
  1. 铁路管道光缆的吹放

    Gas Blowing for Laying Optical Fiber Cable Along Railway Line

  2. 大中型城域传输网市政雨水管道光缆敷设方式探讨

    Discussion on Laying Optical Cable in Municipal Rainwater Pipeline to Build Metro Transmission Network

  3. 提出利用城区市政雨水管道进行光缆敷设的思路,并提供相关的工程实施方案建议,对雨水管道敷设光缆的经济性进行简要分析。

    The idea of laying optical cable in municipal rainwater pipeline is proposed , project construction plan is suggested , the economy on laying optical cable in municipal rainwater pipeline is analyzed briefly .

  4. 长输管道与通信光缆的同沟敷设

    Laying of optic fibre communication cable with long distance pipeline in one ditch

  5. 具体阐述了不同业务需求的营业厅工程建设方案中管道工程建设、光缆工程建设以及设备安装工程建设的实际方案,以及施工过程中遇到的问题。

    Expound the actual plan corresponding different business needs of the business hall engineering construction scheme in the pipeline engineering construction , fiber optic cable engineering construction and equipment installation project construction , and the problems in the course of construction .

  6. 显然,投资于输送清洁水的管道、而非光缆才是极为合理的,然而,只有网络连接方面的投资才能吸引政界人士和投资者的注意与兴趣。

    Funding the pipes that would carry the latter rather than optic cables would certainly make a great deal of sense , yet it is only the investment in Internet connectivity that attracts the attention and interest of politicians and investors .