
ɡuǎn lǐ jià ɡé
  • Manage prices;administered price
  1. 对于这些基本农产品、应使用适用的管理价格和有资格接受该价格的产量计算市场价格支持等值,在不可行的情况下,应使用维持生产者价格的预算支出计算。

    For those basic agricultural products , equivalent measurements of market price support shall be made using the applied administered price and the quantity of production eligible to receive that price or , where this is not practicable , on budgetary outlays used to maintain the producer price .

  2. 航空公司收入管理价格与舱位控制的统一分析

    Comprehensive analysis of pricing and seat inventory control in airline revenue management

  3. 考虑用户满意度的需求侧管理价格决策模型

    Price based decision making for demand side management considering customer satisfaction index

  4. 石油价格的持续上涨和剧烈波动迫切要求石油公司运用衍生金融工具管理价格风险。

    Continued wide and frequent oil price fluctuations require oil companies to employ financial derivatives for their price risk management .

  5. 国际石油公司运用衍生金融工具管理价格风险的主要做法包括衍生品交易与实货交易的一体化操作、对风险的定量化测算、对多种风险的战略性管理等。

    Practices by global oil companies include combining financial-derivative and physical-good transactions , quantitative risk measurement and strategic management of multiple risks .

  6. 在科技创新、品质管理价格体系、市场营销服务诸方面作了大量规范有效的科学新举措。

    On technological innovation , quality management , price system , and marketing and service , we have taken a large number of standard , effective , scientific and new measures .

  7. 首先,通过综合分析质物的流动性,物流企业的风险偏好及借款企业的资信水平等,提出在既定融资期内设定多风险窗口,动态设置初始保证金管理价格风险。

    Firstly , we take comprehensively account about the liquidity , the risk preference of logistics enterprises and the credit level of loan enterprises etc. , and then we put forward to set initial margin to manage price risk in the given window .

  8. 指责iea不该动用应急储备来管理原油价格有一定道理,但批评者应考虑事情的来龙去脉。

    Those chiding the IEA for using emergency supplies as a price management tool have a point but they should consider the context .

  9. 今年8月,和记电讯国际行政总裁吕博闻(dennislui)表示,该公司曾考虑过大量交易,但无法就“股权结构、管理和价格”达成一致。

    Dennis Lui , HTIL chief executive , said in August the company had looked at a number of deals but could not agree on " shareholding structure , management and price " .

  10. 物业管理与价格

    The Property Management and Price Making Principles

  11. 从短期来看,虽然企业存在成本、管理和价格等方面的优势,但是这些相对的优势不可能转化为长期的发展动力;

    The enterprise has advantages with respects to cost management and price in short run , however , they can not turn into long-term development momentum .

  12. 期货市场所具备的风险管理、价格发现及投资功能已为人们所认识。

    Ten years later , more and more investors have come to familiar with its economy functions such as risk management , price discovery and investment vehicle .

  13. 作为广大人民群众最基本的生活资料,猪肉的市场管理与价格波动关乎国计民生,影响全局。

    Pork , as the fundamental means of subsistence , the management and price fluctuation of which are much concerned with the stability of our country and the people .

  14. 本文从资源配置的角度指出资本市场最基本的五项功能,即转移资源、资金分割、风险管理、价格信号、激励机制。

    In the view of disposition of resource , the fundamental function of capital market is transferring resource , dividing money , risk management , price signal and incentive mechanism .

  15. 同时,立法上也对供应主体、政策支持、建设管理、价格标准、准入和退出机制、监督管理等诸多方面做出了比较明晰的规定。

    Meanwhile , on the supply of object , policy support , construction management , pricing standards , access and exit mechanisms , supervision and management , our government has made relatively clear rules .

  16. 通过对分销渠道价格竞争的内在成因和影响因素的研究,对生产企业如何看待、如何管理渠道价格具有现实的指导意义。

    The studying of origin cause of imformation and influence factor of price competition of the distribution channel have realistic directive significance for the manufacturing enterprise to how thinks about and manage the price of channel .

  17. 其它一些工具更适合于管理资产价格热潮:提高房地产及其它资产市场的杠杆成本,收紧贷款标准,以及提高资本和流动性要求等审慎的监管政策。

    There are other instruments better suited to managing asset price booms prudential regulatory policies to make leverage in housing and other asset markets more costly , tighten up lending standards and increase capital and liquidity requirements .

  18. 以丰富我国这个新兴资本市场在引入股指期货后,会对现有资本市场产生怎样的波动和对股指期货风险管理和价格研究进行展望性研究探讨,以寻求科学合理的波动性解释。

    To enrich the introduction of this emerging market stock index futures , capital market volatility , and the two functions of stock index futures and price risk management forward-looking research study to find the volatility of the scientific and rational explanation .

  19. 系统的实现为西南公司客户管理、价格信息管理和商务纠纷管理提供了重要的信息技术支持,取得了重要的实际应用成果,为化工产品销售企业信息化提供了重要的借鉴意义。

    The system provided an important technique support for PetroChina Southwest Company customer information management , price information management and business dispute management . The system has been proved successful in real applications , and has been a significant reference for other chemical sales companies .

  20. 豁免制度是适应我国现实需要的,我们应该对其进行明确合理的规定,并增加对知识产权限制竞争协议和行业协会自治管理的价格卡特尔的豁免。

    The exempt system is adapt to our reality , and we should definite it reasonably , to which we can add the following aspects , exempt about the intellectual property restrict competition agreement and the price cartel in the autonomous management of industrial association .

  21. 最后提出了MBO各参与者在定价模型和参数选择上存在较大分歧的解决方法与管理层收购价格的确定思路。

    Finally , I show the resolvent when participators are divergent in choosing models and parameters and the thought of MBO pricing .

  22. 最近产生的一些金融创新衍生工具(例如美元标价的MSCI台湾股票指数期货)使国际投资者管理外国股票价格风险更加的便利。

    Recently , a class of innovative derivative instruments ( such as MSCI Taiwan index ) has been created to facilitate foreign equity price risk management especially for international investors .

  23. tazreen火灾更应归咎为过分关注快速时尚、零库存管理和低价格的全球生产体系。

    The fire at tazreen is the fault more widely of a global production system dominated by the concerns of fast fashion , just-in-time inventory management and low prices .

  24. 广告是企业营销管理中非价格竞争策略的重要组成部分。

    Advertising is one of important non-price policies for enterprises .

  25. 酒店收益管理中客房价格策略的分析与应用

    Study on Revenue Management and Pricing Strategy in Hotel

  26. 供应商管理库存的价格效应研究

    The Price Effect Study of Vendor Managed Inventory

  27. 电力需求侧管理中的价格规制

    Electricity Pricing Regulation in Demand Side Management

  28. 项目管理中影子价格的作用

    Function of Shadow Price in Project Management

  29. 浅谈国际合同管理中的价格调整

    Price Adjustment in International Contract Management

  30. 通过对行为风险的分析,保险公司可以开展进一步的风险管理和调整价格。

    By the analyse of behaviour risk , insurer can manage risk better and adjust the premium rate .