
guǎn zuò
  • socket;vacuum tube base;valve socket;valve panel;tube socket
管座 [guǎn zuò]
  • [tube socket] 把电子管的各接头引出,并机械地固定于其上的插口

管座[guǎn zuò]
  1. 国产600MW机组高加管座焊接缺陷分析

    Analysis of Socket Fillet Weld Defect in Domestic 600 MW Unit Heat Exchanger

  2. 用磁记忆检测(MMT)法评价了含超标缺陷管座角焊缝长期服役后的应力集中状况。

    The stress concentration state of weld joint on a tube socket containing defects exceeding grade after long term service has been evaluated by using the magnetic memory test ( MMT ) .

  3. CO2储罐过渡管座与内容器焊接质量提高的研究及其应用

    Research and application of welding between pipe connector and inner container of cryogenic liquid CO_2 tank

  4. 应用于NOx化学发光仪中低温转化剂的研制中变炉管座角焊缝的超声波探伤

    The Preparation of Low Temperature Converter Used in NO_X Chemiluminescence Ultrasonic Flaw Testing of the Pipe Connection Fillet Welding of the Middle Temperature Converter

  5. 300MW锅炉下降管管座角焊缝的焊接与探伤

    Welding and inspection for the fillet weld of 300 MW Boler steam drum

  6. 在对420t/h锅炉的规范检查当中发现,再热器集汽箱管座及其附属管道外壁出现由内而外发散的放射状裂纹,并且有不断扩大的趋势。

    In 420t / h boiler inspecting , the collecting-steam box of reheater and correlative pipelines are detected to appear diffuse crack , which has expansive trend .

  7. 300系列奥氏体不锈钢是PWR堆内构件、压力边界系统和控制棒驱动机构管座的主要材料,疲劳破坏是其失效形式之一。

    The 300 series austenitic stainless steel , which is the main material of the containment buildings pressure boundary and the control rod drive mechanisms ( CRDMs ), will be damaged for the fatigue .

  8. 用硅烷对B-1E型玻璃封接的电子器件管座表面进行了处理改性,大大提高了玻璃表面的电气绝缘性能。

    A surface modification has been made by silane for the electronic device base sealed by B-1E glass . The electric insulation performance of the glass surface is well improved .

  9. 进行了再热器对空排气管三通管座的温度场和热应力的有限元分析,并选取机组起动后第50min、200min和480min3个点的数据加以讨论。

    The temperature field and thermal stress of tee pipe sockets for exhaust pipes to atmosphere from reheater have been analyzed by using the finite element method , the data at time points of 50 , 200 , and 400 minutes after startup being discussed .

  10. 热电厂高温过热器联箱安全阀接管座开裂分析

    Fracture Analysis of Stub on Superheater Safety Valve for Power Plant

  11. 减温器管座焊缝裂纹的成因分析

    Genetic Analysis for Bead Crack in Tube Socket of Desuperheating Station

  12. 再热热段管座附近裂纹的原因分析及对策

    Analysis of crack near hot reheat pipe saddle and the countermeasures

  13. 电站锅炉联箱管座角焊缝的探伤方法研究

    Study on NDT of fillet welding of stubs on boiler collectors

  14. 联箱管座角焊缝超声检测专家系统的开发

    Expert System for Ultrasonic Testing of Fillet Weld on Boiler Header

  15. 集箱管座焊接机器人工作站的研究

    Study of Robot Station for Welding Nipples on to Header

  16. 锅炉集箱管座焊接机器人控制系统设计

    Design of Control System for Boiler Header Nipple Welding Robot

  17. 浅谈管座角焊缝超声波探伤

    Discussion on ultrasonic testing of the pipe socket angle seam

  18. 小汽包上升管座冷焊接工艺探讨

    Discussion on Cold Welding Technology of Riser-tube-seat in the Boiler Water Drum

  19. 锅炉汽包管座角焊缝缺陷的检测

    Detection of Defects on Corner-welding Line of Boiler ′ s Stream Container

  20. 必须更换进水管座的密封件。

    The seals on the intake socket must be replaced .

  21. 毫米波同轴-波导二极管管座计算机模拟分析

    Analysis of millimeter wave coaxial-waveguide diode mount with computer simulation

  22. 彩色显像管管座偶发性早期失效的分析与对策

    Analysis and Solution of Color Tube Holder Accidental Early Failure

  23. 过热器出口集箱管座更换的处理方法

    Method for Replacement of Tube Holder for Super-heater Exit Case

  24. 过热器集箱管座角焊缝裂纹的分析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment to Cracks of Stud Welding Seam on Headers of Reheater

  25. 集箱管座角焊缝超声波探伤方法研究

    An Investigation to Flaw Detecting Method for Fillet Weld of Tube-seat on Header

  26. 管座式角焊缝双胶片双壁单影射线透照技术

    Double-Wall Single - Image Radiographic Testing of Socket Fillet Welds with Two Films

  27. 燃料组件上、下管座组装焊接工艺

    Technology for assembling and welding of top and bottom nozzles : in fuel assembly

  28. 用内部拉具拆下进水管座。

    Remove intake socket with the internal puller .

  29. TO系列管座电镀工艺

    Electroplating process for TO series tube socket

  30. 快锅过热管承插焊管座的镗削加工

    Boring of Socket Joint Base of Welded Tubes for the Super Heather of Fast Boiler