visited the iconic Gleason 's Gym in Brooklyn , New York , during a U.S. visit .

  19. 任意指定接触基准点的切齿理论&对格里森半展成法加工弧齿维齿轮和准双曲面齿轮方法的改进

    Tooth cutting theory with arbitrarily appointed reference contact points - an improvement on the Gleason method of cutting spiral bevel and hypoid gears

  20. 她找到了一份会计的工作,还受到了当地优质单身汉吉姆•法雷尔(多姆纳尔•格里森饰)的青睐。

    She gets a job as an accountant and attracts the attention of a desirable local bachelor , Jim Farrell ( Domhnall Gleeson ) .

  21. 但是,当利用格里森评分来测定肿瘤的侵袭性时出现了差别。格里森评分用来检查前列腺肿瘤中病理组织的严重程度,如果所得分数较高,则说明病理组织会产生侵袭性扩展。

    But a difference emerged when the aggressiveness of the tumors was measured by the Gleason score , which looks for degree of abnormal organization of a prostate tumor .

  22. 工厂生产设备先进,拥有美国格里森后桥螺旋伞齿轮加工线和日本三菱公司圆柱齿轮加工设备。

    It has many advanced equipments , such as driving axle spiral bevel gears processing lines from Gleason Company and the ring gear & pinion producing machines from Mitsubishi Company .

  23. 我们的快速通道新项目能在您需要时向您提供先进的格里森应用技术,让您能在竞争中处于更快、更好、更有利的位置。

    Our new FAST TRACK program puts advanced Gleason technology in your hands when you need it , so you can compete faster , better , and more profitably than ever before .

  24. 最新浪漫喜剧《时空恋旅人》的主角蒂姆?雷克(多姆纳尔?格里森饰)就利用时间穿梭的特异功能回到过去,寻找一生所爱。

    Tim Lake ( Domhnall Gleeson ) , the protagonist in the new romantic comedy About Time , uses his ability to travel back in time to find the love of his life .

  25. 本文正是基于CAD/CAM技术和多轴联动数控技术,提出了一种适用于通用多轴机床数控加工格里森螺旋锥齿轮新的加工方法。

    The thesis brought forward a new Gleason spiral bevel gears modeling method fit for NC machining on CNC machine center , based on the CAD / CAM integration technology and multi-axis CNC technology .