
  • 网络Managing Information Technology;information technology management
  1. 解决管理信息技术成本效益问题是首要的。

    Tackling the issue of managing information technology cost-effectively is a priority .

  2. 当代管理信息技术的最新进展&决策支持系统

    Current Development of Management Information Technology & Decision Support System

  3. 现代管理信息技术在工程项目群管理中的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Modern Management of Information Technology in Project Management Group

  4. 商业物流管理信息技术的研究与系统开发

    Study and Development of the Commercial Logistics Information Management , Technology and System

  5. 迈向信息时代的中国汽车工业管理信息技术应用

    Application of Management Information Technology in China 's Automobile Industry in IT AgeS

  6. 第三、提升资金集中管理信息技术水平,为企业集团资金集中管理提供技术上的保障。

    Third , enhancing the level of information technology of centralized funds management , we can provide technical protection of the centralized funds management .

  7. 采用备件管理信息技术强化采购管理采购文件由采购部签发,需严格按有关控制程序来维持。

    Application of spare-parts managing IT system to enhance management of procurement ; Purchasing documents are retained by the Purchasing Department as defined in the relevant procedures .

  8. 数字城市的空间信息技术主要有高分辨率的卫星遥感技术,卫星定位技术,城市综合功能地理信息系统技术和相关的管理信息技术。

    The digital urban space information technology mainly concludes high resolution of satellite remote sensing technology , satellite positioning technology , urban comprehensive function of GIS technology and relevant to management information system technology .

  9. 基于XML的电厂物资管理信息共享技术与实现

    Share technology of power plant 's material management information based on XML and its implementation

  10. 越来越多的企业采用ERP这种先进的集管理和信息技术于一体的管理理论,在实践中取得了良好的效果。

    More enterprises have adopted the advanced ERP theory , which combines management and information technology .

  11. 对矿山环境的监督与管理需要信息技术尤其是空间信息技术的支持,而GIS是目前应用最为广泛的空间信息处理系统。

    The monitoring and management to the environment of minefield require the information technology , particularly spatial information technology . GIS is used most popularly at present .

  12. TMN管理信息库技术的研究

    Study on the TMN Management Information Base

  13. CRM以客户为中心,把科学的管理与信息技术结合起来,实现客户、产品、市场、销售、服务协同工作统一管理。

    To combine the customer , product , marketing , sales , services , there need unify the science of management and information technology together .

  14. 我国蔬菜供应链管理中信息技术采用的障碍因素分析基于TOE(技术组织结构)模型的实证研究

    Analysis of the Constraints to IT Application in Vegetable Supply Chain Management in China & An Empirical Study on Models Based on TOE

  15. 正是这种基于Intranet的非结构化应用,推动了企业网络文化建设,促进了管理和信息技术的融合,并最终成功实施企业的信息化。

    The non-structured applications based on Intranet promote the building of enterprise network culture , the merger of management & IT , and the successful implementation of MRP ⅱ / ERP .

  16. 最后,通过对权利管理信息和技术措施进行研究来分析后TRIPS时期版权的技术保护问题。

    Finally , the technological protection in the post TRIPS period is analyzed on the base of the study of two technological methods : technological measures and information of rights management .

  17. 要有效地利用信息系统,企业需要了解与之密切相关的组织、管理和信息技术,充分认识并正确应对面临的问题。W公司是一家产品正在转型的车辆制造公司。

    In order to effectively use information system , the enterprise needs to understand what is closely related with the organization , management and information technology , fully understanding and correctly deal with the problems . W company is a vehicle manufacturing company that product is in transition .

  18. 信息安全管理与信息技术两者都是EMS企业保证信息安全的重要因素,它们有效结合的管控体系能够将信息安全威胁降到最低程度,最大化商业回报,提升企业的核心竞争力。

    Information security management and information technology is both EMS enterprises to ensure information security an important factor , they can be effectively combined control system of information security threats to the minimum , maximum commercial return , to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises .

  19. 探讨银行管理信息系统技术构架

    Discussing the technology structure of the information system of banking management

  20. 科研项目管理信息处理技术的研究

    A Study of Information Processing Technology of Scientific Research Project Management

  21. 企业管理信息集成技术在钢铁工业中的应用

    Application of business management information integrate technology to metallurgical enterprises

  22. 智能化管理信息处理技术的研究与发展

    Research and Development on Information Processing in Intelligent Management

  23. 服务于道路安全管理的信息技术研究

    An Overview of Information Technologies about Road Safety Management

  24. 澳大利亚的渔业管理与信息技术应用

    Management and the information application in Australian fisheries

  25. 知识管理在信息技术和组织绩效之间存在中介效应;

    There was a mediate effect of KM between IT skills and organizational performances .

  26. 关于计算机管理信息系统技术安全措施的探讨

    Study on Technical Safety Measures in the Development of Computer Management of Information System

  27. 配电网自动化和管理信息通道技术的研究与实践

    Research and practice of channel technology in distributive power net and management information system

  28. 符合企业管理和信息技术产品的组合时代。

    Conformed to the times of business management and information technology product of the combination .

  29. 铁路货运大客户管理信息系统技术架构及其管理体系的研究

    Studying the Technology Structure and the Management System of Railway Major Client Management Information System

  30. 渔业行政管理的信息技术基础

    Information Technical Base of Fishery Administration