
  1. WorkingCopy通过构建一个用于管理解析过程的CModelBuilder对象来开始解析器的创建。

    The WorkingCopy starts the parser creation by constructing a CModelBuilder object to manage the parsing process .

  2. 矿床工业指标的制定与管理解析

    On Enactment and Management of Industrial Index for Mineral

  3. 我国学生思维训练的管理解析

    Management View on Students ' mental training

  4. 最后,以2010年上海世博会的公共环境设施为案例进行设计管理解析,进一步明晰上述的设计管理策略。

    Finally , taking the public facilities of World Expo 2010 Shanghai as a case , analyse its methods of design management , to further clarify the above strategies .

  5. SqlServer数据库安全管理技术解析

    Analysis on the Security Management Technology for SQL Server Database

  6. COM组件线程管理模型解析

    Analyzing of Threading Models in COM

  7. 大连VTS管理规定解析

    " The Dalian VTS management stipulated " analyzes

  8. 中国轿车企业分销渠道管理问题解析

    Interpretation of the Distribution Channel Management of China 's Car Enterprises

  9. 供应链风险类别、脆弱性因素及管理方法解析

    An Analysis of Supply-chain Classification , Vulnerability and Management Method

  10. 21世纪欧盟海事综合政策的管理框架解析

    Analysis of the Integrated Maritime Policy of the European Union

  11. 德国行政型法院管理模式解析及其启示

    Analysis and Revelations on Management Mode of German Administrative Court

  12. 第三章是信用风险管理模型解析,对现代信用风险管理模型进行了研究;

    Chapter three discusses the advanced risk management models .

  13. 智能化系统项目管理要点解析

    Analysis of Management Essentials of Project Installed Intelligent System

  14. 从风险管理视角解析中航油事件

    An Analysis of the China Aviation Oil ( Singapore ) Incident based on Risk Management

  15. 后现代主义教育管理思想解析

    Understanding of Educational Administration Thoughts of Postmodernism

  16. 成本管理系统解析:实务发展、制度变迁和学术研究

    Three Perspectives of Cost Management System Analysis : Practice Development , Institutional Change and Academic Research

  17. 项目监造人的职责项目管理的解析及管理者的人文素质

    The Role of the Project Supervisor Discussion of Project Management and the Human Culture Qualification of a Project Supervisor

  18. 将制造企业的质量管理体系解析、封装为产品实现过程质量管理、综合质量业务管理和质量体系管理三个过程组,对过程组的单元构成及其内外部集成机制进行了分析与描述。

    The inner composition and integrated mechanism of the process groups and process cells were also laid out in detail .

  19. 本论文的工作是定粒配茧缫丝工程管理理论解析及应用研究的一个部分。

    This paper made a study of the theoretical analysis and application for the control of the reeling process with fixed number of cocoons .

  20. 本文通过对预算管理的解析,探寻建立现代预算管理应注意的问题。

    By analyzing the meaning of budget management , this article explores key issues while setting up corporate modern budget management system , on which should be paid much attention .

  21. Tcl:Expect扩展Tcl:它是Tcl,但是加上了一些用于终端管理、对话解析和调试的额外工具。

    Tcl : Expect extends Tcl : It is Tcl , plus a few extra facilities for terminal management , dialogue parsing , and debugging .

  22. 而从国内的研究来看,多集中于概念框架和管理逻辑的解析,缺少ERM与企业绩效、价值的实证研究。

    From the view of domestic research , mostly concentrated in the conceptual framework and management logic analysis , the study on ERM framework is not deep enough .

  23. 中职课堂教学管理的内涵解析与内容建构

    The Initial Construction and Dissolution of Secondary Vocational Education Classroom Teaching Management Connotation

  24. 地区供电公司成本管理困境的解析&基于资产专用性的思考

    The analysis of plight of cost management about regional power supply company & based on consideration of asset specificity

  25. 鲁棒性可调的主动队列管理PI控制器的解析设计

    Analytical Design of PI Controller for AQM with Robustness Adjustability

  26. 供电所规范化管理系统软件应用解析

    Analysis on Application of Standardization Management System Software for Power Supply Company

  27. 队列管理器是名称解析的根。

    The queue manager is the root for name resolution .

  28. 高校图书馆与知识管理关系的初步解析

    Relationship Analysis between Knowledge Management and Libraries of University

  29. 解决了企业面临的可靠性增长试验数据管理混乱和数据解析困难的问题,为可靠性增长评估与预测提供了新的思路与工具。

    It solved the problems of chaos management of reliability growth test data and difficult data analysis , which put forward new ideas and tools for reliability growth assessment and prediction .

  30. 总控站点包括工作流管理器、站点解析服务、模型分割服务等功能组件,执行站点包括任务管理器、任务调度器等功能组件。

    The controlling site is made up of function modules such as the workflow manager , the site parser and the model partitioner , and the executing site consists of the task scheduler , the task manager , etc.