
  • 网络indirect recombination
  1. 当前,一方面要致力于直接融资与间接融资复合的银证合作模式的建构;

    At present , on the one hand , it is necessary to work for the building of the mode of cooperation between banks and security company of the compound of direct and indirect finance ;

  2. 环境民事纠纷主体之间的不平等性,环境民事纠纷的间接性、复合性、持续性等特征使该类纠纷解决机制与解决一般的民事侵权行为不同。

    For the inequality of the mains of environmental civil disputes and the disputes with its own indirect , complex , ongoing , and other characteristics .

  3. 随着多种间接修复硬质复合树脂系统的问世,金属-树脂粘结修复体得到了广泛的重视和应用。

    In the past a few years , with development of the highly improved indirect composite resins , metal-resin bonding restoration draw more and more attention . Combination of high-strength composite resin with titanium to fabricate fixed or removable partial denture had many advantages .

  4. 肯定应答方式分为简单式和复合式,其中简单式又分为直接肯定简单式和间接肯定简单式;复合式又分为直接复合简单式和间接复合简单式。

    Affirmative Response can be divided into simple style and complex style , Simple style includes directly Simple style and indirectly Simple style ; Complex style includes directly Complex style and indirectly Complex style .