
  • 网络Mesothelial;mesothelium
  1. 蛋白激酶C对腹膜间皮细胞己糖激酶活性的调控

    Regulation of hexokinase activity by protein kinase C in peritoneal mesothelium cell

  2. 本文研究AngⅡ对血管内皮细胞生长因子(VascularEndothelialGrowthFactor,VEGF)调控蛙心包淋巴孔和心包间皮血窦的影响。

    In the present study , the effect of Ang ⅱ on vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) regulating the pericardial lymphatic stomata and the pericardial mesothelium was investigated in the European edible frog ( Rana esculenta ) .

  3. CT和胃肠道造影对腹膜间皮瘤的诊断价值

    The Diagnostic Value of CT and Radiography of Gastrointestinal Tract in the Peritoneal Mesothelioma

  4. 实验性大鼠胸膜间皮瘤病理改变与CT表现的研究

    Study of Pathological Change and CT Manifestation in Experimental Rats ' Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

  5. 恶性间皮瘤p53基因点突变和蛋白表达

    Gene p53 point mutation and protein expression in human malignant mesothelioma

  6. B、C两组腹膜间皮细胞及间皮细胞之间连接的损伤程度较A组为轻。

    The injured degrees of mesothelial cells and their intercellular junctions in groups B and C were slighter than those in group A.

  7. 炎症介质对人腹膜间皮细胞透明质酸合成酶mRNA表达和透明质酸合成的影响

    Effects of inflammation mediators on the mRNA expression of hyaluronan synthases and hyaluronan synthesis in human peritoneal mesothelial cells

  8. 恶性间皮瘤1例,CEA阳性。

    CEA was positive in 1 case with malignant mesothelioma .

  9. 高浓度葡萄糖对人腹膜间皮细胞bax和bcl-2基因表达的影响

    The effect of glucose on expression of bcl-2 and bax gene in human peritoneal mesothelial cells

  10. p16、p53、PCNA及VEGF表达与恶性间皮瘤预后的相关性研究

    Correlation of p16 、 p53 、 PCNA and VEGF Expression and Prognosis in Malignant Mesothelioma

  11. 高糖、PKC对原代培养的腹膜间皮细胞葡萄糖转运蛋白1调节作用的研究

    Expression and Regulation of Glucose Transporter 1 in Peritoneal Mesothelial Cells of Primary Culture

  12. 方法:对12例经病理证实的悲性胸膜间皮瘤行CT导引下经皮穿刺瘤灶内注射~(32)P&碘油乳剂,单次注射4例,多次注射8例;

    Methods 12 patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma proven by pathology were treated using percutaneous injection of 32P - lipidol , single injection was done in 4 cases ;

  13. 研究背景:腹膜淋巴孔(peritoneallymphaticstomata)是腹膜毛细淋巴管在腹膜间皮上的开口。

    Background Peritoneal lymphatic stomata are openings of the peritoneal lymphatic vessels into the peritoneal cavity .

  14. 目的:探讨胸膜间皮瘤CT影像形成的病理基础以及CT对本病的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the correlation between the CT findings of mesothelioma and pathologic changes , and determine the usefulness of CT in the differential diagnosis of pleural diseases .

  15. 方法:体外培养大鼠胸膜间皮细胞,细胞鉴定后,采用免疫细胞化学、RT-PCR方法检测AQP-1表达;

    METHODS : Rat pleural mesothelial cells were cultured in vitro .

  16. 激活的CTL对自身恶性间皮瘤细胞有高度细胞毒性作用。

    CTL activation of the cell 's own malignant mesothelioma cells with high toxicity .

  17. 丹皮酚体外诱导间皮细胞增殖及分泌t-PA的研究

    Effect of Paeonol on Proliferation and t-PA in Mesothelial Cells

  18. 用PCR-SSCP方法检测间皮瘤组织中p53基因点突变

    Detection of point mutations of p53 gene by non isotopic PCR SSCP in paraffin embedded malignant mesothelioma tissue

  19. TGF-β1小干扰RNA影响人腹膜间皮细胞黏附胃癌细胞株SGC-7901的研究

    Effect of TGF - β _1-specific siRNA on adhesion between human mesothelium cells and gastric cancer cell line SGC-7901

  20. 增生间皮细胞进行DNA倍体直方图在2c及3c处形成双峰值。

    Meanwhile , the DNA histogram of hyperplastic mesothelial cells formed two peaks at 2c and 3c ~ 4c DNA .

  21. 结论:N2期对于恶性胸膜间皮瘤患者的预后有着负性的影响。

    CONCLUSIONS : The presence of N2 disease negatively affects the prognosis of patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma .

  22. 透射电镜下见A组间皮细胞修复较好,成纤维细胞增生不明显,B组间皮细胞增生较慢,成纤维细胞分泌胶原功能活跃。

    In group A , mesotheliums rehabilitated better than that in group B , and the proliferation of fibroblast were not significant under electron microscope . In group B , fibroblast excreted collagen actively .

  23. NADPH氧化酶介导血管紧张素Ⅱ诱导的腹膜间皮细胞转分化及细胞外基质积聚

    NADPH oxidase mediates angiotensin ⅱ - induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition and accumulation of extracellular matrix

  24. 我们高通道miRNA芯片对PD腹膜流出液腹膜间皮细胞miRNA表达进行了图谱分析。

    We used high-channel miRNA chip to analyse miRNA expression profiles of peritoneal mesothelial cells from peritoneal effluent .

  25. 结果:胸腹水中恶性肿瘤细胞(癌细胞,恶性间皮瘤细胞)的DNA含量明显增高,多为异倍体(≥5C),DI值为(3.85±1.24)。

    Results : Most of DNA content of malignant exfoliative cell were heteroploid , DI was ( 3.85 ± 1.24 ) .

  26. 8周后检测腹膜间皮细胞凋亡及促凋亡基因(Fas)和抑凋亡基因(Bcl-2)的蛋白表达,计算凋亡细胞指数(AI)和基因的蛋白阳性表达指数(PEI)。

    Apoptosis of the mesothelial cells and genes ( Fas , Bcl-2 ) correlated with apoptosis were analyzed after 8 weeks .

  27. FC组间皮细胞表面可见一层连续的腹膜表面层,其质地较OsO4组明显致密,厚薄较均匀平均4μm左右,表面较光滑。

    In the FC group , a dense continuous amorphous layer covered the mesothelium with average thickness of 4 μ m.

  28. 腹透液增强腹膜间皮细胞CD40表达及其意义

    Effect of 4.25 % peritoneal dialysis solution on CD40 expression in rat peritoneal mesothelial cells

  29. 头孢噻吩在腹膜透析和血液透析病人中的药物动力学前列腺素E1对乳酸盐腹膜透析液体外致人腹膜间皮细胞损伤的保护作用

    Protection Effect of Prostaglandin E1 on Human Peritoneal Mesothelial Cell Against Lactate-based Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions-induced Injury in Vitro

  30. 目的:研究TGF-β1对人腹膜间皮细胞分泌细胞外基质和bFGF的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of TGF - β 1 on extracellular and bFGF secretion of human peritoneal mesothelial cell .