
guǎn bǎn
  • tube sheet;tube plate;pipe sheet;siphonoplax
管板[guǎn bǎn]
  1. 建议改为强度焊加贴胀结构,并将复合管板基层改用屈服强度≥320MPa的材料,制造工艺改为先胀后焊。

    It should be modified to be strength weld and tight expansion structure . At the same time , manufacturing technology as modified for welding after expansion , tube sheet base should adopt the material of strength σ _s ≥ 320MPa .

  2. 采用实体模型的厚管板的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis on thick tube sheet by adopting entity model

  3. VISUALBASIC程序设计语言用于管板计算

    Application of Visual Basic Programming Language in Calculation of Tubesheet

  4. CAD技术在锅壳式锅炉管板强度计算中的应用

    Application of CAD to strength calculation for tube plates of shell boilers

  5. 平面K型管板节点抗弯刚度及节点板稳定承载力研究

    Research on the Bending Rigidity and Gusset Plates Stability of Tube-gusset K-joints

  6. 基于ANSYS优化设计的蒸发器异型管板工程图的实现

    The implementation on shaped tubesheet of evaporator based on ANSYS optimization design

  7. 基于ANSYS对压力容器管板厚度的优化设计

    Optimal design of the thickness of pressure container tube plate based on ANSYS

  8. 应用ANSYS分析管板应力实例

    Examples of tubeplate stress analysis with ANSYS

  9. ARX在换热设备管板布管CAD系统中的应用

    Application of ARX in Heat Exchanger 's Tubes-CAD System

  10. 双相不锈钢管板手工TIG填丝焊接工艺的研究

    Welding Process of Duplex Stainless Steel Tube-sheet with Manual TIG Filler Wire

  11. 盐水预热器管板的PTA堆焊制造工艺

    Technology of Manufacturing Tube Plate of Heat Exchanger by Plasma Transferred Arc Surfacing

  12. 本文研究的主要内容为K型管板节点极限承载力非线性有限元分析和节点承载力公式回归两部分。

    Nonlinear finite-element analysis of the ultimate strength of the tube-gusset K-joints and the regression formula about the ultimate strength of the tube-gusset K-joints are researched in this thesis .

  13. DZ型锅炉管板裂纹的原因及改进措施

    Essential Causes of Cracks in DZ Type Boiler Tube-Plates and Its Countermeasures

  14. 用国产BTA深孔钻头加工奥氏体不锈钢管板深孔

    Domestic BTA Deep Hole Drills Machining Austenitic Stainless Steel Tube

  15. 应用工业计算机断层扫描成像(ICT)技术研究了某厂氯气冷凝器管板、列管以及焊接处的腐蚀情况。

    The corrosion of tubes and tube sheets for a chlorine gas condenser in a chemical plant was studied using industrial computer tomography ( ICT ) .

  16. 由于ANSYS模型为一个整体,当研究换热器长度对预应力和管板的影响时,提高了APDL命令流的通用性。

    ANSYS model as a whole , when the length of heat exchanger tube sheet on the PC and the impact of improved versatility APDL command stream . 4 .

  17. 基于严密数学推导的管板布管数精确解析关系式,用Visualc++可视化编程技术开发了布管管数计算模块,能在将布管情况直接展示给用户的同时生成布管图;

    Based on the exact mathematical formula from strict derivation , this paper develops software modules using Visual C + + to determine the tube-hole quantity , which can illustrate the condition of tube-hole distribution as well as the preview drawing to the user directly .

  18. 高压换热器管板的Ni-Cr-Fe系耐蚀合金手工电弧堆焊

    Manual arc surfacing of Ni-Cr-Fe alloy for heat exchanger tube-plate

  19. 瑞典ESAB管子管板焊机分配器轴国产化

    Nationalize distributor axis for the tube / tube sheet welder made in ESAB Sweden

  20. 结果表明,在管板不开槽的情况下,TA2钛管与钢质管板的胀接需要的胀接压力较高,而获得的拉脱力较小;

    The results show that the tube - to - tubesheet expanding joint can get a less pull - out force with a higher expand : ng pressure ;

  21. 介绍了Inconel690管子与SA-508Ⅲ管板液压胀接试验,包括试验的内容以及为满足要求而采用的工艺参数及方法。

    Hydraulic expanding of Inconel 690 tube to SA-508 ⅲ tubesheet was introduced in this paper , including test content , expanding parameter and operation method .

  22. 研究管板裂纹的结构性原因以及外部因素所产生的影响,并以14MW热水锅炉管板为例,分析其裂纹成因和提出相应的对策。

    The structural cause for pipe cracking and the external factors are discussed and , taking the 1.4 MW boiler as example , cause analysis and countermeasures are provided .

  23. 通过对吉化公司异丁醛加氢装置中一台薄管板换热器(E103)多工况的应力测试,得到了它的应力状态。

    By the thin-tubesheet heat exchanger ( E103 ) many working loads stress test of the isobutyraldehyde hydrogenate plant of Jilin Chemical Industry Co. its stress state is obtained .

  24. 结果表明,Mori-Tanaka方法在管束体积分数小于0.5的厚管板中具有较高的计算精度。以双管板作为细观力学方法在结构分析中的应用实例,建立起等效模型。

    The results show that , Mori-Tanaka method has high accuracy in thick tube sheet which the fiber volume fraction is less than 0.5.We used double-tube sheet as the application example of micromechanics in structural analysis , set up the equivalent model .

  25. 卧式固定管板换热器壳体的应力计算

    Stress calculation for the shells of horizontal fixed tubesheet heat exchangers

  26. 乙烯装置第二急冷锅炉的管板应力分析

    Tube sheet stress analysis of secondary quench exchanger for ethylene plant

  27. 高压甲铵冷凝器管板腐蚀原因分析及修理

    Corrosion Cause Analysis and Repair of the HP Carbamate Condenser Tubesheet

  28. 具有中间管板的换热设备&氨冷器的试制

    Trial-produce of Ammonia Cooler & Heat Exchanging Equipment with Middle Tubesheet

  29. 第一废热锅炉管板强度的有限元分析

    FEM Analysis on Tubesheet Strength of the Primary Waste Heat Boiler

  30. 重催油浆换热器管板开裂的应力腐蚀失效

    Stress corrosion failure on CCU tube-plate fracture of slurry heat exchanger