
  • 网络indirect transition
  1. 在压力超过50kbar后观察到两个与间接跃迁有关的发光峰。

    Two peaks related to indirect transition were-observed at the pressure higher than 50 kbar .

  2. 除浸渍一次的膜不存在间接跃迁外,所有的膜具有相同的间接跃迁禁带宽。

    All the films have the same indirect transition bandgap , but those with one time dip have no indirect transition .

  3. 通过对该曲线的研究,发现铌酸钙钡晶体吸收边以下对应的跃迁为间接跃迁,计算出间接跃迁的禁带宽度Eg以及声子能量EP。

    Furthermore , the bandgap width Eg for the indirect transition and the phonon energy Ep are calculated by using this curve respectively .

  4. 由TiO2反胶束溶胶制备一系列TiO2纳米晶薄膜,对膜的吸收光谱和激发发射光谱研究表明制备的膜存在有二种模式的跃迁,直接跃迁和间接跃迁。

    A series of TiO2 nanocrystalline thin films were fabricated by using dip coating method from TiO2 reverse micelle solution . The studies on absorption and exciton emission spectra showed that both the indirect and direct transition exist in these TiO2 nanocrystalline thin films .

  5. 对晶体内部的直接跃迁和间接跃迁性质进行了详细的研究,确定了在光学间接跃迁过程中起主要贡献的声子对应于Nb-O-Zn伸缩振动模式。

    The direct and indirect transitions were analyzed . It was confirmed that the indirect transition is mainly due to the contribution of the phonon corresponding to the Nb-O-Zn bond stretching mode .

  6. 我们发现nc-Si:H薄膜中光电子跃迁主要来源于带间跃迁,但又不同于单晶硅材料的间接跃迁。

    We have found that the photo carriers are generated mostly from the interband transitions , different to the indirect transition mechanism in c-Si .

  7. 研究表明在nc-Si:H薄膜中光电子跃迁过程明显不同于单晶硅材料中的间接跃迁过程,前者具有较高的光电子跃迁几率和较强的光学吸收。

    The studies in this thesis demonstrate that the optical interband transitions in the nc-Si : H thin film are quite different from the indirect transition in c-Si , the transition probability and optical absorption in nc-Si : H are much higher than those in c-Si .

  8. N型简并锗中杂质协助的间接光跃迁

    Note on the IMPURITY-ASSISTED indirect optical transition of the n-type degenerate germanium

  9. 用带际间接光学跃迁的理论完满解释了吸收光谱的特性。

    The characterises of the absorption spectra can be well explained with the theory of the indirect interband transition .