
  • 网络deep well anode
  1. 深井阳极阴极保护技术相比较传统浅埋阳极技术,由于深井阳极远地点是沿其深度方向获得的,因此在低电阻率的深地层中可以获得沿金属构筑物更均匀的电流分布。

    Deep well anode cathodic protection technology compared to conventional shallow anode technology , due to the deep well anode bipropellant obtained along the depth , so in low resistivity of deep stratum along the metal structures can obtain more uniform current distribution .

  2. 深井阳极对储罐底板阴极保护的数值模拟

    Numerical Modeling of Deepwell Anode to Cathodic Protection of Bottom Plate of Tank

  3. 本文介绍了此类型管道的保护电流密度选取、深井阳极形式,绝缘处理方式及干扰解决办法。

    This paper introduces the selection of protection current density , type of deep groundbeds , insulation of pipeline .

  4. 根据热流体能量方程和阴极保护数学模型控制方程的相似性,建立了深井阳极对储罐底板阴极保护体系的数学模型。

    Based on the heat fluid energy equation and the cathodic protection mathematics model controlling equation , the tank bottom cathodic protection mathematics model of the deepwell anode is established .

  5. 腐蚀调查石化大型原油储罐存在内、外壁腐蚀已成为设备管理的隐患,通过采用新型深井阳极阴极保护技术,结合工程实践,取得良好的保护效果和维护设备安全运行的新经验。

    Corrosion has been a hidden trouble in equipment manage of petrochemical large crude oil tank . Gain some new experience in project application and equipment safety maintenance by adopt the new deep-well anode cathodic protection technology .

  6. 结果表明,深井阳极阴极保护对接地网不存在电压反击问题,也不影响接地网热稳定性;同时也满足变电站关于跨步电压和接触电压的安全要求。

    It is showed that the cathodic protection technology does not exist problem of voltage anti-shock to the grounding grid and affect the heat stability of the grounding grid . The secure requirement of step voltage and touch voltage of substation is also satisfied .

  7. 介绍了阳极串深井阳极的设计、选材和安装,深井阳极主要用于地表空间狭小或土壤电阻率高的场合下的阴极保护系统。

    The design , material selection and installation of anode-string deep well anode are introduced in the article . The deep well anode is mainly used in the cathodic protection system that is at a narrow surface or at the soil with a high resistivity .